Gorgeous hair on Youtube

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Gorgeous hair!! :lick:

But um... If I cut an inch off hair of my head every month, my hair wouldn't get longer. She must be maintaining the length she has & not looking to gain length. Either that or she's a miracle grower.

I plan to do the same thing when I hit hip length. I'll just cut it every month until my layers catch up.

Sent from my iPhone. It does EVERYTHING :grin: ...except make calls :ohwell:

Great point. Maybe she should've clarified that this is a maintenance regimen. Cause after growing her hair for ten years she only about BSL and cuts off 1-2 inches a month.

That math doesn't equal someone seeking to actually grow their hair.

Either way her mane is still gorgeous. Just wish I'd seen something on her channel that wouldn't cause my folicles to shrivel up and fall off my head.

This washing video almost kilt me dead --> http://youtu.be/VrqLivZrgN0

It minuswell have been called "How to Grow Dreads While Shampooing:antlers:"
Ya'll are acting like she cut of 6 inches or something. She did not CHOP her hair, she trimmed. I guess I didn't think it was that serious or dramatic.
is it weave?

is it texturised?

or I should have switched that around, at first her hair( the front) looked texturised but when she started combing the back, I thought maybe I was wrong( could be heat damage ? ). I'm also certain thought that people are now suspecting its...... a weave?
No you're right, she said that it is shorter and a bit thinner on that side of her head in one of her videos

Yep, I only watched that first video before I commented in this thread. I just finished watching all of her videos and see that she mentioned how that side was shorter and not as thick as the left side.
Ya'll are acting like she cut of 6 inches or something. She did not CHOP her hair, she trimmed. I guess I didn't think it was that serious or dramatic.

Its not neccessarily how much she cut but moreso the frequency that threw me for a loop. i think some of us scissor shy folks are a bit shocked that she does that monthly.

is it weave?

is it texturised?

or I should have switched that around, at first her hair( the front) looked texturised but when she started combing the back, I thought maybe I was wrong( could be heat damage ? ). I'm also certain thought that people are now suspecting its...... a weave?

Naw. She cleared up that its her hair from the getgo. Even showed her scalp and everything. I actually like her from what I've seen so far. She clearly found a reggie that is working like a charm for her. Specifically. :look:
If she's trying to make it big on YouTube, her approach is all wring. She showed too much too soon and her regimen won't work for most. Her hair is amazing indeed but her regimen would not work for most of us.
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why is her hair straight like that in some sections though? :look:

:lol: I gasped when I saw her wet hair with the random straight pieces in between. I guess it's not a big deal since she seems to wear her hair straightened all the time.

Ok, I was watching the roller take down/ flat iron vid...she is breaking every lhcf rule lol... 5 passes at 450 aaahh. I was nervous watching lol...still her hair is beautiful.. I wish my hair could take that kind of heat and thrive

Yeah, I think all of those passes were a bit much, especially since her hair seems to be fairly straight from the rollerset. She also mentioned touching up a few times during the month at a lower temp. Fortunately her hair can withstand it.
Gorgeous hair...I would definitely try the cutting of the ends like her though once my sew in is removed. I'm almost at bra strap or was before my sew in so I'm excited to see my hair and try a different method to maintain a chemical free straight look. Her's fell beautifully!
In her videos she said she hasn't trimmed in a while, so maybe she cut so much off to make up for past trims? Maybe 1/2 to 2 inches cut a month isn't her norm, but just what she did for this video. I agree with her that healthy, trimmed ends are the best, so i guess i understand. but i was still taken aback when i saw her monthly trim. her wrap takedown vid was gorgeous.
Her hair is definitely gorgeous but honestly, its not that impressive to me when someone just so happens to be born with hair that can withstand abuse well, and retain
. Theres not much one can learn from that scenario or relate to imo.

However there is no doubt that she has gorgeous lush flowy hair:up: lawd knows it had nothing to do with her technique since all she does is apply heat indiscriminately:lol: she did about 12 passes at one point to her bangs lol. Her wrap takedown was breathtaking.

I personally find it more interesting when someones length and retention is actually a result of their regimen and practices but thats just me.

Oh, and I almost fainted at how breezy she was at hacking off 1 inch and then 2:blush: her hair probably grows lightning fast:yep:
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Her hair is GORGEOUS!!! Her curls are beautiful but I wonder how much of it is from heat training since she has heat damage. Reguardless, it's still beautiful.
Beautiful hair and lady. I was dead at the unveiling of the wrap...O.M.G. it is so freakin pretty. She should be a Pantene model! Loved it!
If she's trying to make it big on YouTube, her approach is all wring. She showed too much too soon and her regimen won't work for most. Her hair is amazing indeed but her regimen would not work for most of us.

Agreed. Her hair is no doubt beautiful, and her reggie works for her, but if other women want their hair to look like that doing exactly what she does, they might not have such great results (although I don't consider any heat damage great, which she seems to have, which is, of course the result of her not using a heat protectant -- see comments for this video )

Hi your haIR IS BEAutiful did u use any protective styling to aCHIEVE THIS length and dO you use ANY HEAT protectants?

chevelle0508 5 days ago
chevelle0508 No...I don't use any HEAT protectants or protective styling...I don't put that much heat in my hair. I might flat iron my hair 2-3 times a month -TOPS!

AFTER my hair has been conditioned and clipped my flat iron is turned to 450 degree, but for light maintenance throughout the month...I turn it down to 275-300

SistaWithRealHair 5 days ago

I would just hate to see a bunch of women who are new to this hair game start following her reggie (heat reggie) and end up with heat damage because they didn't use a heat protectant because she didn't use a heat protectant.
Her hair is nice but I couldn't help noticing that the right side of her hair is way shorter than the left side... unless she just combed the back/nape section of hair to the left side...

exactly. her hair is gorgeous. totally gorg but if my hair were like that, it would bother me tremedously. when she trims it though, she evens it out a lot more but then, it's shorter.
her hair is lovely but too bad she don't like wash and gos because she has heat damage. so when people rollerset their hair and then flatiron it they do that for body? because it seems like a waste of time to me... remember I don't like spending that much time on a hairstyle. when I got my hair rollerset once a week that is all I did and rap it at night and looking at her hair if she got someone to help her rollerset she could do the same thing without having to worry about her roots they would be straight.
We all know on here that one person's regimen may not work for another. I know we are on LHCF so of course we are going to notice and pay particular attention to hair techniques, hair health, hair length and hair products, but dang...can't we sometimes just admire someone's hair?

Based on the responses she is:
-Not gonna make it on youtube (who said that is what she is trying to do)
-She has heat damage
-Her regimen is wrong and won't work for most
-Her hair is uneven
-She has been doing this for 10 years and is only at BSL - she must not be growing hair
-Her hair is that length, not because of her regimen or techniques, but because she was born with that "good/special" hair.

I could go on an on. Some of the responses seem like backhanded compliments to me.

(I am paraphrasing)
"Gosh her hair is beautiful, but she has heat damage."

Her hair is gorgeous! If I put that much heat in my hair it would be completely fried! Goes to show that what works for some may not work for others...

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Her hair is nice but I couldn't help noticing that the right side of her hair is way shorter than the left side... unless she just combed the back/nape section of hair to the left side...
THIS. I didn't want to down a good thread. But it seems like one side is bsl and one is apl. I even watched another vid to confirm. BUT I still want to say she has a lot of growth for those practices. (nice enough ? I don't want to bring the thread down:grin:)
We all know on here that one person's regimen may not work for another. I know we are on LHCF so of course we are going to notice and pay particular attention to hair techniques, hair health, hair length and hair products, but dang...can't we sometimes just admire someone's hair?

Based on the responses she is:
-Not gonna make it on youtube (who said that is what she is trying to do)
-She has heat damage
-Her regimen is wrong and won't work for most
-Her hair is uneven
-She has been doing this for 10 years and is only at BSL - she must not be growing hair
-Her hair is that length, not because of her regimen or techniques, but because she was born with that "good/special" hair.

I could go on an on. Some of the responses seem like backhanded compliments to me.

(I am paraphrasing)
"Gosh her hair is beautiful, but she has heat damage."

I get you but what if I don't agree...then do I have to follow along and say "yes that's gorgeous!"? I've never been good at lying. Perhaps that's why I have a small group of buds who really want a truthful (but nice cause you can answer in a nice way) answer. I guess for delusional people I'm a hard pill to swallow.

The first thing I thought was Lord I'm gonna have to say "wow! Look at that". Then my brain hijacked like it usually does and said "Uhm it's okay and one side is really short, but I'm glad the op is impressed and that's what matters as it's her thread". And then I wrote something along that line. Not to hate, but because it's the truth of what I feel.
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