Gorgeous hair on Youtube

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Something seems off..........just saying. Granted, what I'm seeing is beautiful but something be mighty off!!
She's (further) inspired me to rollet set...and I'd really like to know how she cut the bangs and framed it around her face, I'm in need of some "shape".
Nice hair.
Healthy hair can be achieved without LHCF.... Just good old fashioned care.... eating right - doing right.....


she inspires me!:lick:
I don't see what the big deal is. This is a hair care forum, of course we're going to critique questionable hair practices :look:. But obviously what she is doing works for her, beautiful hair.
We all know on here that one person's regimen may not work for another. I know we are on LHCF so of course we are going to notice and pay particular attention to hair techniques, hair health, hair length and hair products, but dang...can't we sometimes just admire someone's hair?

Based on the responses she is:
-Not gonna make it on youtube (who said that is what she is trying to do)
-She has heat damage
-Her regimen is wrong and won't work for most
-Her hair is uneven
-She has been doing this for 10 years and is only at BSL - she must not be growing hair
-Her hair is that length, not because of her regimen or techniques, but because she was born with that "good/special" hair.

I could go on an on. Some of the responses seem like backhanded compliments to me.

(I am paraphrasing)
"Gosh her hair is beautiful, but she has heat damage."


No matter what you post, the women on this forum will never allow it to be that simple. The making it big on YT comment was just simple. Who said that she wanted to make it big on YT.....her regimen is simple and works for her and its crazy that, that fact bothers people.
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i HATECHU CHEEZY. :nono::nono:

I don't see what the big deal is. This is a hair care forum, of course we're going to critique questionable hair practices :look:. But obviously what she is doing works for her, beautiful hair.
i mean, i get that, i really do.
i was right up there wit errybody else side-eying Ateyya.:look:
but it just seems like as soon as it's not an LHCF member, the vultures come out.
"ooh girl, you see that uneven hurr? you see that?"
"hol up, lemme get my looking eyeglass, put my good eye in, pause it and rewind that. zoom that in. yep. dat right thurr. she gon be bald soon. she betta come to LHCF JESUS!!"

lolz don't mind me. i'm in the mood to partay!:look:
Oh my gosh! beautiful. I'm going to be following her because I don't have much luck with beauticians either and after I remove all these braids from my hair next year, I do not intend to ever wear braids this long again. What an inspiration. I'm definitely going to jumping on her bandwagon.

Just looked at her youtube again and is she saying she is natural. If so how did she get her hair that straight?

I'm jealous, my hair will never look like that. My scalp has too much issues the first being my edges will never be that thick.

Wow, I still didn't get how she got it that straight. I think her hair is probbly naturally that texture, that texlax look

Simply gorgeous.
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Well what I wanna know is why is it okay to openly criticize the typef naturals to the point of chasing them off of youtube? Though misguided, some of them (JoAnn and yellow weave girl excluded) were making an honest attempt to share their (bad) hair practices.

But with videos like this, though well done, still perpetuate unhealthy hair practices. In her case, we must make an exception for some reason. Is it because she comes in a prettier package? Speaks eloquently?

I just don't get it......

I agree with most comments...but still didn't have a problem with most of her "bad practices" until I saw the cotton bandana. My hair immediately rebels if I even think about sleeping on cotton!
We all know on here that one person's regimen may not work for another. I know we are on LHCF so of course we are going to notice and pay particular attention to hair techniques, hair health, hair length and hair products, but dang...can't we sometimes just admire someone's hair?

Based on the responses she is:
-Not gonna make it on youtube (who said that is what she is trying to do)
-She has heat damage
-Her regimen is wrong and won't work for most
-Her hair is uneven
-She has been doing this for 10 years and is only at BSL - she must not be growing hair
-Her hair is that length, not because of her regimen or techniques, but because she was born with that "good/special" hair.

I could go on an on. Some of the responses seem like backhanded compliments to me.

(I am paraphrasing)
"Gosh her hair is beautiful, but she has heat damage."


Since one of my statements was directly quoted in your "round up" I will say this... I don't give back handed compliments. I said what I had to say. Point blank period.

No, don't lie. I am all for the truth and keeping it real. I don't want anyone to censor themselves, because I sure don't.

LHCF will do what LHCF wants to do and say. And that is one of the great things about it. I just wonder if sometimes we are hyper-critical.

Your concern is about being hypercritical, and yet I think it's always interesting when people who are being both respectful and honest are called out with a bullet list like the one in your response. Ironically, I find that hyper critical.

I see this beautiful woman is BSL/MBL range after ten years (despite potentially having a quick growth rate) so I figured "hey maybe she's satisfied with her hair and in maintenance mode"


That's not catty or backhanded. It's a basic, logical assessment based on her own regimen and explanation of her monthly practices.

I'm confused about the whole intent of your response. It felt more like a reprimand than an inquiry. Is critical thinking not allowed on LHCF anymore?

What am I missing here?

I agree with most comments...but still didn't have a problem with most of her "bad practices" until I saw the cotton bandana. My hair immediately rebels if I even think about sleeping on cotton!

I know that's considered "bad", but it's a lifesaver when laying edges down to prevent reversion from working out or steam or whatever. But, yeah, I couldn't sleep with it on. I'd wake up looking like "who did it and what for"?:nono:
Well what I wanna know is why is it okay to openly criticize the typef naturals to the point of chasing them off of youtube? Though misguided, some of them (JoAnn and yellow weave girl excluded) were making an honest attempt to share their (bad) hair practices.

But with videos like this, though well done, still perpetuate unhealthy hair practices. In her case, we must make an exception for some reason. Is it because she comes in a prettier package? Speaks eloquently?

I just don't get it......

Huh?! Type F had a whole different thing going on. This woman was sharing her legitimate hair routine in a few informative videos, with the swangin' hair to prove it, whether people agree with her practices or not.

Those people on Type F posted THOUSANDS of frivolous videos full of misinformation. Apples and oranges. I didn't go hard on Type F, anyway, but those who did has reason to...the comments in this thread are something else.

Sent from my iPhone 4 using LHCF app
Her hair is beautiful. If there's one thing I've learned it's that you can't win with haters lol.
Since one of my statements was directly quoted in your "round up" I will say this... I don't give back handed compliments. I said what I had to say. Point blank period.


P.S. Definition of backhanded compliment:
In each instance, there is an initial compliment: praising a piece of clothing, a person's intellect, a person's driving ability, or a person's looks. However, each instance also includes an implied criticism: the person's figure desperately needs improvement; the person appears unintelligent on the surface; women don't drive well, and therefore any skill at driving is noteworthy; the son's parents are unattractive.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backhanded_compliment

Your concern is about being hypercritical, and yet I think it's always interesting when people who are being both respectful and honest are called out with a bullet list like the one in your response. Ironically, I find that hyper critical.

Ok, you are totally entitled to your opinion.

I see this beautiful woman is BSL/MBL range after ten years (despite potentially having a quick growth rate) so I figured "hey maybe she's satisfied with her hair and in maintenance mode"


How the heck do you know what the she has done to her hair in 10 years? You know what happens when you assume...

That's not catty or backhanded. It's a basic, logical assessment based on her own regimen and explanation of her monthly practices.

I'm confused about the whole intent of your response. It felt more like a reprimand than an inquiry. Is critical thinking not allowed on LHCF anymore?

What am I missing here?

A lot.
Her hair is nice. But I don't think that reggie would work for my 4b hair. Not just the heat but the cotton bandanna the wrapping daily, monthly washing and 2 inch monthly trims would do my progress in. But her reggie is obviously working for her, so....
but I can't help but wonder how long her hair would be if she DID follow some LHCF rules.:shocked:
Well what I wanna know is why is it okay to openly criticize the typef naturals to the point of chasing them off of youtube? Though misguided, some of them (JoAnn and yellow weave girl excluded) were making an honest attempt to share their (bad) hair practices.

But with videos like this, though well done, still perpetuate unhealthy hair practices. In her case, we must make an exception for some reason. Is it because she comes in a prettier package? Speaks eloquently?

I just don't get it......

JoAnn spoke eloquently... :look:

If you do not want to straighten your hair like SistaWithRealHair, you can always use the blue rollers without heat as pictured below....


Is there anyone here who doesn't think SistaWithRealHair's hair practices are bad? I don't think they are bad. The only thing I saw odd was the uneven hair length but overall I think she has nice hair.

Like alot of people say here..."what works for one may not work for another."

Some of the common things that I see promoted here on LHCF such as frequent washing, co-washing, deep conditioning, moisturizing, airdrying, and non-stop protective styles isn't necessarily healthy hair care practices for every hair type either.
The unmitigated cattiness of your respone when you initially came in here claiming that we need to be less so....is astounding.

No need for further explanation. I'm totally clear now.


P.S. Definition of backhanded compliment:
In each instance, there is an initial compliment: praising a piece of clothing, a person's intellect, a person's driving ability, or a person's looks. However, each instance also includes an implied criticism: the person's figure desperately needs improvement; the person appears unintelligent on the surface; women don't drive well, and therefore any skill at driving is noteworthy; the son's parents are unattractive.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backhanded_compliment

*insert insincere diatribe about agreeing to disagree*
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This washing video almost kilt me dead --> http://youtu.be/VrqLivZrgN0

It minuswell have been called "How to Grow Dreads While Shampooing:antlers:"

Believe it or not, but I wash my natural 4a/b tightly coiled natural APL hair this way most of the time. It takes less time doing it this way than putting it in sections and washing each section one at a time. It's really not that bad as long as you get a really good lather and thoroughly rinse your hair underneath the showerhead letting the water pressure detangle the hair for you.
She has really pretty hair, but it would bug the crap out of me to have one side of my hair bsl and the other side near wl.

Really? I honestly didn't notice that. I was too busy drooling over her unwrapping her hair. :lick:

That's always my fave part of hair tutorials...i kinda wish everyone would do their "reveals" in slow motion so i wouldn't have to keep rewinding them :giggle:

Believe it or not, but I wash my natural 4a/b tightly coiled natural APL hair this way most of the time. It takes less time doing it this way than putting it in sections and washing each section one at a time. It's really not that bad as long as you get a really good lather and thoroughly rinse your hair underneath the showerhead letting the water pressure detangle the hair for you.


During my transition washing my hair like that caused so much knotting and ripping (yikes!) that now that I'm fully natural again I literally shiver at the thought.

Maybe one day when I'm feeling froggy I'd try it again just to see....but for now... no bueno! lol
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