Grown men who play video games, Yay? Nay? no big deal???


Well-Known Member
What do you ladies think about it?

My coworker says of her DH had time to play video games, then he has time to go out and make more money :lol: :look:

When I was right out of college my then BF played video games all of the time after we had been together a while and it started to work my nerves :nono: I like a few computer games but not the loud noisy fighting games.

How do you ladies feel about grown men playing video games? Does the age range matter?
My DH plays Madden or NBA Live with his friends online. Particularly with his best friend who lives states away. With the blue tooth and internet they can play live and chat as if his best friend was at the house. I don't see anything wrong with it since he is hitting the gym at 5:30 every morning (do not want lazy slob for a DH :lol:), doesn't place that as a priority over family time or our marriage. He's working and paying bills so he should get to spend his leisure time the way he sees fit so long as it is not negatively affecting our family, IMO.

I will play let's dance or Michael Jackson in a heartbeat if I can get someone to dance with me. :lol: I dare anyone to say something to me about it. :look: I know this is an "opinion" question but I don't see the harm unless it's excessive. I do see the harm, however, in being too controlling. *shrugs*
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DH plays video games all the time. He mostly plays civilization which is an excellent brain exercise. Actually, all video games are brain exercises. They say men have better spatial skills, it's probably because they play video games more than us.

I really don't mind it, it's a positive thing. It keeps him busy so I dont have to worry about him being all up under me. And I can do the things I need to do.
My DH plays Madden or NBA Live with his friends online. Particularly with his best friend who lives states away. With the blue tooth and internet they can play live and chat as if his best friend was at the house. I don't see anything wrong with it since he is hitting the gym at 5:30 every morning (do not want lazy slob for a DH :lol:), doesn't place that as a priority over family time or our marriage. He's working and paying bills so he should get to spend his leisure time the way he sees fit so long as it is not negatively affecting our family, IMO.

I will play let's dance or Michael Jackson in a heartbeat if I can get someone to dance with me. :lol: I dare anyone to say something to me about it. :look: I know this is an "opinion" question but I don't see the harm unless it's excessive. I do see the harm, however, in being too controlling. *shrugs*

Exactly. DH works on his feet in a lab all day so I let him have his fun. I'm not an attention whore, so I don't need his attention all the time. He cooks and makes money so I'm not trippin on it.

I really think it's an ego/control thing when women say they don't want their men playing video games. DH lets me do whateeevvver I want to do, so I let him do his thing too.
Like others have said, as long as its not excessive, then its fine.

I'd actually liek to play them, but I dont have the slightest clue about how to do anything and I dont have the patience to figure it out.
i don't mind, but it was the death of my marriage. way too excessive. 14-16 hours on off days, first thing when he woke up, very loud when online, computer games when not on the console, get off of work and would play until bedtime, etc....
I used to have a Sims 2 addiction so I can't talk. :lol:

I haven't yet been with a guy who plays video games but as long as it's just a small recreational enjoyment I don't see it as a problem. If it consumes a large portion of their time than that could be a turn off.
:lol: I wish my SO liked "real" video games so we could play together. By "real", I mean fighting, violent games like halo, cod, etc. oh well, I just play with my friends lol.

However, we do both love the Sims. He plays SimCity, I like the regular sims (3 plus expansion packs). So we'll have 'sims nights' where we both just play for hours and hours lol.

Did I answer the question? Lol
I don't mind. I'm intrigued by video games myself... I'm not good at them :lol:... but I find them interesting.

As long as I'm not being neglected, I don't see the problem.
I guess I'm laid back about b/c I like my time to read, play on the net, etc...(we won't even talk about my latest Pinterest and tumblr addictions :giggle: ) Plus I need a good amount of solitude in my life
My dh is a gamer, but I am too, so it works out. I know there are people out there who don't understand gaming, so they probably shouldn't date/marry a gamer. *shrugs*
I guess I'm laid back about b/c I like my time to read, play on the net, etc...(we won't even talk about my latest Pinterest and tumblr addictions :giggle: ) Plus I need a good amount of solitude in my life

:yep: Sometimes dh will get on his gaming kick where he wants to play for like 3 or 4 hours one day and I just leave him be. Catch up on my shows, play with dd, do my/our hair/nails, put together outfits, etc.
Depends how much. There's a difference between a few hours here and there and someone who is addicted.

I play games with SO maybe 45 minutes a day lol. We really enjoy it, but he doesn't play by himself.

My EX was into gaming alone, but it didn't bother me much. I don't like feeling like I have to entertain people 24/7 as I have my own time consuming hobbies:look:, so it worked for me.
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My dh works hard all week. If he wants to spend some time gaming, I am more than fine with it. He makes time for family, but he needs his alone time too to decompress.
My DH plays Madden or NBA Live with his friends online. Particularly with his best friend who lives states away. With the blue tooth and internet they can play live and chat as if his best friend was at the house. I don't see anything wrong with it since he is hitting the gym at 5:30 every morning (do not want lazy slob for a DH :lol:), doesn't place that as a priority over family time or our marriage. He's working and paying bills so he should get to spend his leisure time the way he sees fit so long as it is not negatively affecting our family, IMO.

I will play let's dance or Michael Jackson in a heartbeat if I can get someone to dance with me. :lol: I dare anyone to say something to me about it. :look: I know this is an "opinion" question but I don't see the harm unless it's excessive. I do see the harm, however, in being too controlling. *shrugs*

If I ever end up getting my Wii, I will be playing games quite frequently, especially the dance games for exercise :yep: :lol:
DH plays video games all the time. He mostly plays civilization which is an excellent brain exercise. Actually, all video games are brain exercises. They say men have better spatial skills, it's probably because they play video games more than us.

I really don't mind it, it's a positive thing. It keeps him busy so I dont have to worry about him being all up under me. And I can do the things I need to do.

I used to love to play Red Alert Command and Conquer which is all about strategy. I think it really worked my brain and I would play that for hours. I am looking for something similar to get into :look:

I think I just hate the loud, fighting games, my ex would hook up Dook Nukem (sp?) to the surround sound speakers and the sound from those guns would sound like they were coming from all over the house :nono: and he would play for hours. My SO plays similar types of games and it does not bother me too much now as we don't live together but I was over once and he started up and I got flashbacks :lol: I guess I would like it more if I was into it too :ohwell:
I don't mind if a grown man plays video games......shoot, I LOVE playing video games myself lol...:look:.....

As long as he's got a full-time job that he goes to everyday, and doesn't allow his gaming habits to turn into an addiction I'm cool. :yep: If he's also helping me around the house with things that need to be done, then that's fine.

I just think that things should be done in moderation. A little gaming here and there is cool. :yep: I think everyone should have an outlet. It's a GREAT release actually lol. :giggle: But if everytime I walk into the house you're on the sofa couch playing video games umm........No Houston....we will have a problem..:naughty:
No big deal for me. My SO normally plays his long stretch of video games when I'm at work or asleep. He plays when I am around but only for like 1.5 hours. As much time as I spend on YouTube and Tumblr, I really have no room to talk.
If its something he does a couple times a week then fine, thats a hobby. But if he was a come home, change into house clothes, turn on the XBox type of guy every night, I couldnt do it.
One of the reasons me and DH shifted apart ,Call of Duty .He was playing all the time while i had to look after our son,he was in denial and at every argument he tried to blame it on me being whining .How does that sound ?
DH plays. Doesnt bother me, used to tho :yep: He says its his way to unwind. His fav time to play is early on the weekend mornings when the kids/I are asleep. He also plays with DS whos upstairs... they share game download codes so they can play together against others
I don't mind it at all. I often play with him :yep:. It's a healthy and fun way for us to be competitive with one another.
I did feel some kind of way about it it immature or not? But it was never excessive so it didn't bother me. He liked when I joined in but I don't know that game scares me (COD).
I dont mind at all... We play together actually. Black Ops... COD... I let him do his thing, when I'm not playing with him i'll be reading, on the computer, cooking dinner or catching up on sleep. It works out.
Yay! I love video games myself although I haven't had time to play in a very long while. My PlayStation 3 is mostly used to watch DVDs and netflix. Wouldnt mind a gamer guy as long as it's not obsessive levels that mess with him being a productive human being.
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Occasionally, sure. But I've always found it weird/creepy for a grown arse man to be really into video games (unless it's his profession). It's just childish to me. Video games are for children.