Hair Questions people ask that make you crazy!!!

Fran said:
When I wore braids it used to make me crazy when people at work would ask me "How long did it take to do?" and "Do you wash your hair when it's like that?"

Another co-worker (white) asked me if I relaxed my hair..:perplexed I was about 9 weeks post so you could see the new growth. I explained to him that I did relax my hair. He said "Isn't it really damaging to your hair?" And I'm like :ohwell: . Why am I having this conversation? So anyway, I told him that the goal is to do it 3-4 times a year so as to prevent major damage.... The conversation went on y'all :eek: ... i guess he was VERY curious. I was a little annoyed.

Maybe he was trying to flirt with you ;) by impressing you about his understanding" of black HAIRCARE!
Maybe it's me but I don't get into debt about my regimen with other people. I think I would just be setting my self up for weird/annoying questions so I save their time and mines. The only person who knows my reggie is my sis and my SO.

But here are my most common questions:

"Girl you got mass newgrowth, Are you going natural"-Like just because I actually don't relax every 3-4 weeks I must be wanting to go natural.

"Why don't you wear your hair down"- I be wanting to say SO IT DON"T LOOK LIKE YOURS!
When I went to Walgreens to buy the Hello Hydration the cashier took a look at the bottle, then looked at me, and asked my why was I buying it and that they had products for coarse hair-----white lady of course

-Agreeing with the, did you cut hair?
-What does a relaxer feel a trip to the moon, I guess I dont get it
-Dont you have to use a hot comb to get your hair straight?
-Do you think your hair can really grow?
-What kind of rag do you wear on your head to sleep? Last time I heard, a rag was something I used to doing house cleaning with.
MizaniMami said:
Maybe it's me but I don't get into debt about my regimen with other people. I think I would just be setting my self up for weird/annoying questions so I save their time and mines. The only person who knows my reggie is my sis and my SO.

But here are my most common questions:

"Girl you got mass newgrowth, Are you going natural"-Like just because I actually don't relax every 3-4 weeks I must be wanting to go natural.

"Why don't you wear your hair down"- I be wanting to say SO IT DON"T LOOK LIKE YOURS!

:lachen: :lachen: I know that's right:lol: You just wanna tell them like it is:yep: A co worker of mine told me I need to press my hair some more because it wasn't straight enough...Yeah right so I can look like you wit a raggly quick weave and hair so thin and bald that it barely covers up the quick weave? I THINK NOT!!!
SweetAKA said:
When I went to Walgreens to buy the Hello Hydration the cashier took a look at the bottle, then looked at me, and asked my why was I buying it and that they had products for coarse hair-----white lady of course

-Agreeing with the, did you cut hair?
-What does a relaxer feel a trip to the moon, I guess I dont get it
-Dont you have to use a hot comb to get your hair straight?
-Do you think your hair can really grow?
-What kind of rag do you wear on your head to sleep? Last time I heard, a rag was something I used to doing house cleaning with.

Your hair is so pretty and thick!

I get:

"Is that your hair?" then "Are you sure?" And I've actually gotten that from people who know me well.:cool:

"What's the name of your stylist?" (me, ha!)

I have a question. Did any of you ask the same questions posted to people (not random individuals but people who you were close to) before LHCF?

***I did. There was a Afro-Nicaraguan lady who was a family friend and she always wore her hair braided and bunned. One day, she let her hair down, and it was waist-length. I thought her hair was gorgeous, so I asked her why she didn't wear her hair down. I was not hating or anything, but I imagined that if I had hair that length I would wear it down. Now, I know better,but...
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MizaniMami said:
"Why don't you wear your hair down"- I be wanting to say SO IT DON"T LOOK LIKE YOURS!

I get asked this question a lot. I rarely wear my hair out and when I do, everyone makes such a big deal about it. It's just hair. :ohwell:

I swear I got the most ignorant questions when I was natural, mostly from black people. They wanted to know if I had "Indian" or "Puerto Rican" in my family. :nono:
SilkyandSmooth said:
I get asked this question a lot. I rarely wear my hair out and when I do, everyone makes such a big deal about it. It's just hair. :ohwell:

I swear I got the most ignorant questions when I was natural, mostly from black people. They wanted to know if I had "Indian" or "Puerto Rican" in my family. :nono:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Isn't that sad yet funny at the same time!
SilkyandSmooth said:
I get asked this question a lot. I rarely wear my hair out and when I do, everyone makes such a big deal about it. It's just hair. :ohwell:

I swear I got the most ignorant questions when I was natural, mostly from black people. They wanted to know if I had "Indian" or "Puerto Rican" in my family. :nono:

Lol, black folk, gotta love em':lol:

People used to be like "You and yo sister got good hurr." I would laugh and tell them " No babe, I got that good Mizani relaxer!":lachen:
BabyImaStarr said:
"Why do you wash your hair so much? I only wash mine twice a year." - black co-worker

"Black people style their own hair?? I thought you all had to go to the salon." - random white girl in one of my classes.
She must have the nastiest head in the world.

"Do you really like your hair like that?" -My darling sister, in response to my newly natural hair.
lauren450 said:
Your hair is so pretty and thick!

I get:

"Is that your hair?" then "Are you sure?" And I've actually gotten that from people who know me well.:cool:

"What's the name of your stylist?" (me, ha!)


Thanks Lauren, your hair is beautiful...I really liked the curly look. I hope mine grows like yours; just beautiful.
Yeah, it's kinda sad that people think black people can't have long hair.

But I get the questions, "You need to take your braids out."

To the braid wearers: How have your co-workers reacted to your braids? Is it to African for them or do you think they could prevent you from getting a job at some places?:confused:
lauren450 said:
Your hair is so pretty and thick!

I get:

"Is that your hair?" then "Are you sure?" And I've actually gotten that from people who know me well.:cool:

"What's the name of your stylist?" (me, ha!)


Oh my goodness Lauren. Your hair is phenomenal! Did you go from SL to mid-back in 1 year?! :eek:
1) Why do you wash your hair so much?
2) Why do you use conditioner every time you wash, it takes up to much time?
3)Why don't you just buy hair?- I really hate this one
gymfreak336 said:
1) Why do you wash your hair so much?
2) Why do you use conditioner every time you wash, it takes up to much time?
3)Why don't you just buy hair?- I really hate this one

Why wouldn't someone use conditioner? :eek: Now that is something I've never heard.
chica_canella said:
Yeah, it's kinda sad that people think black people can't have long hair.

But I get the questions, "You need to take your braids out."

To the braid wearers: How have your co-workers reacted to your braids? Is it to African for them or do you think they could prevent you from getting a job at some places?:confused:

White co-workers usually ask....OOOH how long did they take? How long do they last...etc. None of them ever says...oh I really like your braids. Every now and then someone will say "they look interesting." I'm not an idiot. I know that means that they really dont like them and for lack of anything else to say they say its interesting. I'm nervous to get braids again b/c of people's reactions, but they dont have to live with this hair....I do. So I'ma keep rocking my braids to help me reach my goal.

Oh and to answer your question....No. I dont think it would/should prevent you from getting a job. As long as they aren't too big, crusty around the edges or excessively frizzy, you should be good to go!!
The company I work for has "management training" where they are strongly encouraged to compliment natural black hair (including braids). Oddly enough, I think it made them afraid to say anything positive about straightened black hair. Anyway, braids and wash & wear got lots of compliments esp. from management.
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One time a white lady asked if she could touch my hair! I was somewhat shocked and didn't know what to say. I had braids in my hair at the time. Then she went on and on about how long did it take to get done, how do you care for them, etc. Trust me my temperature was boiling the whole time ( i was very young at this time), but I smiled and took it, because at the time I was at work (a bank).

Why do some people have the audacity to ask personal questions like this? Sometimes I wonder if I asked them - Did you think about this question long enough before you asked me? (just to let them know it is not OK!!!)

Anyway maybe she was curious, who knows...
EMJazzy said:
I get asked that exact same question ALL THE TIME....I have given up explaining. :mad:

Just tell them they wouldn't ask you crazy questions for taking baths everyday, why should hair/scalp be any different?
BabyImaStarr said:
"Why do you wash your hair so much? I only wash mine twice a year." - black co-worker

"Black people style their own hair?? I thought you all had to go to the salon." - random white girl in one of my classes.

ok the first one had me rolling on the floor laughing!! that's funny
the second one is just plain insulting. what the hell does she know?
B_Phlyy said:
Why wouldn't someone use conditioner? :eek: Now that is something I've never heard.

She says that she only conditions here weave hair when gets her tracks done because its very expensive and she wants to preserve her investment :eek: I know right
-why do you wash your hair so much? don't you know that's gonna keep it from growing?
-when are you gonna stop wasting your time and money on those hair books? just save your money and buy weave with it.
-Did you cut your hair? (i get this one so much when i use my carusos or rollersets)
-when are you getting a perm?
-what do you put in your hair to make it so thick and shiny? (thickness is natural, shine is from daily moisturizer)
-when you gonna put that weave back on? cause it looked hella sexy on you (because i hate weaves, it was a one time thing and it itched like crazy)

i could go on but i'm gonna stop
Fran said:
When I wore braids it used to make me crazy when people at work would ask me "How long did it take to do?" and "Do you wash your hair when it's like that?"

That's the one I get A LOT when I wear micros or braids to work :ohwell:
-ooooh, can I touch it?
- I never knew that black people's hair was soft!-chick in the military when I was still in
-Is that a weave or a wig? Lift up your wig so I can see your little hairs!!!!:eek: NO LIE! I went straight to HR! Almost got written up for jumping across my desk into her face!
-Why is it that when I look in black magazines they always have ads about growing back your hair? Are all black women really bald?

2 months ago I got some dreads done with extensions and a black chick at my job said "Why would you want those? I'm not into that nappy hair look. I'm not into all that earthy stuff, eating nuts and drinking berry juice" I had to laugh!:lachen: :lachen: She was just ignant!!!
I could go on but I don't want to take up the whole thread. Just pray for me ya'll!
SilkyandSmooth said:
I swear I got the most ignorant questions when I was natural, mostly from black people. They wanted to know if I had "Indian" or "Puerto Rican" in my family. :nono:

LOL! You got me laughing.

I get asked:

"Is all that yours?"

"Why are you always doing stuff to your hair?"

"Why do you want to grow your hair out for?"

"Girl look at your roots, you need a perm!"
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^^^I got asked the same question today and i have gotten it all my LIFE!!!
some (black) guy asks “what ethnicity are you?”
Me “black like you”
Him “well I know that but your hair looks mixed with something”
Me “?? Not really”
Changes subject

Its like black people are not allowed to have midback length hair, I seriously think more black women need to go natural and start taking care of their hair.
Qetesh said:
^^^I got asked the same question today and i have gotten it all my LIFE!!!
some (black) guy asks “what ethnicity are you?”
Me “black like you”
Him “well I know that but your hair looks mixed with something”
Me “?? Not really”
Changes subject

Its like black people are not allowed to have midback length hair, I seriously think more black women need to go natural and start taking care of their hair.

no honey as long as they got that hair laying down bone straight and it can be put into a little bitts pony tail they aitn gonna do it.. nope not never.. all they want is that hair so straight i looks like i mite break and even if its raggy and need a cut they gonna keep that hair..hahhhaa...:lachen: