Gorgeous hair on Youtube

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Huh?! Type F had a whole different thing going on. This woman was sharing her legitimate hair routine in a few informative videos, with the swangin' hair to prove it, whether people agree with her practices or not.

Those people on Type F posted THOUSANDS of frivolous videos full of misinformation. Apples and oranges. I didn't go hard on Type F, anyway, but those who did has reason to...the comments in this thread are something else.

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I think it's more like comparing crab apples to granny smith but......what do I know about anything? **Shrug**

Gosh I admire how evenly she cut her hair, too cute.

There's a lot of good LHCF advice, something for everyone to pick and choose what makes them happy and works for them. If this works for her then awesome, after all y'all know if girlfriend was on here posting growth updates some sisters would be at home in the bathroom like "Okay how many passes of the flat iron do I have to do to get three inches a month???"
Really? I honestly didn't notice that. I was too busy drooling over her unwrapping her hair. :lick:

That's always my fave part of hair tutorials...i kinda wish everyone would do their "reveals" in slow motion so i wouldn't have to keep rewinding them :giggle:


During my transition washing my hair like that caused so much knotting and ripping (yikes!) that now that I'm fully natural again I literally shiver at the thought.

Maybe one day when I'm feeling froggy I'd try it again just to see....but for now... no bueno! lol

The first video is was a bit obvious. In the wrap video it looks like she trimmed the other side. So maybe she is letting it catch up while trimming the longer side. Her hair reminds me of mine how it moves and shines. Now she gonna make me go do my hair lol.
The woman has beautiful hair. And at the end of the day, its HER HAIR ON HER HEAD GROWING FROM HER SCALP! I can't believe some of these comments. She has the right to do what she wants to do with her hair and its obviously working for her. Some people are so caught up in thinking they have to follow the rules of protective styling, etc that you won't try anything different and you shun anything that isn't a generally accepted practice on the hair boards. It's not that serious.

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That hair is fabulous! I don't care what she's doing, that length and that thickness is beautiful.

So are we saying she's mbl, almost wl? That's a beautiful length. I need to check my length to see what I'm working with. I may be growing past my goal length. Her hair is a gorgeous length. I can do that. :yep:
I think it's misleading of her to say "I'll show you how to get stronger, healthier hair" with her methods. Gorgeous hair, though, without question!


I'm glad my husband is not at home to witness my hysterical and tear filled laughter!! This!!!:lol:

The unmitigated cattiness of your respone when you initially came in here claiming that we need to be less so....is astounding.

I am sorry that you think I am using "cattiness." I am actually just stating a point and using facts. If you look back, I never said anything about what we, you, or my momma NEED to do.

Please point me to where I ever used the word NEED in this thread.

I'll wait.

Don't bother. I'm good. You clarified everything for me thoroughly in your last response.


I am sorry that you think I am using "cattiness." I am actually just stating a point and using facts. If you look back, I never said anything about what we, you, or my momma NEED to do.

Please point me to where I ever used the word NEED in this thread.

I'll wait.

Is there anyone here who doesn't think SistaWithRealHair's hair practices are bad? I don't think they are bad. The only thing I saw odd was the uneven hair length but overall I think she has nice hair.

Like alot of people say here..."what works for one may not work for another."

Some of the common things that I see promoted here on LHCF such as frequent washing, co-washing, deep conditioning, moisturizing, airdrying, and non-stop protective styles isn't necessarily healthy hair care practices for every hair type either.


I honestly don't see what was bad based on what was in these videos. No chemicals, rollerset & flat-iron once a month, deep conditioning with every wash, and frequent trims. I see plenty of women in the Dominican salons doing a similar regi once or twice a month with healthy hair.

If she was an LHCF member, people would be applauding and starting a challenge in her honor. But, oh well...this is my last post on this topic. I have my own hair to worry about.

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That hair is fabulous! I don't care what she's doing, that length and that thickness is beautiful.

So are we saying she's mbl, almost wl? That's a beautiful length. I need to check my length to see what I'm working with. I may be growing past my goal length. Her hair is a gorgeous length. I can do that. :yep:

Off topic: omg your hair!!! :drool:

do YOU have a video? cause uh..... yeah. send me the linkage if you do lol #Please&ThankYou
Her hair is gorgeous in its natural state and when straightened. :yep:

I noticed the left side was a few inches longer than the right. Other than that, absolutely gorgeous hair...lots of bounce and it looked so healthy.
She's a beautiful woman and her hair is undeniably gorgeous. I can say I did notice it was shorter on one side and that she had heat damage. Did that change my mind about how gorgeous I think her hair is... no. Now, imo I think its wrong to suggest people on a hair board cannot acknowledge these things without being "haters" or "snobs" or the like. :ohwell:
^^Natural-K, your hair is sooo pretty!

And lol and smh at this thread. Whew! We sure can dissect an issue.
Mmmm she has nice hair, but something about her seems catty. When you take the opinions of others and run with it the way she did on her youtube comments. It leaves a bad tastes in my mouth. When you take it upon yourself to make a youtube video about hair care, you have to realize that not everyone is going to agree with your methods. When you scan random hair boards for approval it says much about your personality. She does not come off personable at all. All the ums and eye rolling leaves me feeling ehhhh.

Beautiful woman, nice hair but when you cannot take criticism then you should not be making youtube videos. She came here copying and pasting comments on here to post on her youtuve page ( quoting Rocstar on her page) is not cool. Sorry. I got turned off. Anyway I will stick to Haircrush. Arrogant, thin skinned not a good look. Yes, the hair is heat damaged you cannot deny it and her regimen works for her but won't for many others. Good luck to her. The funny thing is this board is full of women who have healthier and longer hair than the OP. It is so evident by reading the posts and checking out the siggies on this thread alone. So why should we be impressed? What's up with all the unnecessary cursing? Comes of hoodratish. :perplexed
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She's mad at yall :look:

I can't follow that regimen because I like to wear my hair curly but I need the hair porn so I hope she stays :yep:
I only get a hair trim once a year (S&D in the interim) & that video has me seriously considering doing my own hair trim this year. It would take away all of the anxiety of having someone else do it. "Will they cut too much?? Will my layers fall right??" I swear I feel it when I get my hair trimmed. I feel the cuts!! :lol:

At least if I do it myself, I could do it the way I want it... and if it turns out imperfect, I'd rather blame myself than leave a salon mad at someone else. It's also a hell of a lot cheaper.

I'm still considering. I'd have to do some research first.

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NEGATIVE statements from a random HAIR FORUM: Really?? Who gives a ****!!!! I will continue to do my hair and videos MY way - you don't like it - KICK ROCKS BAAABE!!!!!
Triva question! What do you call a person with fried , uneven, heat damaged hair??? Anyone?
**asistawithrealhair ** haha - get my point??

I wanna say "Thank You" ladies of you tube for embracing a new comer like myself! I really appreciate all of your support, compliments and kind words!
Unfortunately...I can't say the same for a hair forum I "stumbled" across tonight 10/3! A forum I was SO excited about joining (it will remain anonymous) however, once I got a glimpse at how nasty - negative - caddy - immature - hatin "SOME" ( NOT all women where acting like imbeciles) NOT the "sisterhood" I want to be apart of - noooo thank you!

I'm NOT here to "formally" educate you on hair (NOT my intent)! I was ONLY offering TIPS on how ** I ** got longer /healthier hair! If my advice doesn't apply to you...then move to the NEXT channel!
I made it VERY clear (said it several times) in my FIRST video that I'm ~ NOT ~ a professional stylist - I'm demonstrating what works for ME (wooooorks for meeeeeee) did ya miss that??

So if you're looking for text book fundamentals look elsewhere!
I'm certainly NOT looking to be "politically correct" with my hair...are you kidding me??? LOL
Give me a break...its just hair ladies...READ MY LIPS...its juuuuuust haaaaaair - NOT that serious!!!! I understand your "passion" for what YOU consider "natural" hair to be, but com'on...really? This is such a joke...I gotta laugh!LOL
I never heard of such HAIR BASHING in my life! LOL
I posted on you tube and got my hair bashed!!! LOL
I gotta tell me girlfriends about this! LOL

So what!!!! I put alot of heat in my hair?
So what!!!! My my hair is uneven?
So what!!!! My hair is straight in some areas and curly in others?
So what!!! I wear a cotton scarf to bed!
So what!!! I don't like wearing my hair natural curly
So f*cken what I may have heat damage...who caaaares! I'm happy with my hair and that's all that matters!

-Not gonna make it on youtube (who said that is what she is trying to do)
-She has heat damage
-Her regimen is wrong and won't work for most
-Her hair is uneven
-She has been doing this for 10 years and is only at BSL - she must not be growing hair
-Her hair is that length, not because of her regimen or techniques, but because she was born with that "good/special" hair.____END QUOTE

Me: A DAMN SHAME!!!!!!!!! But reading the post was quite entertaining...I gotta say!
You guys are a bunch of hair bullies! LOL Too funny!

OH! And one more thing...some idiot/moron said that I wasn't going to "make it" on you tube?!?!
Who the hell comes to a hair forum looking for fame? That was the dumbest thing I ever read! I'm tellin ya...pure comedy!! LOL
... (more info)


Ya'll really hurt her feelings :look:
^^^ Wow. What a rant. Hurt feelings indeed. She'll learn that it comes with the territory of putting yourself out there. Eventually she'll realize that if people are talking & have mixed opinions... it's b/c you've got something special going. No one is going to be popular and have it be all hearts & rainbows. Not even Mother Teresa.

At the end of the day, people have the right to express their opinions & there's nothing that she nor anyone else can do about it.

ETA: If course she has the right to get all huffy & worked up... She also has the right to be smarter, react in a more tasteful manor & use this extra attention to her advantage. As I said before, if ppl are talking, there're going to be some negative opinions. The alternative is to have no one talking at all. (or hardly lol)

Sent from my iPhone. It does EVERYTHING :grin: ...except make calls :ohwell:
Ya'll really hurt her feelings :look:

There is some truth in her rant. Just like people have the right to criticize, she has the right to respond. Some people on LHCF can be cyber bullies, cliquish, and condescending. How many times have we seen the "LHCF internet gang" attack someone's youtube page? Let's be real it happens. Just like everyone else, the members of this forum are not above reproach. God forbid someone has relatively healthy hair and a decent length without following the "LHCF code". Some people of here act like that's impossible.
There is some truth in her rant. Just like people have the right to criticize, she has the right to respond. Some people on LHCF can be cyber bullies, cliquish, and condescending. How many times have we seen the "LHCF internet gang" attack someone's youtube page? Let's be real it happens. Just like everyone else, the members of this forum are not above reproach. God forbid someone has relatively healthy hair and a decent length without following the "LHCF code". Some people of here act like that's impossible.

No one here is saying you have to follow LHCF code. They are entitled to disagree. You don't have to cosign to everything everyone with LONG hair says.
There is some truth in her rant. Just like people have the right to criticize, she has the right to respond. Some people on LHCF can be cyber bullies, cliquish, and condescending. How many times have we seen the "LHCF internet gang" attack someone's youtube page? Let's be real it happens. Just like everyone else, the members of this forum are not above reproach. God forbid someone has relatively healthy hair and a decent length without following the "LHCF code". Some people of here act like that's impossible.

Yes she does have a right to respond, but it could've been done a little more tastefully. She's over there dropping *** bombs and getting her blood pressure up over some faceless fonts. Part of the youtube territory is getting critized. Any and everyone that puts their face out there for the public to see will get bashed about something. Not everyone is going to drop to their knees chanting "we're not worthy" over her hair. I haven't seen ONE youtuber not get critized about something or other. This is a hair board where healthy hair practices are discussed on a daily basis so of course people are going to question something that goes against what they've spent hours, days, and years learning. Since she has that coveted swang, I guess people are expected to just shut up and color. I didn't see the claws come out like some people are making it seem like, and honestly I'm too lazy to go back and read through the thread.

***Necessary Disclaimer**** Her hair is beautiful :)
She has beautiful hair!

I'm not going to lie....her rant is justified. If I did videos(without any knowledge of hair forums, social network sites, etc), then someone posted a topic about them and I saw all kind of negative comments, I would be hurt too. You know she is a person with feelings too. And like she said... it really is just hair. There are far worse topics people are giving "bad"---> (In some peoples eyes) advice on.
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