Hair Inspiration from a 3 yr old :)


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to post a couple of hair pictures of my 3 yr old's hair . Looks like she has reached hip length . I tried to get more /better pictures but she wasnt having it LOL.... She is hair inspiration for me . :)


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Gorgeous hair! :lovedrool:

Her stance made me chuckle. Just from how she's slouched over, I can tell your dd was TOO through with taking pictures. :lol:
Thanks Ladies ! For those asking about her regimen, I wash and deep condition weekly . She stays in simple box braids or twists for the week. Sometimes I will do a couple of ponytails or a high bun . I usually mist her hair with water daily or every couple of days and use condtioner as a moisturizer . I dont manipulate much at all and I detangle on wash days .
I live her hair! And that shrinkage!!!!!! Afro hair is so beautiful and mysterious

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Wow so thick, lush and long and only three years old! What a beautiful head of hair! You're doing a fantastic job mommy!
love that regimen! My cousin's wife used to wash and braid their daughter's hair once a week. I doubt she moisturized at all and the girl had hair past her shoulders.

Unfortunately she lost it when she became a teen ( I guess doing her own hair) and started wearing weaves.