HAIR REGIMEN VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE... yours up there? Just curious since I see so many ladies with hair reggie vids,wanted to know how many are my LHCF sisters:look::drunk:

ETA: Fotki is cool...but youtube,IMHO,takes the hair game to a whole new level :)

I had no idea you had a company! I am off to check it out now!
ME ME!! lol
I swear youtube is addicting! Once I made my first subscription there was no turning back! There are so many people to learn from! & I have quite a few tuts up myself...
My link is in my siggy <33
I'm on youtube as well, please come and visit! Not sure how to post links so just put in the name: Blackrose081 in the search box and I should pop up! Thanks!
Oh love this thread. I personally don't have any videos on youtube, but I'm subscribing to all your channels.

Oh and to this thread. Thanks Checkmate for this awesome thread.
ME ME!! lol
I swear youtube is addicting! Once I made my first subscription there was no turning back! There are so many people to learn from! & I have quite a few tuts up myself...
My link is in my siggy <33

OOOH! Your are fierce! LOL! just subbed
I am also a YouTuber (BDB254)... I posted a response vid to another natural girls hair regimen. I don't know if I will continue but definitely a good tool to exchange info thru. Alot of people are visual learners and also as far as products you can see exactly what the products look like.