Strange Hair Compliments....

A woman came up to me once and said that my hair is so retro like, Ms. Celie from the Color Purple.

Uhh, thank you?
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Some college acquaintance: "I had a horse with hair that felt like yours." He said it so sweetly.

Me: ah :perplexed reallyokyesthanks :look:
I was grocery shopping one day. I'm going down the isle and this couple is walking towards me. The lady (Asian) looks at me and watches me walk by. As I'm grabbing an item out of freezer I noticed her turn to her boyfriend (black) and say "I really like her hair". I was wearing a twist-out. :)
Last Sunday I had my hair in a wash n go style and a woman at church says to me "I really like that im going to the wig store to find that!"
I didn't know what to say so I just laughed and said thanks. Everyone one else was laughing to.
A boy in middle school told me I should get my hairline lined up because I had too much hairline. No clippers are coming at this hairline ever.

A college classmate said that my braidout made me look wild, in a good way of course.
Sweet little old Asian lady told me my hair looks nice and it doesn't smell (bad) like some others. :faint:

OMG!! Did she really say that junk out loud!! :yep: And how do you defend your musty haired sistren that have odorous hair trailing behind them when you pass??