It's interesting the different things that work for people. None of the homeopathic things work for me. I have tried acv, and also fenugreek which has its big fans, also tea tree oil, but those didn't really help. I'd forgotten about, but think I'll be going back to, Nizoral. I found a half bottle in my stash. It worked so well before, that I forgot about it once my problem was solved and stopped using it. But I really need to keep in mind to, even after the issue seems solved, use it periodically to keep it under control.

Oh my goodness! I hope the Nizoral helps then! Itchy scalp is so terribly annoying. I'm so sorry you are dealing with it.
It's interesting the different things that work for people. None of the homeopathic things work for me. I have tried acv, and also fenugreek which has its big fans, also tea tree oil, but those didn't really help. I'd forgotten about, but think I'll be going back to, Nizoral. I found a half bottle in my stash. It worked so well before, that I forgot about it once my problem was solved and stopped using it. But I really need to keep in mind to, even after the issue seems solved, use it periodically to keep it under control.

Nizoral and ayurvedic remedies really help keep my itchy scalp/seb derm away. I use Nizoral once a month, and a shampoo with shikakai, neem and amla once a week. My scalp has never been better. I hope this helps :)
Girl you’ll be HL in no time! I have a ton of Devacurl products that I have not touched, but I bought them in 2017. Now Im so afraid to use them. If my hair start falling out I may cry. A lot of work went into getting here. Did your hair just start breaking off from using it? Or was it more like really bad shedding?

From what I can remember, my hair started falling out in BIG clumps in the shower to the point that I would cry because I didn't know what was happening. I was already stressed from school, plus I was a vegan for a few months so I figured it must have been that...

.....but then I was getting these HUGE volcano pimples all over my face, something I had NEVER experienced in my life!

I found out that thousands of other women were having issues EXACTLY like me a whole year after I finished using my DC products!!!:mad::mad::mad: I won't touch their products anymore! One, for what happened to my hair, and secondly for how the company has been handling the situation by brushing us off. No more DevaCurl for me!

I switched to Aussie, Tresseme, and Shea Moisture. My hair grows just fine with drugstore products.
added peppermint and MSM to my hair oil. i tried to make a henna tea. i don't know if it really came out well, but I'm going to still use it in the shower because it definitely runs a reddish brown. I've added glycerin and some essential oil.

Let me know what you think of the MSM in oil. I've been using it that way for months, but MSM isn't oil-soluable. I've been meaning to add it to some sort of DIY spray, but haven't been inspired to create a recipe yet. I think it would be better if dissolved into a liquid. I hope to get on it soon.
I’ve had my hair in knotless braids the past couple weeks and I’m soooo loving not having to do my hair. I don’t wanna go back to spending 3-4hrs a week on my hair y’all :cry3:. I think once I take this out in a few weeks I’m gonna start stretching my wash day to every other week cus life is too short lol. Maybe I’ll start doing more blow outs and rollersets because those are easy to stretch to 2weeks. Twist outs are a week tops for me
I’m planning a significant cut
but whyyyyyy?????

Let me know what you think of the MSM in oil. I've been using it that way for months, but MSM isn't oil-soluable. I've been meaning to add it to some sort of DIY spray, but haven't been inspired to create a recipe yet. I think it would be better if dissolved into a liquid. I hope to get on it soon.

I'm not sure that I need it to dissolve as long as it can mix, which I think it does. However, to be sure, I did add it to my spray :D
Some parts of my hair are so matted, at the root. I've ended up washing my hair a couple of times in twists because it's itched a lot. I've now gotten Head and Shoulders dandruff shampoo and it's helped a fair bit, but sometimes it itched so bad I couldn't wait until I had time to detangle properly. Full time work and 2 young kids means I hardly have any time at all, so sometimes I have to wash when I don't have time detangle, and my hair is very prone to tangling in such situations. I did have just enough time to unravel the ends and coat in flaxseed gel and oil, which helped keep the ends from tangling. But the roots! Especially I got this itchy scalp cream that I would apply between washes, and adding moisture and goo and not detangling also increases matting. One of the 20 twists I had took me 30 minutes to get through, finger detangling and then following up with my Yellow Bird. I did 5 other twists, thank goodness none were as bad as that one. That section was especially itchy and I applied more cream there, which I'm sure increased matting. The other ones take about 10 minutes each.

I'll be doing 2 or 3 twists at a time until I'm through with the other 15. Hopefully I can get through them all by the time my head is so itchy that I feel I have to wash again. I guess that gives me another 5 days or so. :/
Finally got through detangling all the hair yesterday. So I could finally wash tonight. I used Head and Shoulders again. I think it does work too, I just have to not go longer than 7 or 8 days. I have some Elvive Total repair in my hair now. I'll rinse it out tomorrow and dry with the Revair. I don't use the Revair super often because it doesn't help detangle at all, unlike my dryer with comb attachment. But since I just detangled, it should be okay to use it just to stretch the hair quickly.
Finally got through detangling all the hair yesterday. So I could finally wash tonight. I used Head and Shoulders again. I think it does work too, I just have to not go longer than 7 or 8 days. I have some Elvive Total repair in my hair now. I'll rinse it out tomorrow and dry with the Revair. I don't use the Revair super often because it doesn't help detangle at all, unlike my dryer with comb attachment. But since I just detangled, it should be okay to use it just to stretch the hair quickly.

When I anticipate that my hair will be difficult to detangle, I use Naturally High's method (minus the water and ACV). In the video she says she keeps it in for an hour before detangling, but I know that she also sometimes keeps it in for days. I've done both ways and both ways work well.

Starts at 13:30
@GettingKinky I hope you make your waist length goal, but I understand your desire to have your hair look nice as it's growing

@snoop Yes! Lets finish on a high note! I'm with you! I think we have done really well so far this year

As for me, I keep thinking I have broken hairs, but I forget I only retained about 2-3 inches so far this year and before this, I just cut out tangles and damage in these sections. I think it could be the hair growing back that I am noticing now. Either way, I am using castor oil in these areas. I tried to start my braids off loose so that I wasn't snapping my hair trying to make the braid tight. I took out my right side edges. That hair wants no tension whatsoever. I feel like I've been in these chunky braids forever, but it has seriously only been like a week or two.
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So this is my 4th consecutive day working out. I’m trying to break a personal record of 30 days. With that being said, this blowout ain’t gonna make it. I sweat too much. I may do some box braids this weekend or pick up a new wig. Something short and cool. It’s super hot in Houston right now
LOL. I don’t like the shape of my current haircut and I think in order to get a good shape that will look nice while I’m growing it out, I will have to cut quite a bit. I found a new stylist so once she opens up again I’ll see what she thinks.
you may not need to cut much as far as length at the nape area... For me the perfect cut was about lots of layers...
note to self: when wearing box braids please do not pull strands out that are in the braid too tight. this causes weakness/tears in the strand

I took down my right edge braid and looked at one shed hair. It had a small tear about an inch from the root. I was wondering how that happened. I braided the section back up and it was still kind of too tight, so I pull some strands looser... tear! I literally heard a little tear sound.... and i wonder why i have no hair.