Grown men who play video games, Yay? Nay? no big deal???

I HATE it! I just consider video games to be for kids but if it doesnt affect our "us" then whatever. Every adult guy excluding two have been into games.
I play video games (assassin's creed, cod, dynasty warriors, god o fwar, etc). I'd be a hypocrite if that was a deal breaker: :look:. I don't particularly care for sports games
My SO likes to play video games and so do I. He likes a variety and I like open world shooter games!
Absolutely not. Its a deal breaker for me. The kind of man I like plays real games-basketball, touch football, etc.
So plays his games and loves when I sit either on the phone listening or if we are together he wants me to play/watch. He's very active in real life stuff do I don't mind. It's one way for him to have fun and release stress.

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ladysaraii said:
Like others have said, as long as its not excessive, then its fine.

I'd actually liek to play them, but I dont have the slightest clue about how to do anything and I dont have the patience to figure it out.

Some I can play but others I'm just hopeless :nono: I tried to play him on some nba game a few times but it was pointless. Give me super Mario all day everyday.

He gave dd his Xbox and has her gaming too smh

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I think it's funny that every guy that I know that is really into gamer is overweight and no I really culdnt care less about stories of your SO or someone's cousin's friend's son is an exception.
Dh plays like four times a year. Gives me time to slip out and REALLY shop. He does not monopolize the tv for this. We are also in agreeance about physical appearance and limiting activities that would hinder this.

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Some I can play but others I'm just hopeless :nono: I tried to play him on some nba game a few times but it was pointless. Give me super Mario all day everyday.

He gave dd his Xbox and has her gaming too smh

Sent from the corner pay phone

I'm with you

My college friends would play a lot, but never had the patience to teach me. Sports games I won't do. Heck I dont like watching them in real life.

Super Mario is great. But Duck Hunk was my ish.
My man is 33 and still plays. However, I played them when we met when I was 18 and he was 19. Since we've been married (6 years today) he has gotten better. He used to stay up all night and now he'll wrap it up by 8-9PM. Some nights he doesn't even play. He has a college buddy and a couple friends scattered around the states that he'll play XBOX with.

I can't be the kind of wife who unplugs it in the middle of his playing. its immature for one thing. I have heard of chicks breaking their man's XBOX too.... I might stand in front of it lightly clothed and he'll wrap it up fast. On weekends he'll play long hours. Some days its great cause he's out of my hair. Other days when I need him to help around the house its a real issue. Most days he plays it after work to unwind. It seems immature to me, but its our compromise. Not perfect but I let him enjoy it. He even asks sometimes if its okay....because he asks more, I give him a break.....He realizes once we do have a baby those days will be over. Not worth fighting if he's willing to give and take. We discuss it like mature adults....

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One of the reasons me and DH shifted apart ,Call of Duty .He was playing all the time while i had to look after our son,he was in denial and at every argument he tried to blame it on me being whining .How does that sound ?

Thats not compromise.

Men do use it to escape stress but it can't be used to escape LIFE. My DH used to play a lot but its not even everyday now. He actually brings some if his work home now that he's been promoted.....

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Absolutely not. Its a deal breaker for me. The kind of man I like plays real games-basketball, touch football, etc.

They can't do both?

DH plays football and basketball at rec leagues. So do I. :lol: But, I play flag football...not trying to get hurt. We used to own and operate a rec league in Charlotte. I just don't understand why anyone needs to be that controlling of a man who is taking care of business. :look: Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. :yep:

I still say that there is a point when it becomes excessive and detrimental to a relationship but as long as it's not excessive...I do not curr. :lol:
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They can't do both?

DH plays football and basketball at rec leagues. So do I. :lol: But, I play flag football...not trying to get hurt. We used to own and operate a rec league in Charlotte. I just don't understand why anyone needs to be that controlling of a man who is taking care of business. :look: Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. :yep:

I still say that there is a point when it becomes excessive and detrimental to a relationship but as long as it's not excessive...I do not curr. :lol:

It's not about being controlling. A man who spends time playing video games is not attractive to me, therefore I would not be in a relationship with a man who plays video games. I don't need to control him.
They can't do both?

DH plays football and basketball at rec leagues. So do I. :lol: But, I play flag football...not trying to get hurt. We used to own and operate a rec league in Charlotte. I just don't understand why anyone needs to be that controlling of a man who is taking care of business. :look: Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. :yep:

I still say that there is a point when it becomes excessive and detrimental to a relationship but as long as it's not excessive...I do not curr. :lol:

???? I'm not going to try and control a man who wants to play video games. That's not what I wrote at all.
I wrote that it was deal breaker. Meaning I'm not gonna control him, I'm gonna choose not to get involved with him. I prefer the outdoorsy type.
I don't mind. I used to be a huge computer game freak so I know how fun video games can be and I love them. They've never been a hindrance on my most recent ex had a Playstation 3 that we would both spend HOURS on, almost if not always together. It was fun for us and it was never something that was done so often that we neglected our priorities.
It's not about being controlling. A man who spends time playing video games is not attractive to me, therefore I would not be in a relationship with a man who plays video games. I don't need to control him.

agreed. not sure why not liking such is seen as controlling. You dont like it, simple as that and you found someone who agreed. Good for you IMO.
My boyfriend probably plays video games maybe 6-10 hours a week. It doesn't really bother me.

I did have an ex that only played excessively until he finished the game. Until something else caught his attention he wouldn't play much at all between that time period.
We talking a certain age demographic here? I would.side eye my 40 to 50 dating pool if he was significantly gaming.
I'm not down with video games and don't want any in my house.
It's just not my thing. I was aware that me and a gamer would not make a good fit, so i made sure that I asked about that when dating.
DH does not play video games.
Ughhhh. Why can't you play with your Hubby/BF?

Find a game you can both play, learn, get some skills and have fun! Stop resenting the game!

Agree to play games and also agree to do things you want to do. As long as you are together having fun that is what matters. Stop being so closed minded. Gamers love to bring people in especially their girlfriends/wives! They think they are THE LUCKIEST GUYS WHEN THEIR LADIES PLAY VIDEO GAMES TOO!!!!!

No age is too old.

There are games for EVERYONE!

Stop saying I can't and do.

You are missing out on good men and good fun!

I can't see any mentions on my IPhone. PM me if it is a must see. Allons y
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeet I lol me some videogames! If he dates me he's gonna have to learn how to play or take getting pwned up like a man! :lol: I'm a gamer but I still have a life outside of Mario and Link. :lol: If he can handle his business then great! I've always got a buddy for co op mode! :lol:
Everything in moderation! It's a great way to de-stress while keeping your brain active. On the flip side, I've found hardcore gamers to be TOO CLINGY. Casuals FTW!

(Can't believe there's still people out there saying that games are for kids.)
As long as he doesn't start slacking off around the house or in the bedroom, he can do whatever he wants.
Shoot I love vidyah games! It's just that I seldom play for more than a few hours on any given day. Last night I played one of my favorite games "Lead 4 Dead" for a few hours. Died too many times and got bored lol.
My ex-bf would play video games 8 hours (or more) per day. Mind you he would work (when he was employed); but he would spend his evenings on video games until 2am or later in the morning. He would come to my house and bring his video games.

He was excessive. I will never make that mistake again.