Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

My hair was dry, dry. I know I need to clarify but that's not an option while I'm still in these twists. I just heavily moisturized and sealed and it feels much better. Every time I'm tempted to flat iron I back out. I just want to retainnnn.....

Diet has been better. I'm getting the hang of it. I recently got sick and my meds made me gain water or something which threw me off. I've also been emotionally and spiritually going through. I'm doing better though so I expect to see progress before the year is out.
Hi Ladies-

I haven't been on this thread in awhile, but I've been working out regularly. I just finished 12 weeks of Body Beast on Saturday and I'm taking this week as a rest week. :smile:

I got my hair flat ironed on Thursday and I had ~inch trimmed. With all the trims I've done this year my hair is pretty much the same length now as it was in January, but I probably only have 2-3 inches of bonelaxed ends left. On the one hand I'm sad not to have length progress, but the straight ends are super tangly so I'm glad they're going.


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Hey ladies. I hope all is well with everyone. I got a trim this weekend along with my blowout. I haven't weighed in a few days, but I can feel myself getting thinner. My insane cravings pretty much went away overnight. We have candy all over this house (Halloween is coming) and I have no desire to eat it.

With only 2 months remaining in the year I have decided to bring it :yep: I want whiter teeth, a smaller waist, and I want to retain an inch of hair growth. My current weight is the same as my starting weight (162) and that is no bueno :nono:

I refuse to wait for the new year to get my life together :lol: Let's finish strong and try really hard to meet our weight and hair goals. We can do this :yay:

Eta pic from today. I will do an update in November and December


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GettingKinky I am in the same boat with my last trim. I only grew 3 inches this year and she trimmed 1.5 inches. My hair is only slightly longer than it was in January. On the bright side I got rid of most of my heat damaged ends and my hair seems thicker
hmm, seems that I have been mia since July :nono: That's probably around the time I started stuffing my face and I didn't want to leave any evidence :lol:

I started preparing to go to France in August and I was fat then. I was fat France and then even fatter when I got back :nono: I saw those pictures and swore I wouldn't take any more fat pictures for 2014. For August and September I ate, ate, ate and didn't do a bit of exercise. :nono:

I started the Fast Metabolism Diet at the end of September. I refused to weigh in so I estimated my weight at 155. Based on the pictures I was way over that. I finished my first round of 28 days yesterday at 149. This system works for me and gives me a really great foundation to build with. I'm continuing to do all 3 phases a week at a time to try to get down to 145.

My hair is doing better. Last year this time I had a setback when I went to get a rollerset. They shredded my ends while detangling and it has taken me a year to recover. I've been doing search and destroys every wash day and any time my hair is lose to try to get rid of all of the splits without cutting my hair back to 2". :spinning: I am finally getting to a point where the splits aren't massive.

Friday I did a dusting with my SplitEnder and did a protein treatment last night. I've been doing the MHM method for maybe three months, not really sure. That has improved my moisture issues. With all of the trimming I have done this year the best I can hope for in December is NL. But not sure if I will even get that because I had such major damage in the back.

Nevertheless, I am glad to have solid regimens for my weight loss and my hair and that I am at a good starting point with both to move into 2015. After my back recovers I will kick in the exercise to increase the weight loss and tone up.

Unfortunately I'm still going to one of my various doctors every week or every other week. They still haven't figured out why my blood counts are off. I would love to be done with that issue by the end of 2014 as well :yep:

Let's finish this year off strong ladies.
Loving all the check ins. I'm 1 pound over my 3 pound maintenance weight after a busy weekend so I'll do my usual pilates, cardio, and eat my usual meals instead of margaritas and ice cream. I should be fine by the end of the week.
Bunnyhaslonghair I have been brushing with baking soda. I gargle with 1 part peroxide and 1 part mouthwash. I am a big tea/coffee fan so I have to stay on top of my smile lol. I used to drink red wine too, but I gave up drinking all together. I don't need those extra calories and I am so over hangovers :yep:
My back is getting a little better every day. Last night I walked 2 miles. I want to take it easy for right now. Then I did a few yoga stretches. It's tightest in the morning which is when I should do yoga but that is a work in progress. I can't seem to fall asleep at night so I have a hard time waking up early in the morning.

Tomorrow is my official weigh day and I'm excited. I had to talk myself out of having those almonds last night. Could have possibly thrown off my progress. But it looks like I may be close to 14?, ... I'm not going to say it out loud. Don't want to jinx it :lol:

I'm spritzing and baggying at night and sometimes using my heat cap. My hair is staying moisturized for at least a good 4 days if not longer. I'm supposed to wash on Thursday but just not feeling it :nono: It looks like it will probably be Sunday.
I had a date night with Dh last night (dinner and movie). I over ate a bit, but I will burn those calories today. I am only doing low intensity workouts while my hair is blown out. I haven't set a weekly weigh in day yet, but Wednesday seems like a good day...or Monday.
Yay this thread is alive again :smile:

I'm trying to lose a little weight before Thanksgiving so that I can eat what I want that day. But I'm having an extremely hard time getting below 135. I thought adding Insanity to my weight lifting would help, but my body is refusing to drop any more pounds. I may have to behave myself on turkey day.
I'm having some of the best hair days of my life. I've been fully natural for over 4 years but I'm just now getting to a point where I enjoy wearing my hair out. This is making me kick myself for cutting 2 years ago because I could be enjoying whatever length my hair would have been 2 years past hip length. Oh well. I guess I'll find out... 3 years from now.
We are actually doing Thanksgiving at our house this year, so I want to look good. My family likes taking pics :blush: and they always end up on social media. I know my hair is going to be on point. Just gotta work on this body. 1 week of no drinking at all and I haven't lost a lb yet. Im starting to think getting my tubes tied seriously screwed up my metabolism/hormones
I'm having some of the best hair days of my life. I've been fully natural for over 4 years but I'm just now getting to a point where I enjoy wearing my hair out. This is making me kick myself for cutting 2 years ago because I could be enjoying whatever length my hair would have been 2 years past hip length. Oh well. I guess I'll find out... 3 years from now.

Don't look back. Just enjoy the best hair days ever :yep: In 3 years you may be bored with the whole thing and leave us :sad:
Wednesday and Thursday are phase 2 of FMD, so I decided to not bring lunch but pick up a chicken breast with a side of broccolli from Arby's. But they put that luscious zucchini muffin on the side. As soon as I opened it I could smell it and it was calling my name.

I refused to throw it away. That would have made me cry. So I walked around the office offering it to people until I found a taker. :sad:

I've worked to hard on this diet to lose my progress over a zucchini muffin.
faithVA tell me more about this muffin lol...

I just finished a bag of baby carrots. The kids love em too so a bag only lasts a couple days. I had sliced cucumbers too. Still hungry... I should probably start dinner
[USER=406999 said:
Prettymetty[/USER];20717127]faithVA tell me more about this muffin lol...

I just finished a bag of baby carrots. The kids love em too so a bag only lasts a couple days. I had sliced cucumbers too. Still hungry... I should probably start dinner

I love them :lol: They are nice size squares of moist deliciousness. They are fairly sweet so its more like a piece of cake. I'm sure its 400 calories of sugar. And I don't taste a bit of zucchini. But if you have every had zucchini bread, it is a moister, more delicious version. :lick:

And when I finish I'm just gonna want so mo :lol:
We still have 2 months to reach our hair and weight goals. Lets keep going strong ladies!!

I can probably drop 10lbs or so before the end of the year. I will be back next year to get the rest off :yep:
I bought a bunch of fruit and veggies today to make smoothies. I still haven't used my new blender... I am going to make a cranberry, carrot, pineapple smoothie and I might throw some kale in there too. I got stevia to sweeten with :grin:
I have been hungry all day. Jeez. Hopefully this is a sign of my metabolism speeding up. I drink water and hot tea between meals, but that does nothing :lol:

Dinner will be ready in a few. I am baking swai fillets with brown rice and steamed garlic veggies :lick:
I have lost 1lb since Oct 21st. I guess that isn't too bad. I was hoping for a lb a week, but I will take any weight loss right now :yep:
Starting November at 146.4. Going to stick with the FMD diet until I reach 143 or 142 and then go into maintenance mode.

I looked at my hair tonight and it looks like I can claim NL at the end of December. Only my crown should be EL.