Hair Compliments


New Member
I think I have issues, I really only care that my hair is pretty. And I like hair compliments irl. I think it is becomnig an issue, to all the beautiful heads on here do you like hair compliments?

For the hair arrogant do you feel offended if people look at your hair, but then they don't compliment it? :lachen:

Folks think i'm attractive but I don't care about those compliments, I don't care about complimenting my outfits, handbags, or shoes, Just compliment my hair! :lachen:

I know their has to be hair compliment fiends are out there show your faces :)

My hair is sooooo important to me. Recently I was in a fight and the chick pulled some of my hair out (still can't find where the hair is missing), I didn't care about anything else but the hair pulling part, I wish she would have just blacked my eye instead, why did she have to go for the hair? why?:wallbash:
Whoa! You were in a fight?

What's really going on?

I like hair compliments, but I'm not at a point where I get them. (When I wear my weaves, I get them a lot) I can't wait to get to your point.

Its a fact of life that women can be envious. People in general are envious. I take stares as a compliment whether they say it or not.

Be careful girl!:ohwell:
Yeah - I'm gonna need you to stop fighting people mmmk - your hair must not suffer anymore!!!

But yes, I do like the compliments especially from women who go out of their way to say something nice. It's rare that women do that so it means a lot to me.
Yeah i'm starting to think i'm a hair compliment hog. this chick on the job finally lol!!! gave me a hair compliment, it's like I know you like my hair just say so give me the hair compliment lmao.

yeah the fight thing I don't even want to talk about but she went for my weak point my hair!
You still talking about that fight? LOL

If I feel my hair is on point, I really don't care who comments on it.

If my hair is not looking right to me and someone compliments, I get even more self conscious because I think they are just playing with my emotions.

I think overall, I get uncomfortable when/if I get compliments, because that clearly means that individual is observing me. And the thought of someone giving me the once over make me uncomfortable.

Yeah, I have low self-esteem....Im working on it:)
on topic

I could care less about compliments , I love the love when I get it, but I dont NEED it nor do I get upset or offended if I dont

I got bigger fish to fry than to be trippin of hair compliments, if they come great if not , ehh who cares
Yeah i'm starting to think i'm a hair compliment hog. this chick on the job finally lol!!! gave me a hair compliment, it's like I know you like my hair just say so give me the hair compliment lmao.

yeah the fight thing I don't even want to talk about but she went for my weak point my hair!

lol how do you KNOW they like your hair? :lachen:

They actually may not be even thinking twice about it.....really
Yeah - I'm gonna need you to stop fighting people mmmk - your hair must not suffer anymore!!!

But yes, I do like the compliments especially from women who go out of their way to say something nice. It's rare that women do that so it means a lot to me.

Isn't it though! very rare.

Complements mean a lot and they are nice IRL but I don't really think about them because it just dosen't happen much. Women are much more prone to hate than to complement.

Now on hair boards I care a lot!
I like hair compliments too but I don't get offended if I don't receive them. In fact, if I do receive a compliment I say "Thank you" and move on with the task at hand. I don't dwell on it. However, my SO's opinion about my hair means a lot to me. He has never not liked a hair style on me. So if he told me he didn't like a paticular style I was wearing then I wouldn't wear it ever again. I'm glad he's easy-going.
The only time I expect to get hair compliments is when I've just gotten it done and its lookin all fresh, long and healthy. So that makes me feel good that people are noticing my effort. I wouldnt be mad if I didnt get any compliments just surprised.

But you know since I'm in the wig challenge though I've been wearing this short cut blonde wig for the past couple of weeks and I've never gotten so many hair compliments I swear from girls and guys, for some reason I feel like a phony when people compliment it I just wanna say well its a wig but thanks anyway.
I think I have issues, I really only care that my hair is pretty. And I like hair compliments irl. I think it is becomnig an issue, to all the beautiful heads on here do you like hair compliments?

For the hair arrogant do you feel offended if people look at your hair, but then they don't compliment it? :lachen:

Folks think i'm attractive but I don't care about those compliments, I don't care about complimenting my outfits, handbags, or shoes, Just compliment my hair! :lachen:

I know their has to be hair compliment fiends are out there show your faces :)

My hair is sooooo important to me. Recently I was in a fight and the chick pulled some of my hair out (still can't find where the hair is missing), I didn't care about anything else but the hair pulling part, I wish she would have just blacked my eye instead, why did she have to go for the hair? why?:wallbash:
I completely agree with you, I hate to have a new hair style and no one compliments my hair. :sad::sad::sad:
I know my hair is pretty whether they say something or not...:look:
Preach. If I know my hair looks good, I don't need for anyone to tell me. Searching for validation never really works out in the end. Leaves ya empty. I don't need anyone else to convince me of my sexy. Compliments are nice, but not required.
I think I have issues,

My hair is sooooo important to me. Recently I was in a fight and the chick pulled some of my hair out (still can't find where the hair is missing), I didn't care about anything else but the hair pulling part, I wish she would have just blacked my eye instead, why did she have to go for the hair? why?:wallbash:

Op Op Op After all that back and forth this is what it came down to?
lol how do you KNOW they like your hair? :lachen:

They actually may not be even thinking twice about it.....really

I agree. I believe most people think less about things than you can imagine - unless it is extraordinarily different.

It is really better not to take ourselves too seriously.

Maybe that is how people end up in fights.
Lets not talk about the fight anymore


Aww let her! I'm sorry I missed that thread before it went to thread heaven (or hell) but I see ya'll cut up big time :lachen:

Oh and no I don't even think about compliments really and don't get that many. Most of the time it's up in a bun or something and when it's down I think most people assume it's a weave anyway :lol:
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I agree. I believe most people think less about things than you can imagine - unless it is extraordinarily different.

It is really better not to take ourselves too seriously.

Maybe that is how people end up in fights.

My mom always used to say "People aren't paying as much attention to you as you think."

Something beautiful happens as you approach the age of just find that you don't care what people think as much as you used to!
I LOVE getting hair fact if somebody touches my hair....i secretly DEMAND a compliment from them! LOL!!!

Only ppl i know.....but you must like it if ur touching it so say it!!! LOL
Sure I like getting hair compliments just like the next gal, but my life doesn't revolve around them. If I get them, great ... if not ... oh well ...
I want my biggest compliment to come from my hubby. I LOVE when he compliments my hair when I step in with a fresh relaxer from the shop. Or, when my hair turns out right on a wash day.

I think I may be the exception. I love to give compliments to other ladies when I see, face, clothes, etc. I'm just a little taken back when they be all DRY, tight or like you don't exist. Gosh, a sista complimenting another sista and you ain't gotta act all stank.
I want my biggest compliment to come from my hubby. I LOVE when he compliments my hair when I step in with a fresh relaxer from the shop. Or, when my hair turns out right on a wash day.

I think I may be the exception. I love to give compliments to other ladies when I see, face, clothes, etc. I'm just a little taken back when they be all DRY, tight or like you don't exist. Gosh, a sista complimenting another sista and you ain't gotta act all stank.

I'm like this too. I'm actually a compliment giver.
it's fun!!! I get them...or I get stares....or comments and
sometimes men circle....
{kayte backs away fast and pretends not to notice }

but even if not..the hair has so MUCH to say
lol....the two of us be be talk-in and not carin...:lachen:
no! I'm not crazy:spinning:

ok..maybe... just a lil...
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It's not that serious to me.
I like compliments but don't ever expect them or think I deserve them.
Would LHCF professional therapists please identify themselves to longhairlover and the rest of us! Maybe we can have a separate forum for post -(childbirth, divorce, job, rude sales people, parking space altercations, and fighting) related stress!