Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

My stylist did it. It only took her 15-20 minutes. Even if I spent all day I couldn't do this. But she used tons of heat. She uses a hot comb on the roots and she gets it a little too straight, but it doesn't revert until I wash it. I'm texlaxed not natural.

Here's the before and after picture.


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My scale finally moved and I'm down another 2 lbs. Woke up early this morning to eat a good breakfast and to walk the 4 miles to work. I'm in training this week so it's a straight shot from home. I'm keeping up with the challenges and there is some slight definition in my triceps- those triceps dips are killer, but worth it. Have a great week everyone!
How's it going ladies?

I just reached the halfway point of body beast 6 more weeks to go. I can definitely lift more weight than I could when I started, but I have also gained a few (3) pounds. I hope it's mostly muscle.

I'm thinking of chopping of the last 3 inches of bonelaxed ends at the end of the year. I'll see how I feel when December rolls around.
Hey GettingKinky!

It's going well. Just got back from a 10 day vacation. I did cardio and weights 4 of those days, ate at least one salad a day, and only gained a pound.

I'm sitting here eating cereal with almond milk and have conditioner soaking on my hair from last night. I'm going to rinse and then do my blogilates. I missed it!

Because I'm at 126 pounds and 125 is my goal I'm going to try a new routine of 30 minutes of blogilates every day and 30-45 minutes of cardio every other day. Hopefully this allows me to maintain my weight while staying strong and active.

After blogilates I'm going to stock up on my vegetables for my juice. That's what I missed the most about being on vacation, not having two fresh glasses a day.

I went to visit my boyfriend in Miami. He works there so while he was at work I was on the beach, or shopping, or exploring. I can't wait to go back. Hopefully it won't be as hot.
I'm still in it to win it, though I've had some weight setbacks.:ohwell: still pressing on.

hair is doing well, but I don't know for sure how to proceed with my hair. Wearing it natural is not always cute on me because I'm style challenged. I feel like I look like a little girl...and I'm not one to walk around with a fly as it may be!

I'm considering routes like Alicia James regularly blow drying. Ive also been looking into Reneice's flat iron techniques. Im not sure I necessarily want to be a straight-haired natural. I just don't know where to go from here.
I didn't overeat today...or yesterday. I even resisted the urge to indulge in all the free desserts at work. That us willpower, because im getting ready to start my cycle and I said no to chocolate! I think the energy drinks I took for work helped curb my appetite. I had Rockstar yesterday and Venom today. It's an expensive habit (energy drinks), but if it helps me eat less/lose weight I am good :)

Those have sugar in careful
Those have sugar in careful

I only drink the sugar free energy drinks. Sugar substitute is bad too, but at least there are no calories :)

Oan yesterday was my son's first bday so I had Chuckecheese pizza, salad, a slice of cookie cake and vanilla ice cream. That was my free day for the week. Today I am making bean soup and brown rice. I have to get groceries and plan the meals for the rest of the week.
I'm going to a football watching party on Saturday. I'm bringing chicken wings prepped for baking and turkey burgers to make for dinner. If I'm eating well, everyone around me will eat well too.
It's tailgate season my strategy is to bring veggie trays with hummus. And to bring chips that I don't like so I won't be tempted to eat them.
So I'm getting back on track with this challenge. It's so hard trying to loose weight alone. Finally my hubby and most of his family are going to take it seriously so I have more support yay! Started back on my Green Smoothie Cleanse yesterday. Will workout this am when I get home. I'm feeling good about this already.
I've been dealing with life lately and have totally and completely fallen off the wagon in so many ways, including eating and exercise. My wakeup call came yesterday when I got LebronJamesbeingcarriedoffthecourt-like cramps in my legs while walking less than 2 blocks. I've giving myself until December to see some major changes.
So we started our family challenge on Sunday and I've been exercising and drinking green smoothies for breakfast and lunch. Also eating grapes or apples with natural peanut butter for snack with a light dinner. Not sure if I trust my scale yet lol but this is what it says...

Sunday weigh in at 236.8
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I have to make time to exercise today. My legs need a lot of work :( I guess I can pop in one of my dvds or just put on some music and dance for 30 minutes...
I worked a double shift on Thursday and today. Tomorrow I am doing another double shift. Monday I am only working day shift and Tuesday another double. I bartend and wait tables so there is a lot of lifting and walking involved. I lost my baby weight after my second son just by doing overtime. Money is tight so I picked up a few extra hours and I am hoping to drop a few extra lbs too :yep:
My leg has been killing the mess out of me. I'm unable to work out every day like I want to. It's my sciatic nerve and nothing the doctors give me help. But I'm still pushing through bc i want this weight off. Still doing my Green Smoothie for breakfast and lunch.

Hair wise my hair is currently in a sew in that I plan to keep in until November 14th. Then have it redone again.
Ooh that sciatic pain is a ****. I had it with each pregnancy and now occassionally I get those sharp sciatic pains :(
Ooh that sciatic pain is a ****. I had it with each pregnancy and now occassionally I get those sharp sciatic pains :(

I've gotten it as well with pregnancy but it never went past my buttocks and now it goes all the way down my leg past my calf. Ugh it's annoying and hurts.
Still doing my Green Smoothie and trying my best to get workout in at least 3-4 times a week since my stupid leg lol.

Hair wise- Still have my sew-in in. I'm proud of myself because today makes 3 weeks. I usually get bored and take it down after 2 lol. I'm really having fun with this install and love all my flexirod results every time. I may wash my hair tonight and set it again or just rock the natural wave pattern it has. I'm hoping that my installs until the end of the year gives me some gr8 retention! Even though I'm a slow grower I will get there. Oh and I've been applying my NJoy oil almost every night.
Working out is causing my scalp to sweat so I am going to have to wash my hair a lot more. I really need a protein dc this week. My hair feels off balance. It breaks when wet, but it doesn't feel overly soft or mushy. Idk what to do...

As far as progress goes I have been wearing a girdle daily to help with my mommy tummy. It is definitely helping. My waist is becoming more defined. I would like to lose 4 inches from my waist and 30 lbs total. This month is almost over, but next month my goal is to lose 5lbs