Strange Hair Compliments....

18-19 months in my transition I decided to cut off all my relaxed ends.
So one day I decided to do my first wash and go. =-)

I saw my boyfriend that day.
"The back of your head looks like a lobster cracked open"

Eh? confidence level went from a 8.5 to like a 4.

BWAH!!!! that's hilarious!!!:lachen:
My best friend with relaxed long, but thinning hair saw I had two strand twists before wearing my wash and go. We stopped in Barnes and Noble until her hair appt. Wash n blow. She's looking through magazine and shows me a picture of Black Model Rushumba (sp) wear twa and stated I thought you were going to wear your hair like this. I said, no that's not my style. ps when I show her sisters with long natural straight hair like SisterWithRealHair they don't want to watch her YT Channel. Another older black lady told me to wear my Chinese Style Bob wig when I go on interview. She liked it so much when I wore it to her 50th Wedding Anniversary. What's wrong with my twa wash n go?
Two years ago when I was in college in DC me and my friend were in a 7eleven. We're both natural but she was heat-training. So this guy is hitting on us and he tells my friend that she would look even more beautiful with her hair done.....well she explains to him that her hair is done and what on earth did he mean by that!? Needless to say he tried to backtrack but the damage was done. It didn't matter because he was hideous anyway lmbo
A friend was told by a, let's say well meaning YT, that the reason she hasn't found a job yet was because her hair looked like Buckwheat's hair. :nono:

Thank goodness she didn't understand the reference because all of AA's faces went to an immediate twist-up.
When I was younger I would often get "I love your hair" with either a grimaced face or like a laughing face, whilst white people would tug on my hair.
I think what they mean is "your hair is funny".

This was especially true when I was under 16, especially as the same girls would chuck things into my hair to see if it would stick.

I had it again recently, from someone and I didn't know what to say.

A few more:
"your hair is so springy, I love it"
"Are you trying to grow your hair?" "because it's already SO big"
"I like your curls, you look like a CBBC presenter" (CBBC is BBC for children)
"Well I like it better than when your hair is in a bun"
"WOW, your hair is so big!.... Do you want me to get my straighteners?"
"I love hair but, I just don't understand where it has all come from?"
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I was standing on the train platform and a gay man walks up to me to tell me "gurlllllllllll, you have alllllllllll your edges".... it was sooo random and hysterical. That was all he had to tell me, from his delivery he really wanted to make sure I knew this :lol:.
I was standing on the train platform and a gay man walks up to me to tell me "gurlllllllllll, you have alllllllllll your edges".... it was sooo random and hysterical. That was all he had to tell me, from his delivery he really wanted to make sure I knew this :lol:.

Off topic, but gay men LOOOOVE to play in my hair and give me compliments. I love the attention even if they really don't want ME LOL :grin:
Having locs, I always get the "I like your dreads. They actually look neat and clean" compliment. It's usually followed by a "A lot of people look unkempt.... yada yada yada" explanation.

I don't really take it as much of a compliment.
This is the conversation I had with a new coworker at the beginning of the School year....

My coworker: I love your hair, its so thick. How long have you been natural? :grin:

Me: Thanks girl. I'm not natural though :).

Coworker: Oh :perplexed. At least its still thick.

Me: :look:......*Walks away


This made me lol for real.

Such weird "conversations" we have with each other.
Was having a bad day... and this just gave me a good laugh.

I was in the bathroom pinning up my failed twist out and in walks a young blonde here at work, and as she walks by she says "Brittny, I love what your hair is doing lately". It was just her delivery that made me :lachen:. She meant well, I know she did. It's just funny to hear white/other people's interpretation of natural hair. They're not sure what to say. They know something is different, but not quite sure how to express it. Her facial expression and comment just made me :lachen:. There was no shade in her comment, but just chuckling at her expressing her like for my hair.
Hi Ladies....I figured this would be a fun thread!

What are some strange compliments that you have received about your hair? I'm talking about those "uhh...thank you, i think..." compliments...:lachen:

Some old white man complimented my twistout :perplexed

him: "Wow! I just love how you are rocking that twist out! It looks nice!"

me: "uhh...thank you, i think..." :lol:

how in the hayle does he know about a daggone twistout and how does he know i'm "rocking" one....smh

your turn to share!:grin:
No, the boat is being missed here. Caucasians like your hair because they know, unlike ourselves, that your hair is the first original hair on the planet. They are very amused by our natural hair when we go out in public. So don't take it as an insult. They are just amused by it and would love to have that stretchy original hair. "Man know thyself." -Unknown
"Wow, your haircut looks so good"

"I love your haircut"

:look: Um...I just took the weave out and relaxed it. I work primarily with white people and a lot of women and I swear the majority are legit in talking about my "haircut."

Only a few who I work closely with know that the chia pet weekend growth was extensions :lachen:

"Natural hair looks good on you"

:look: Um...this is just a 20wk relaxer stretch pulled into a bun. That was today. I know my NG is super fierce but I was like....I look completely natural?

Really? Wow? I guess that's a good thing because that's a lot of growth.
I had just washed my hair and hadn't detangled or styled it. My son (pre-school aged): I love your hair looks like the sun.
I was natural and had mini twists and this white guy said my hair looked nice and asked if it was a jeri curl. :perplexed This was about 3 years ago.
I'm newly natural and trying my best to figure out styles. I've been relaxed so long I had it on lock. So I tried doing a twistout and my DH said and I quote, "You look like Don King, Macy Gray and Rick James all at once." WOW. I had to laugh cuz it was a hot mess. Haven't tried a twistout since.
:blush:..... :lachen:
He's probably a LHCF member. :sekret:
I had just washed my hair and hadn't detangled or styled it. My son (pre-school aged): I love your hair looks like the sun.
Aaaaaaawww... sweetest compliment ever
I have alternated between natural hair, relaxed hair and synthetic braids for most of my life. Years ago, I started dating a guy when I was relaxed and then decided to install braids about a month in.

One night we were watching the VMAs (why do I remember that?) with some of his family and he started playing with my braids. He yelled out, "That's not your hair!" I just looked at him, I'm sure with my mouth wide open. Then he said, as if to explain his outburst, "...I mean, your hair is silky".



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A coworker told me if she had powers, she would cut all my hair off and put it on top of her head. I shuddered cause that creeped me out, thankfully my hair is ALWAYS hidden/ protective styled. I had an Asian woman ask me once if I was wearing a wig when I wore my hair out long time ago. I answered no, and she responded " Are you sure?" She kept asking me the same question despite the fact that I told her no. It took a lot for me not to give her a piece of my mind at that moment. She told me she wasn't used to seeing black women with hair that looks that unless it's fake smh.

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Can I touch your hair? Wow! Its so soft, I didnt expect it to be so soft. ( my sister)

What the heck is it supposed to feel like..a brillo pad?! Grrrrrrrr!!
I was wearing a double rope twist bun and during a meeting one of my coworkers was sitting behind me. When the meeting was over he said "how did you do your bun, I've been trying to figure it out but I can't. " I explained how and he said "that sounds complicated did someone do it for you?" When I told him it only took me 10 minutes to do he just said "wow you must be talented"
This lady I don't even know, or remember at my Son's school says to me the other day "oh you cut your hair"

and I wanted to say "and you are? and I care what you think because?". :look: Was that even a compliment?
After complimenting the size of my fro, another man once asked my husband if "all that hair" got in his mouth at night.


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When someone compliments your wng and then asks you HOW you got your hair like "that".

You: Like what?

Them: So curly!

You: Leave in conditioner & gel.

Them: But what type of rollers did you use to set it?

You: I didn't use any rollers. Just gel.

Them: *skeptical* So those are your natural curls?

You: Yes.

Them: Blank look. Awkward silence. Staring at your hair. Thinking you're lying....

Them: Well, either way... It's really pretty.

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My mom used to affetionately call me "mop head" and "Macy Gray". Then when I wear my hair straight she says she prefers the "wild curly curly thing". Mothers...
Asian BSS Cashier: "You're hair is beautiful! So many women wear weaves and wigs - its good that you wear your own hair!"

This was while I was in line at a BSS with a gang of women behind me buying weaves/wigs, talk about awkward!
After meeting some new people yesterday I was complimented on my hair, then the lady said

Lady:" you have such thick hair, it's so lush and healthy looking"

Me: thank you so much

Lady: "you even have your whole hairline too, you just don't see that too often."

Me: ah thank you ( awkwardly), so how's the party planning going??

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Oh another

PERSON: It could not be me. That's just too much hair. I'd have to cut it off. It's pretty though but it looks hot.

ME (blinks)

that reninds me. in highschool i was apl

her: how could you stand that much hair? i don't like hair on my neck and etc.

me: its not even that much hair

her: yes it is! that's why i keep my hair (fake shivers like she is disgusted)

me: (thinking that's why your hair looks broken and you wear weaves down your bum right :rollseyes: you just don't know how to retain length )
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I have folks of the Latino variety throw tons of shade by giving backhanded compliments like:
Some people need a relaxer but it obvious you don't need one.
Your hair doesn't look dry like some black people.
Do you have Hispanic/ Latino blood?


I haven't had any black folks say anything crazy lately.... there was a guy a few years ago who asked me if my real was real cause it was so pretty ( it was just twisted and in a ponytail:nono: Bless his heart men often have no filter.