Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

I havent been to the gym since Wednesday and I kinda binged on junk yesterday and today. My junk food cravings are out of control this week. Gotta get back on track tomorrow
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Had a junk food meltdown this week...namely 4 delicious irresistible caramel filled chocolate cupcakes smothered in chocolate ganache from the new cupcake joint up the street. Instead of beating myself up over it, I bought a boatload of fruit and veggies and been juicing like crazy. Haven't worked out much either. However, I'm pretty sure I didn't gain any weight and did not experience any excess bloating after my cupcake binge. Sure glad I got that out of my system, though. I've been eyeballing that joint for 2 months after they sent me a free coupon.
I didn't have a junk food meltdown, but I've just been eating too much. And I've skipped some of my evening walks. I need to plan a beach trip or something to keep my motivation high.
I'm not in this challenge but I got on the scale this AM and saw that I have lost 25 pounds since this time last year -- the only real things that I did differently was eliminate all sugar and take a BItter Melon pill whenever I fell of the greens/protein wagon and ate carbs (like Fries/chips or other fried food). Exercise has been sporadic at best since I hurt my knee so I guess it was all about the sugar/insulin balance for me. A very happy day -- thought I would share.
Not only did I not cut out all the stuff I said, I actually went to Wendy's and had a burger and fry :look: I don't remember the last time I had a fast food burger and fry :lol: Then I proceeded to eat all kinds of chocolate last week.

I eat fine at home and on the weekends. When I get restless at work I eat junk. I need to replace that junk food binge with walking some stairs. And if I do eat junk food then I need to walk some stairs for each piece I eat.

Both my hair and my weight are about the same. I may be retaining a little and maybe I'm losing a little but it's not noticeable. I have definitely gained muscle. Cycling has started to tone my legs. Each week I am getting a bit stronger on the bike.
faithVA I'm the same way. My worst eating happens when I'm bored at work. If you are gaining muscle and keeping your weight the same, you must be losing fat. Yay!
faithVA I'm the same way. My worst eating happens when I'm bored at work. If you are gaining muscle and keeping your weight the same, you must be losing fat. Yay!

I need to come up with some strategies :yep: I don't want to continue to sabotage my efforts.

I think I am losing fat. I can see some difference in my thighs. I had so much fat on my thighs just from years of low activity it was horrible.

I still can do better :yep: But glad for the progress.
Felt good for a Monday. Came home and walked 3 miles. I had a smoothie for dinner. I may have a few almonds before bed.
Went to the gym yesterday, will be in there all week. Eating is pretty good, but I need to be sure I stay within my caloric goal - that's the hard part. I am going to do my best to keep cheese doodles :look: and sweets out the house!

Hair is ok. Will take down flat-twists and moisturize tonight and put flat twists back in.
Haven't been to the gym in a week. Zumba tonight! I don't have any visitors this weekend so I can go to the gym instead of entertaining guests.
I am absolutely ravenous after running outside or on treadmill -- I mean, the "lampshade" starts to look like, "well, with a little salt and some onion powder ..." I'm exaggerating but I have to get a handle on this otherwise I am going to nullify progress. Think I am going to focus more on juicing, sea vegetables, stretching, deep breathing/meditating to reduce cortisol, etc. because rigorous exercise not only makes me think that I CAN eat more, it also makes me focus on my hunger ALL DAY. When I wake up with a bottle of water and lemon juice and skip the gym/park, I can go until late afternoon, eat a reasonably sized healthy salad, then have a piece of fruit or soup for dinner and feel perfectly happy. When I run, I HAVE to have something immediately -- e.g., two protein shakes (not one) and then I think about food for the rest of the day. This is a fairly recent phenomenon and probably hormonal in some way -- I gotta adjust.
I'm struggling to get up every morning. I'm trying to motivate myself by saying "exercise makes me younger" less than 2 weeks to go and I'm done with p90x3

I'm still wearing my flat ironed hair from Thursday. My stylist gets it relaxer straight.


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I'm struggling to get up every morning. I'm trying to motivate myself by saying "exercise makes me younger" less than 2 weeks to go and I'm done with p90x3

I'm still wearing my flat ironed hair from Thursday. My stylist gets it relaxer straight.

I was fortunate to get a text workout buddy to get me out of the bed. I can lie to myself but I couldn't lie to her :lol: It is working so far.

Way to go with your p90x. You will definitely make it.
I have to get this candy snacking under control. Last night walked 3 miles with Leslie Sansone. Then had my smoothie and some almonds. This morning did a 45 minute spinerval cycling routine and then had a smoothie for breakfast.

It would feel wonderful if I could be in the best shape of my life this year. I'm going to strive for that, reaching 50 with the best body and the longest hair of my life. :yep:
I'm struggling to get up every morning. I'm trying to motivate myself by saying "exercise makes me younger" less than 2 weeks to go and I'm done with p90x3

I'm still wearing my flat ironed hair from Thursday. My stylist gets it relaxer straight.

Had to come out of lurking that hair!!!

My Gawd :thud:
I cooked for a second night in a row last night. Ground turkey tacos on Monday and stir fry with chicken broccoli and red peppers last night. 3 more times this week and I'll meet my goal.

My roots are getting puffy from working out, but I'm going to keep wearing my flat iron until wash day this weekend. I actually like it better this way since my hair isn't so flat.
I finally dropped under 150. My next goal is 145. Hopefully cycling will get me there. I also took my measurements yesterday so i can track my progress. I feel skinnier than I am :lol: That mirror shows no mercy.

Rode for 45 minutes this morning. Will just stretch for the rest of the week for the ride on Saturday.
I cowashed today and redid my braids. I used aussie moist as a leave in ans I sealed with evoo. My porosity is on point, because once I moisturize and seal my hair is happy until I cowash again. I only cowash once a month so thats awesome!

Ive still been working out 5x a week. I feel fitter, but my clothes still fit the same. My period is late, but the bloating/weight gain is right on time lol. Im a little nervous even though my tubes are tied
5 days a week is awesome Prettymetty. The inches will come off.

I was way to pooped to even think about cooking last night so I ordered pizza :nono: But I also ordered salad and I only had 2 slices.

ETA Now I have beans in the crockpot. Beans & rice for dinner. I just need to come up with a vegetable.
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