
New Member
A word of advice for those of you who are having some frustrations about the growth, or lack there of, of your hair. A lot of you wonder why some of our member's hair is responding so well to biotin and other supplements and your's is not. Well the culprit may be that your body is not producing enough digestive enzymes to break up and absorb the supplements efficiently.

They sell digestive enzymes in vitamin shops. Another good thing is to detox your body at least every six months. A detox cleans impurities from your body. These interfer with your body's immune system among other things.
Just go the vitaminshoppe for one. They sell excellent detox products, including some in tea form which are quite good. I know I tend to drink them a lot in the winter. The brand I use is Daily Detox Original by Houston Enterprises. You simply steep the bags in hot water just like regular tea and add honey or some other sweetener if you want. They also have this brand in capsule form. I will take the capsule form when I travel. I find it easier.
I think country life makes a detox tea also.

There is an excellent product but it is on the expensive side and must be used with a companion product. They both are sold together in a dual pax. It's called clean out dual pax detox. These products are used for 2 weeks I think, but they really flush your system out. I used this at the beginning and then just used the teas every 3 months after that. If you wait 6 months or more I suggest you used the detox dual pax again and then maintain by using the teas every 3 months. You would be surprised about the amount of impurities (even metals) our bodies are collecting everyday. Through the air, the water, through utensils we cook with, etc.
Thanks edie. I was just there looking at those products yesterday. I'm thinking that I will go read a book on detoxing your body first to find out what all is involved. Do to being lactose intolerant I take lactase in order to help digest dairy products. However, I would to try some type of detoxing system once a month .. I'll be looking into that. (I do get growth with my vits on a regular but wnat to see if detoxing will increase it)
A detox is very beneficial for the body. I will try to do one every three months, but I always forget. It is usually six months. So I do the dual pax, then drink the tea for a month. Remember the impurities will always keep coming back. Unfortunately we cannot escape them. Think of detox like cleaning your system of all the clutter that's just getting in the way of your body performing at it's optimum level. Look for a product that detox's the whole body not just part of the body like the liver or kidneys.

And don't forget the digestive enzymes. Take those when you eat and when you take your supplements. Better absorption of both.
You can do a detox by diet, but I find the most convenient is to use the ones offered in the health store. They are just natural ingredients in pill or tea form. Just like the natural ingredients that you consume under the detox diet. It's up to you to choose what method you use. As far enzymes are concerned, I advise to use those also and continue to use them regularly. What good does it do a detox diet if your system is not digesting properly. And that is all digestive enzymes do. They break down the food and supplements that you eat so that the nutrients are absorbed better.
Both are important. You can do a detox every 3 months, the enzymes should be taken every day. I do not mean to be gross, but have you ever had a bowel movement and saw some of the food that you had eaten earlier imbedded in the stool. The food was not broken down properly. The nutrients of that food went down the toilet so to speak.
Wow! Not to be gross either but I have noticed the bowel movement thing with corn! Gross but true.
I am going to order some right now! Thanks ladies!
Is it okay to detox and take my hair vitamins at the same time, or would it best to wait until after I detox? Also, should I stop taking my vitamins until I detrox?
Thanks for the reminder, Edie. I just went and purchased some digestive enzymes from GNC and those tablets are HUGE! I was wondering, though, would it be sufficient enough to take the digestive enzymes only after big meals (like if I'm going out to eat) instead of after every meal? I know I'll definately need them during Thanksgiving week...

In addition to wanting my vitamins to obsorb better into my system, I get serious cramps and....gas when I eat foods that are high in protein, which is what I to boost my growth. Enough rambling here...Edie [or anyone else] if you've taken digestive enzymes have you noticed the benefits (like faster nail/hair growth, less gas, etc) and how long did it take?
MSM has detoxifying properties as well. Great cleaner. Said to prevent fetid matter from clinging to the intestinal walls. That is about as much as I can handle. But I would be happy to hear the results from others. Bonjour.
Thanks for the info Edie, and others. I was just wondering, is a "dieter's tea" considered a detox? My reason for asking is because when I'm really "gung ho" about losing weight, I would use one each night and trust me, it would clean me out. I would only eat fresh veggies and some fruit, and drink the tea about 9 each night. The next morning, I would be running to the bathroom. However, I felt good, my skin was so nice, and when I noticed a better result from the veggies after while. I think that's where the skin, hair, and nails got the benefits. I don't know if I should have, but I did take vitamins too because without them I might not have gotten in needed vitamins. I was doing this everyday for over 2 or 3 months. I was very thin when all was said and done.
I just bought some HCL to add in digestion. I have been taking one tablet after every meal. Before I used to have a lot of gas and stuff after eating regular non gassy food and now all of that is gone. Sometimes the stomach just needs a little help.
"The Detox Diet" form Dr. Haas is a good book to start with.

Ballet Bun ...
I don't know if they are the same thing or not. The one that I use clearly says detox on the front. I take my supplements while doing the detox. Remember even though the detox has a cleaning effect on your system, your body is basically an engine and will still try to absorb or burn off nutrients (vitamins/food). The only difference is that the harmful products are being cleansed out of your system. The beneficial ones will simply move through your system faster but your system will still absorb some of them. I just try to make sure that I am eating healthy. Lots of salad, vegetables, chicken, fruit. I do not do red meat while I detox. That is why I never detox when I am on my monthly. I lose iron and during that time, I will usually have a half pound steak medium rare to help build my blood.

The digestive enzymes that I take are vitaminshoppe brand, they are cheap, (3 per meal) but they do work. After a couple of weeks after using the enzymes, your energy level should go up because your body is using the food and supplements more efficiently.
regardless if that's the problem or not, u should consult your physician b4 taking ANY supplement (even a multi-vitamin) b/c it could u could have bad reactions, even if the supplement is considered good by others...if u went 2 your doctor about it, i would think that they would b able 2 tell u whether u should bother taking it @ all, and also y u r having bad results.
Hey Edie, Thanks for the tip on the detox tea. I was looking for a way to detox without fasting and juicing. I went to the vitamin shoppe and got the brand you suggested. I drank my first cup Friday night. I will do it for the entire 30 days. I usually only detox once a year but I am gonna start doing it more often so the tea is perfect. Thanks again!
I noticed you mentioned you were using a dieter's tea
. I just started "Luci Le Beau, Super Dieter's tea". I am also limiting my carbs and eating lots of veggies, chicken and fish. However, I am also running to the bathroom each morning
. Is this a sign the tea is working???How long before you saw results?? I may have tried every diet there is....
Just asking??