Hair Questions people ask that make you crazy!!!


Well-Known Member
A co-worker of mine (caucasian, I am black) just asked me for like the millionth time if I do my hair every morning. I was speechless for a minute, then she said, "cause those updo's you wear look like they take a lot of time." I then understood what she meant. I told her that I "do" my hair 2-3 times a week and tie it up on the nights in between with a silk scarf. At first I was kind of mad, but then I understood that there are some "cultural" for lack of a better word, differences in how we "do" our hair. Some of my co-workers come to work with their hair wet, no product and to me, it looks a mess. But that's their thing. I see examples of this everyday. There is even a senior manager at my company who comes to work 3 days out of 5 with wet hair!:eek:

Another time, I wore a braidout and another co-worker (caucasian as well) said, "so that's how yall's hair really looks!" I was like WTH!

What about you?
"Why do you wash your hair so much? I only wash mine twice a year." - black co-worker

"Black people style their own hair?? I thought you all had to go to the salon." - random white girl in one of my classes.
'Can you wash your hair when it's like that?' They mean braided. WTW? :eek:
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BabyImaStarr said:
"Why do you wash your hair so much? I only wash mine twice a year." - black co-worker

"Black people style their own hair?? I thought you all had to go to the salon." - random white girl in one of my classes.
1- When are you getting a relaxer?
2- Why do you wash your hair so much (your not a white girl)?- meanwhile everyone that has saw my hair has noted it has grown since I started washing so much
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sareca said:
'Can you wash your when it's like that?' They mean braided. WTW? :eek:

I hear this all the time aswell.
when are you going to take those braids out.
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1-Did you cut your hair? I will give someone the :evil: eye when they ask me this.

2-Why do you wash your hair so much?
sareca said:
'Can you wash your when it's like that?' They mean braided. WTW? :eek:

What is with this question? I get this all the time about my daughter when her hair is braided or in twists.
Here are my favorites:

Is that a weave? or Who does your weave?
Why do you wear a bun all the time?
Why do you wash your hair so much?
Why do you want long hair?
I wish I knew ya'll. :mad: I also get "Oh I love your dreads." When my hair is braided with kinky twist hair. What about these big ol' BRAIDS looks like dreads?

People will ask me how I get my hair to go from so curly/wavy to straight. (I guess they don’t know how to use a hot comb)
And then (black) people will ask me what I did to my hair to get it like that (after a normal braid-out?)

I honestly think some black people done know what natural black hair can look like, they are so used to relaxing their hair.

The worst thing to me is once at work a blond white girl tells me she likes my hair because it doesn’t look like a brillo pad like most black people..:mad:
This jus stuck me in the WRONG way, even tho it was a compliment.
Qetesh said:
People will ask me how I get my hair to go from so curly/wavy to straight. (I guess they don’t know how to use a hot comb)
And then (black) people will ask me what I did to my hair to get it like that (after a normal braid-out?)

I honestly think some black people done know what natural black hair can look like, they are so used to relaxing their hair.

The worst thing to me is once at work a blond white girl tells me she likes my hair because it doesn’t look like a brillo pad like most black people..:mad:
This jus stuck me in the WRONG way, even tho it was a compliment.

WHOA! That struck me wrong too!:mad:

singing "you are not alone" in my best Michael Jackson voice!
HAHAHA...:lachen: LORDLY MY GOODNESS .. this is what im talking about....

when people dont know how to take care of their hair... (black people that ask this) and white peoople who have your ideals about OUR hair....:lachen:
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Top 5

Didn't you just wash your hair yesterday? (on my daily washing)

That's for white girls hair, why are you using it? (on me using "non-ethnic" hair products)

Do you really think nappy hair is coming back? (on my decision to transition)

How do you not us shampoo? (on my co washing)

Do you really think YOUR hair can grow that long? (on my looking and commenting on pics of inspirations)
"Is that all your hair"
"Are u mixed"
" What do u do to get your hair that long" (then their eyes glaze over and they start to fidget when I try to explain my regimen)
"Why do you wear your hair up so much"?

"That's a weave...isn't it?" (looking like they want to jump me and search for tracks :eek:)

"Why don't other black girls take care of their hair and make it look nice the way you do?" :mad: (this one from a white male coworker...I wanted to kick him!)
When I wore braids it used to make me crazy when people at work would ask me "How long did it take to do?" and "Do you wash your hair when it's like that?"

Another co-worker (white) asked me if I relaxed my hair..:perplexed I was about 9 weeks post so you could see the new growth. I explained to him that I did relax my hair. He said "Isn't it really damaging to your hair?" And I'm like :ohwell: . Why am I having this conversation? So anyway, I told him that the goal is to do it 3-4 times a year so as to prevent major damage.... The conversation went on y'all :eek: ... i guess he was VERY curious. I was a little annoyed.
This is what one of my white "friends" asked me one day. "Why do all colored people have short hair? It looks ugly. Don't grow your hair out because you'll look weird."

She said that she chose the word "colored" because she didn't want to be offensive and say "black." WTF?!
Ebonygurl00 said:
This is what one of my white "friends" asked me one day. "Why do all colored people have short hair? It looks ugly. Don't grow your hair out because you'll look weird."

She said that she chose the word "colored" because she didn't want to be offensive and say "black." WTF?!
The word colored does not offend me, but the rest of the statements do. Where is she from, the hollars of Kentucky, or something?
Nymphe said:
The word colored does not offend me, but the rest of the statements do. Where is she from, the hollars of Kentucky, or something?

LOL, she's from California. The whole statement offended me, too, but I thought it was stupid the way she would say that she didn't want to offend me, so she said "colored."
Hair Iam said:
:nono: :nono: :crazy: :crazy: :shocked: :shocked: things that make you go ummmm :scratchch

This reminds me of another question one of my friends asked me. She said, "Why do you all have to wear braids/fake hair? Just learn to grow some damn hair." I almost socked her in the mouth, but we were at school.
Ebonygurl00 said:
This is what one of my white "friends" asked me one day. "Why do all colored people have short hair? It looks ugly. Don't grow your hair out because you'll look weird."

She said that she chose the word "colored" because she didn't want to be offensive and say "black." WTF?!

this statement is completly offensive.

first she is going to tell u all black hair is ugly because its short, then she is going to say not to grow your hair out because you will look wierd something is wrong with her. :mad:
Qetesh said:
this statement is completly offensive.

first she is going to tell u all black hair is ugly because its short, then she is going to say not to grow your hair out because you will look wierd something is wrong with her. :mad:

Exactly! I was like WTH?! My whole group of friends from my H.S. were so offensive and racist, I wouldn't even tell you all what they would say. I'm glad that my group of best friends aren't like that. They encourage me so much!
"Do you put bacon grease in your hair? If so that is soooo growdee" -This is what some white girl said to me in middle school growdee was slang for nasty

:mad: :mad: :mad: