Hair Care Schedule Challenge -2022, 2023, 2024-

Your schedule looks interesting! What is your black soap/aloe wash?

I love how "official" your schedule looks. It reminds me of my doctor's computer screen. :)
Your schedule looks interesting! What is your black soap/aloe wash?

I love how "official" your schedule looks. It reminds me of my doctor's computer screen. :)
Haha at your doctors computer screen :laugh: Just trying to be thorough :) I’m hoping this is the winning schedule for the next 6 months.

Black Soap/Aloe = a piece of African Black Soap dissolved in Aloe Juice / Water Mix. I only want to use commercial cleanser/man made cleansers once every 4 weeks. Then maybe overtime every 6 to 8 weeks.

Yesterday I did Inversion for 5 minutes and F.R.

How is your HC Month starting? :)
Your black soap mix sounds good.

Out of curiosity, why do you want to cleanse your hair that infrequently?

I missed day 1. :nono: I did a water rinse yesterday and then sprayed my scalp with an herbal tea that I made: cloves, sage, nettle, bamboo, horsetail, and SAA. I'm trying to decide if spraying this on my hair all week could count as using ayurvedic tea or if I should just stop being lazy and do a mask by tomorrow so that I don't "miss" a week.
Your black soap mix sounds good.

Out of curiosity, why do you want to cleanse your hair that infrequently?

I missed day 1. :nono: I did a water rinse yesterday and then sprayed my scalp with an herbal tea that I made: cloves, sage, nettle, bamboo, horsetail, and SAA. I'm trying to decide if spraying this on my hair all week could count as using ayurvedic tea or if I should just stop being lazy and do a mask by tomorrow so that I don't "miss" a week.
Black Soap is cleansing. I don’t want to use chemicals (man made surfactants) to cleanse often. I feel it’s more harsh on the hair. Because of pollution, hard water, product build up, etc. I think it’s necessary to use once in awhile. Once we achieve goal lengths, there would be a more simple HC routine and maybe will only need natural soaps :)

Your herbal tea sounds hairyumific lol How long have you been growing out your hair? You have amazing ingredients :)

I would say do what you think is best for your hair. Fight laziness, we can’t get what we want if we’re lazy. You got this :)
This is so exciting! I've been off of shampoo/(rinse out) conditioner for the last year or so. I mainly use yucca root, but also clay.

I missed my scalp massage last night...again. But your last post has me realizing that right before I joined this challenge I wanted to try using yucca on Sundays and ayurvedic masks on Wednesdays. I think that my hair only needs to be wet once per week, and so I'll have to figure out how to put the two together. Ugh! Maybe ayurvedic clay mask followed up with a yucca root final rinse? I get so antsy about overwetting, but I'm not entirely sure that that would be easy to do. Ugh... I'll have to decide by this weekend if I need to update my schedule.
This is so exciting! I've been off of shampoo/(rinse out) conditioner for the last year or so. I mainly use yucca root, but also clay.

I missed my scalp massage last night...again. But your last post has me realizing that right before I joined this challenge I wanted to try using yucca on Sundays and ayurvedic masks on Wednesdays. I think that my hair only needs to be wet once per week, and so I'll have to figure out how to put the two together. Ugh! Maybe ayurvedic clay mask followed up with a yucca root final rinse? I get so antsy about overwetting, but I'm not entirely sure that that would be easy to do. Ugh... I'll have to decide by this weekend if I need to update my schedule.
Yes, no more commercial shampoos or man made surfactants would be amazing! :)

This challenge is to fine tune our regimens for what’s practical for our lifestyles. Hope you find a wet schedule that works :)

I just realized something today and have to update my schedule. Explain more when I’m back with the revision :)
I'm currently sitting here with my ayurvedic mask in my hair. I'll figure out what I'm going to do on Sunday and then update my schedule if necessary. (I feel so indecisive....)
Here’s updated schedule :) Completly forgot I had to refresh braids. I also changed Henna to every 6 weeks. With this style it wouldn’t be practical to Henna biweekly because it would be too much manipulation. When I’m wearing my hair out, I’ll do it every week or 2 weeks with Henna glosses :)

Pick something and stick with it. You won’t know until you try it :)
Not quite what I had in mind, but I did my nourishing hair wash today by combining the yucca root with the clay and other herbs. I still need to do the scalp massage.
Not quite what I had in mind, but I did my nourishing hair wash today by combining the yucca root with the clay and other herbs. I still need to do the scalp massage.
We both have to do better on our scalp massages. They are very important and they feel good :)

Im posting my updated calendar and will be posting with things I have completed for accountability:)

I updated calendar because I noticed I wanted to wash more . The wash made hair so soft so not worried about hair being stripped :)

We both have to do better on our scalp massages. They are very important and they feel good :)

Im posting my updated calendar and will be posting with things I have completed for accountability:)

I updated calendar because I noticed I wanted to wash more . The wash made hair so soft so not worried about hair being stripped :)

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May 9

Completed all except prepping hair “food”. Plan to get it done today :)
I missed Sunday's scalp massage and so I did it last night. I plan on doing today's tonight so that I can remain on track.

Is your hair food the aloe rose oil? Are you infusing roses in aloe vera oil?

I'm curious about your wash schedule in that I couldn't figure out the number of days apart. Would you mind sharing your steps for yesterday and today? I notice that the two-day combination appears throughout the month. I love hearing about people's schedules. No worries if you don't feel like sharing.

When I washed my hair on Sunday, my hair smelled sebumy. Like a lot. I'm not sure what changed in the last week because I didn't do any of the stuff that I would normally do to create it. What I did do differently though is I was doing daily massages. Not scalp, but body massages from a massage pillow that I'd purchased. I wonder if that had something to do with it? In fact, my hair wasn't as moisturized as it should be because I haven't bought my scale yet to make more hair lotion. I'm going to buy my scales by tomorrow because I hate living this life of nursing my products. My hair wants me to be heavy handed! :lol:
I missed Sunday's scalp massage and so I did it last night. I plan on doing today's tonight so that I can remain on track.

Is your hair food the aloe rose oil? Are you infusing roses in aloe vera oil?

I'm curious about your wash schedule in that I couldn't figure out the number of days apart. Would you mind sharing your steps for yesterday and today? I notice that the two-day combination appears throughout the month. I love hearing about people's schedules. No worries if you don't feel like sharing.

When I washed my hair on Sunday, my hair smelled sebumy. Like a lot. I'm not sure what changed in the last week because I didn't do any of the stuff that I would normally do to create it. What I did do differently though is I was doing daily massages. Not scalp, but body massages from a massage pillow that I'd purchased. I wonder if that had something to do with it? In fact, my hair wasn't as moisturized as it should be because I haven't bought my scale yet to make more hair lotion. I'm going to buy my scales by tomorrow because I hate living this life of nursing my products. My hair wants me to be heavy handed! :lol:
I finally prepped hair “food” :)

I have to do yesterdays inversion today. I meal prepped and hair food which took a lot of time. Now I know what realistically can be done in a day

Rose is short for Rosemary. My first oil was with EVO, now I plan to use coconut oil.
My calendar dictates my Wash Schedule. Appointments, workouts, amount of free time, etc. From my view point, it’s important to keep the scalp healthy than think of number of wash days. I think I implement enough oils and gentle/beneficial cleansers to “wash” often. After a month or so I’ll see if what I’m using works for the ends of hair especially

The massages probably stimulate healthy oils :) Massaging is so easy to do but so easy to forget when it’s not a habit yet. I’m hoping to make it a habit by next month

Haha at heavy handed, With the right product that could be a good thing :)

What have you been washing your hair with? Maybe that could be contributing to dryness. I notice less moisture after certain shampoos
I massaged my scalp last night. I realize that I probably do closer to 10 minutes than 5 since by the time my timer went off I was only halfway done. I'd set my timer because I thought that I was spending less than 5 minutes doing my massages.

As for my hair. This is how much lotion I have left. :cry3:


Thankfully, my scales should arrive today so I can use all of this on my hair tonight. I'd use about two to three times this amount (or more) on the regular, but I didn't have much more than this when I first started complaining about running out. I wasn't sure when all of my ingredients would arrive or anything. Tomorrow, I'll make more lotion and then I can make my hair as slippery as it used to being. :lol:

I think my cleansing routine is fine. It's basically the same one that I've used since the beginning of the year. I think that washing my hair three times per week also generated more sebum which tends to make my hair feel drier and that coupled with having to use less and less moisturizer didn't help.

My schedule hasn't changed much in the last however many years, but the ingredients that I use tend to vary.
I massaged my scalp last night. I realize that I probably do closer to 10 minutes than 5 since by the time my timer went off I was only halfway done. I'd set my timer because I thought that I was spending less than 5 minutes doing my massages.

As for my hair. This is how much lotion I have left. :cry3:

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Thankfully, my scales should arrive today so I can use all of this on my hair tonight. I'd use about two to three times this amount (or more) on the regular, but I didn't have much more than this when I first started complaining about running out. I wasn't sure when all of my ingredients would arrive or anything. Tomorrow, I'll make more lotion and then I can make my hair as slippery as it used to being. :lol:

I think my cleansing routine is fine. It's basically the same one that I've used since the beginning of the year. I think that washing my hair three times per week also generated more sebum which tends to make my hair feel drier and that coupled with having to use less and less moisturizer didn't help.

My schedule hasn't changed much in the last however many years, but the ingredients that I use tend to vary.
Amazing you did a 10 minute massage! If I could make it a habit to do that everyday :)

Glad your ingredients are coming soon :) Speaking of making your own lotion. Do you use BTMS for hair moisturizers or butters? I think that’s what it’s called. I’m not sure if it’s safe to use on the scalp

I’m still experimenting with my cleansing formula and exact routine after Wash/rinse. It is shaping up, but the process is fun :)

I missed doing a rinse today

I want to make a hair lotion from roots to ends. I do a lot of oiling but need to focus on moisture from roots to ends. Hoping to come up with a recipe today. It will most likely involve aloe :)
Amazing you did a 10 minute massage! If I could make it a habit to do that everyday :)

Glad your ingredients are coming soon :) Speaking of making your own lotion. Do you use BTMS for hair moisturizers or butters? I think that’s what it’s called. I’m not sure if it’s safe to use on the scalp

I’m still experimenting with my cleansing formula and exact routine after Wash/rinse. It is shaping up, but the process is fun :)

I missed doing a rinse today

I want to make a hair lotion from roots to ends. I do a lot of oiling but need to focus on moisture from roots to ends. Hoping to come up with a recipe today. It will most likely involve aloe :)

I did my scalp massage yesterday. I usually try to watch 1 hour of something in the evening to unwind and have time for myself, so I set up my pillows on my bed, put on the massage pillow and then take out my scalp massager. Check! Check! And check!

Yesterday afternoon, I made a new batch of lotion. This time with some DIY herbal oils that I wanted to use up. If you go here in the next couple of hours, you can get a peek at what I made. (I'm hoping to make "proper" video of it soon.)

I use BTMS to bind the water to the oils, but not on it's own. It comes in form of pellets that you'd have to melt down and I think that it would be too greasy and conditioning to use on it's own. I make my lotions with a combination of oils and butters and of course WATER. Oils alone don't work on my hair. And water and oils don't do it for me either. I need to have a moisturizer. I'm not sure if it's specifically that the oil and water needs to be emulsified or if the added conditioner is what my hair wants.

I'm looking forward to you figuring out your cleansing formula! Is it going to be paste based or tea based? I'm biased to yucca root if you're looking to steep and rinse. One herb, 20 minutes + cooling time and you're good to go!
I did my scalp massage yesterday. I usually try to watch 1 hour of something in the evening to unwind and have time for myself, so I set up my pillows on my bed, put on the massage pillow and then take out my scalp massager. Check! Check! And check!

Yesterday afternoon, I made a new batch of lotion. This time with some DIY herbal oils that I wanted to use up. If you go here in the next couple of hours, you can get a peek at what I made. (I'm hoping to make "proper" video of it soon.)

I use BTMS to bind the water to the oils, but not on it's own. It comes in form of pellets that you'd have to melt down and I think that it would be too greasy and conditioning to use on it's own. I make my lotions with a combination of oils and butters and of course WATER. Oils alone don't work on my hair. And water and oils don't do it for me either. I need to have a moisturizer. I'm not sure if it's specifically that the oil and water needs to be emulsified or if the added conditioner is what my hair wants.

I'm looking forward to you figuring out your cleansing formula! Is it going to be paste based or tea based? I'm biased to yucca root if you're looking to steep and rinse. One herb, 20 minutes + cooling time and you're good to go!
An hour to yourself is definitely a must and glad you’re capitalizing on it! :)

Yay to new lotion :)

I actually made some leave in conditioner today and was very excited at the ease and consistency of it. It has aloe, fenugreek, and glycerin. I believe this will be a staple and happy I got the moisture aspect down now :)

Later when I start wearing my hair out, I want to use slippery elm and marshmallow root. Have you ever made anything with these herbs? The shampoo I’m using today is Aloe/Fenugreek water mixed with a piece of Henna Sooq Moroccan Clay Bar and African Black Soap. I added some powders Moringa and MSM. I also added Virgin Coconut oil. I want my shampoo to be nutrient dense as possible. I have not washed with it yet. Will in a few. Then I’ll DC with heat with Aloe afterwards :)

I just realized I didn’t answer if the shampoo will be tea based or paste based. It seems like it would be aloe/water based? The water component I don’t ever want to be plain water if there is enough time. I want it to be nutrient dense. It would be Fenugreek water or some herbal tea. Fenugreek is the easiest since I would already have it in the fridge for rinses. I think once I get in a habit forming routine of using rinses and this shampoo I can try do herbal teas later. Trying to be consistent with one thing at a time before adding to be consistent with progress. Trying to get staples down for HC routine. Don’t have a staple “moisture” shampoo yet, but this may be it if it works out well tonight :)
Past 2 days I remembered to do inversion after eating. Then I forget to do it later :drunk:. I’ll try to remember to do it Pre Wash.

Instead of using ABS today, I used Shea Moisture CoWash. Mixed a squirt with Aloe Juice and Fenugreek water. Hair didn’t feel stripped afterwards. I did oil hair roots to ends before washing.

What is your hair length goal by end of summer in August?
I did my nutrition mask followed up by a yucca root wash. It wasn't hard to do since I woke up early. The washing part was done by 9am and it didn't take me long to install twists. I didn't get to do my massage, but I did an extra one a couple of days ago so I'm not "behind".
Later when I start wearing my hair out, I want to use slippery elm and marshmallow root. Have you ever made anything with these herbs? The shampoo I’m using today is Aloe/Fenugreek water mixed with a piece of Henna Sooq Moroccan Clay Bar and African Black Soap. I added some powders Moringa and MSM. I also added Virgin Coconut oil. I want my shampoo to be nutrient dense as possible. I have not washed with it yet. Will in a few. Then I’ll DC with heat with Aloe afterwards :)

I have, but I don't think my hair is a huge fan of marshmallow root. That being said, it's not going to stop me from using up my stash. :look:
I think it leaves my hair feeling kinda dry? But I don't think it's dry, so maybe rough is a better description. I've tried combining it with slippery elm years ago and recently and meh. I didn't find it that exciting.

Past 2 days I remembered to do inversion after eating. Then I forget to do it later :drunk:. I’ll try to remember to do it Pre Wash.

Instead of using ABS today, I used Shea Moisture CoWash. Mixed a squirt with Aloe Juice and Fenugreek water. Hair didn’t feel stripped afterwards. I did oil hair roots to ends before washing.

What is your hair length goal by end of summer in August?

I don't know what my end of summer goal is. I would love to see my hair making some real progress. I'm not sure if my longest lengths are budging, but the sides seem to be making progress which is where I had my biggest setback. I think I just want to nurse my hair to the point that looks as much like my avatar or better then I'd be happy. I think that it's doable by summer considering the progress that I've made since the beginning of the year.

Also, if I could somehow make a leap into keeping my hair clumped through washing and finger detangling so that it remains easier to detangle I'd consider that a win.

Summer is growing season, right?! Let's do it!
Love the energy! Let’s make the best to f summer growth☺️

Excited to hear you’re making progress! :)

My progress since the beginning of the year has not been great because I wasn’t really consistent. My consistency is improving as I’m seeing what works and what doesn’t.

I’m loving the Fenugreek Leave In I made. I feel like its making me stick to the routine more. It’s very easy to use and makes massaging easy and find I’m doing massages more. Massaging is so easy and effective we both have to do better towards it :) Will try to remember to post each day I massage to motivate each other. I massaged today for like 5 minutes and then did inversion for 5 minutes. I time inversions, have to try to remember to time massages

I might to do inversion 5 times a week since its summer months. I remembered this morning before eating. I’ll have to make it a part of morning routine to have it out the way and not forget later

Since I’ve being consistent with the Fenugreek Leave In. I’m going to do less oiling and more Fenugreek Leave In massages. It massages better than the oil to me. I have to update my HC schedule. Will probably post it by Thursday this week if I don’t have time today

Hope you have a bliss day :sunshine:
I haven't used fenugreek in such a while, but your posts are reminding me that it's such a good herb. I think that this week I'll make a batch of hydrated fenugreek paste so that I'm ready for the weekend. I'll try remember to do this on Thursday.
Almost forgot to DC with heat. Washed hair and now DCing.

Forgot to ask how your lotions came out :)
Almost forgot to DC with heat. Washed hair and now DCing.

Forgot to ask how your lotions came out :)

The jury is still out. The final product was a bit thicker than I'd anticipated, but I think it moisturizes well? But I also think that I need to use a slightly stronger cleanser or maybe ACV pre-poo this week since I can't really tell how well it's keeping my hair moisturized. You can take a peek here.
The jury is still out. The final product was a bit thicker than I'd anticipated, but I think it moisturizes well? But I also think that I need to use a slightly stronger cleanser or maybe ACV pre-poo this week since I can't really tell how well it's keeping my hair moisturized. You can take a peek here.
Well hopefully it’s moisturizing and you see the effects soon :)

I might skip rinse tonight:help:Hope I make it lol. Let you know tomorrow :)
I ended up skipping last night's massage, but I did one on Monday so it balances out. I'll try to do one tonight, though.

Were you able to do your rinse?
I did the rinse last night:yahoo:

It was so cold! I store it in the fridge:cold:

Today I’m suppose to prepping for the next week. This was my first week actually using most of what I made so I’m happy about that. There is only one formula I’m going to tweak and I think I have my staples for the rest of HCJ this year :)

Will update calendar in a few to less oiling as I mentioned before :)
Good Morning :sunshine:

Exercise and shopping went way long than expected and ran out of time for recipe making. Should complete by Monday. I did a 10 minute massage yesterday and inversion Wednesday and Thursday. I updated the calendar but since I didn’t get to HC recipes, I’ll wait til I finish making them before posting.

Hope your hair schedule is going well :)