Hair Care Schedule Challenge -2022, 2023, 2024-

I'll admit. This month hasn't been so good for massages for me. I still do think, but probably one third less than I scheduled to. Also my tea and shakes aren't consistent. I really need to do better with those because I believe that they are helping our will help. Next month's schedule will remain basically the same but with scheduled exercise since I believe that if I can impove internally, then my hair growth quality will also improve.

In terms of actual hair care, the foundation of my routine hasn't changed in years and it doesn't need to be scheduled anymore (with the exception of trims), BUT what I am planning on doing for my next step is identifying my protein schedule in terms of determining which combinations in conjunction with the capillary schedule. I'll use next month to determine and trial and mine forward from there.
This week it's supposed to get above 30C (86F) and I think that's before humidex. I hope that my hair will survive.

My hair didn't survive and I'm not going to wait until Sunday to wash it. It doesn't feel as soft as I'd expect it to be at this time of week and so if all goes well I'll wash it this morning.
I did a reconstructive (protein) treatment yesterday. I messed it up a bit and had to rinse again this morning, but everything came out well. I moisturized today with my beloved broccoli seed oil instead of tallow. I haven't used it in a long time, but I think that change is good sometimes. I still need to massage, but otherwise, all is good.

How are you guys doing? @Napp @WL23
I’ve changed my main style from wash and goes to buns. I will reflect this change in my next schedule. Also considering doing bi weekly washes until October. I work in a hot kitchen and sweat a lot. I don’t like waiting a week to wash and refresh my hair. Hopefully I’ll have a new job by October.
It occurred to me that last week I did a reconstructive treatment last week when I should have done a hydrating treatment. That said, I'm going to try another reconstructive treatment, hopefully today instead of tomorrow.

I haven't started up with the smoothies yet, but hopefully I'll be back to them this month.

I MIGHT try wearing one set of mini twists for either two weeks or one month. If I have no real issues detangling my hair after, then I might try going back to my old twist routine of mini to medium to large to medium, etc. Not detangling my hair every week could save me time on weeks where I can't spare it, otherwise, we'll keep going.


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So the air conditioner is working at work so I don't sweat as much but its nothing compared to sitting in an air conditioned office! I need to pass this test and get my license!

Anyhoo I made a new schedule. I added for this week as well because otherwise I would have started on the 7th.

Monthly Schedule 08-2022.jpg
I will be bunning all month. A low bun with or without a part. Im staying away from parts though because I noticed alot of breakage at the part so I'm letting that grow out for a while. If I'm feeling extra I will put on a phony pony. I also have been baggying my ends at night to keep them hydrated. I'm temped to go 2 weeks at a time in the bun but I have too much product to get through. Once I'm finished with my redken products I will probably switch to every 2 weeks.
I updated my schedule because I forgot to add massages. I didn't do well with them last month, but I hope to do better.

I'm also going to try to go back to daily moisturizing and see if that makes any difference to my hair or not.
I updated my schedule because I forgot to add massages. I didn't do well with them last month, but I hope to do better.

I'm also going to try to go back to daily moisturizing and see if that makes any difference to my hair or not.
what do you moisturize with
I've been bunning with phony ponies it for the last 3 weeks. I like the ease of the style. I am currently experimenting with washing every two weeks. So far so good but we will see what happens on wash day next Sunday. I have product i want to use up though so I don't know how long I will be extending these wash days.
I washed my hair last night and paid a lot of attention to my scalp so that I wouldn't have to massage after. :look: I will admit, doing them is a chore.

I've been picking back up with my smoothies and starting to get more consistent with drinking my bamboo tea. I need to get back to June's consistency with both.
I had to wash my hair early. I took off the baggy and my hair smelled foul. I think I am going to ditch baggying my ends but instead moisturize and seal nightly. I prefer to wash every 2 weeks now instead of weekly so next schedule will reflect that.
I had to wash my hair early. I took off the baggy and my hair smelled foul. I think I am going to ditch baggying my ends but instead moisturize and seal nightly. I prefer to wash every 2 weeks now instead of weekly so next schedule will reflect that.

Were you keeping the baggy on for the full week?

I think I left it on too long. Now I'm just going to baggy overnight instead

Yeah. I could be wrong, but keeping your hair damp for that long without airing it out was probably creating mildew. Overnight should be much better.

That said, your ends must have been soft!
I'm 2 days late, but I did a nutritive mask today and I'm currently bagging... :look: ( I usually do it overnight if I've washed my hair and added a good amount of tallow. To protect my pillows.)
I’m going back to once a week washes just to help get through some product. I will go back to every 2 weeks once my stash has reached a size I want it to be
Here is September's schedule. I made it early. I am focusing on reducing my stash and getting rid of older products first so I'm stopping the use of Redken until I can finish off products I've had longer. Some of my stash is turning a year old! I definitely need to work on using stuff up. Its also the reason I'm washing once a week instead of every two weeks. I want wash day to be quicker so I plan on cutting out product categories once I used them up. Mainly the pre poo step, the conditioner step and the liquid leave in step.

My ultimate goal is to wash every 2 weeks and have a one hour or less wash day. I've already done it so I know its possible.

Monthly Schedule 09-2022-1.jpg

September isn't so far away, so I'll add mine, too. I made mine super simplified this time. I've removed the teas, protein smoothie, and hair massage reminders from my calendar. Not keeping up with them daily, but seeing them on my phone was less than encouraging. I will still do them regularly, but if it's not daily I won't feel so bad.
I'm a day late, but I did a hydrating treatment today. My hair feels nice and soft. I also dusted my ends. I snipped them coil by coil (no specific shape). I haven't (finger) combed through/styled my hair again to see how my ends feel. If it feels good, I think that this will be my method going forward.
How are you ladies doing? Are you still hanging in there?

I've been adding protein to my diet through regular food instead of shakes. That and veggies. I think that my system is thanking me. I think that just doing it instead of seeing it on the schedule is far less pressure. I've been trying to get adequate protein and veggies in my diet three times a day. I'm hoping to notice a difference by the end of the year.

In the meantime, I missed wash day yesterday and I'm feeling tired, so I think that I'm going to "cheat" and do an oil treatment with ayurvedic oils and then a water rinse.
I'm still going strong with this and am looking for new ingredients to add to my hair washing routine. My 1 year anniversary for when I started my ayurvedic experiment is coming up very quickly (end of this month?) and so I'm trying to set myself up for an updated schedule starting in November that will carry me through to next year.
So I've been making a "mistake" in my hair routine, but "corrected" it last weekend.

In the Capillary Schedule, "nutritive" has a whole bunch of oils listed. I'm like, I've got 4c hair. I use oils all of the time. This has no use for me. So instead, I would make "nutritive" masks that contained kelp and spirulina. Fast forward to last weekend, I felt kind of lazy and I made a yucca root wash then added the leftover herbs from an herbal infusion. This means that it had a layer of oil on top of the "shampoo". I washed with it and wow! My hair loved it! I moisturized and sealed then braided my twists and my feels soft despite not moisturizing again later in the week. Also, my roots, which usually feel drier when I only moistruize on wash day, feel smooth and supple.

I've since come to learn that the "nutritive" oil portion of the schedule is supposed to help restore the oils that may be missing in your hair. So now that I know this and now that my experiment was successful, I'll have to find a way to work it into my hair care routine, going forward. I hope that this will help to keep my hair feeling protected and hydrated throughout the winter.
I forgot to post my November schedule, but I've still been at it. It's quite simple so I'm on auto-pilot right now.


I also just completed a personal 52-week hair challenge that I was able to improve based on this scheduleing. I'm going to use the next month and a half to finalize my product list so that I can do it again starting in the new year -- but better.
Goal Length: Healthy Waist Length
Goal Date: end of 2024
Favorite Growth Aid: None
Favorite Hair Growth Advice: Do what works for you! Consistency is key and listening to what isn't said but shown.
Most Consistent Hair Growth Habit: Leaving my hair alone, deep conditioning and protein treatments.
I do not have a plan for 52 weeks but for 2023, I am giving myself the ability to get 2-3 weaves (leaving it in for 2 months), and 4 braid styles which I only leave the braids in for a month. The rest of the year, I will be wigging it. I really don't want to be bothered with doing too much to my hair. I also want to uptake my nutrition and water intake which i have been working on.