Gorgeous hair on Youtube

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We all know on here that one person's regimen may not work for another. I know we are on LHCF so of course we are going to notice and pay particular attention to hair techniques, hair health, hair length and hair products, but dang...can't we sometimes just admire someone's hair?

Based on the responses she is:
-Not gonna make it on youtube (who said that is what she is trying to do)
-She has heat damage
-Her regimen is wrong and won't work for most
-Her hair is uneven
-She has been doing this for 10 years and is only at BSL - she must not be growing hair
-Her hair is that length, not because of her regimen or techniques, but because she was born with that "good/special" hair.

I could go on an on. Some of the responses seem like backhanded compliments to me.

(I am paraphrasing)
"Gosh her hair is beautiful, but she has heat damage."


well I am going to speak for me since I was the one that said she has heat damage and I didn't mean it in a mean way. but tell me if we don't say anything about some of the things we notice and bring it to your attention how will we learn? I mean I learned a lot from other people speaking out. if all we say on her oh that nice... oh yeah great and watch one of our sisters just burn her hair out or end up with their hair falling out from too much protein( that was me) how are we helping the other? maybe if everyone reading stop taking everything someone say as being neg then maybe we can get something out of the point that is meant by the statement. maybe some were being mean but I know I wasn't. and it is true she does have heat damage from using too much heat at that one time that she does. and I said it would be nice if she liked wash n gos to give her hair a break. that's all was meant by that.
I get you but what if I don't agree...then do I have to follow along and say "yes that's gorgeous!"? I've never been good at lying. Perhaps that's why I have a small group of buds who really want a truthful (but nice cause you can answer in a nice way) answer. I guess for delusional people I'm a hard pill to swallow.

The first thing I thought was Lord I'm gonna have to say "wow! Look at that". Then my brain hijacked like it usually does and said "Uhm it's okay and one side is really short, but I'm glad the op is impressed and that's what matters as it's her thread". And then I wrote something along that line. Not to hate, but because it's the truth of what I feel.

No, don't lie. I am all for the truth and keeping it real. I don't want anyone to censor themselves, because I sure don't.

It was just something I was thinking after reading all of the responses (not yours, since it was after mine).

LHCF will do what LHCF wants to do and say. And that is one of the great things about it. I just wonder if sometimes we are hyper-critical.
No, don't lie. I am all for the truth and keeping it real. I don't want anyone to censor themselves, because I sure don't.

It was just something I was thinking after reading all of the responses (not yours, since it was after mine).

LHCF will do what LHCF wants to do and say. And that is one of the great things about it. I just wonder if sometimes we are hyper-critical.

I think for me, I'm on LHCF because I never learned healthy hair care practices anywhere else. Natural hair forums focus on being natural. I'm natural but I need more info than shea butter. Curly hair forums [sometimes] focus too much on curl pattern and products. I love all of those sites, but I spend the most time here because I care more about hair health right now.

When I see someone chopping, burning, and raking their hair, I do cringe. If I did that to my hair, I would be bald. It goes against everything I've learned over the years. I transitioned my hair from heat damage years ago and would never want to go back. I know her hair is very different and I do appreciate how beautiful her hair is, but to me, the video is just eye candy, not real education.

I didn't see anyone here being that critical of her, but I understand your point as well.
Lol! I know! I was like dang that's a nice tv! Does she have 2 beds in that room? She must be in a hotel... She does all that to her hair in a hotel? I was in her business way too deep! FOCUS!

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No, don't lie. I am all for the truth and keeping it real. I don't want anyone to censor themselves, because I sure don't.

It was just something I was thinking after reading all of the responses (not yours, since it was after mine).

LHCF will do what LHCF wants to do and say. And that is one of the great things about it. I just wonder if sometimes we are hyper-critical.

i don't understand why this keeps on coming up but this is a hair board. all of us women are dedicated to getting very healthy so it is inevitable that we will deconstruct her practices and very hyper-critical. many of us weren't as hypercritical with our own hair which led us here (i know i wasn't- i shrugged off heat damage). it's not shade but yes, she has heat damage and to many, she uses too much heat. i also want to say practically everyone has precluded their statement by saying she has gorgeous hair, myself included. tbh, there is not that much negativity here. we are gawking and commenting on her hair practices. simple as that.
Yeah, I'm definitely a newbie when it comes to taking care of my hair but even I was concerned about the heat on that section. I'm sitting here with my super damaged relaxed hair thinking I've never put that much heat on my hair and it's totally destroyed. How does her hair survive it? It works for her. If I could do that I certainly would!

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Ummmm her hair is BEAUTIFUL!!! Thanks for sharing, OP. *subscribing*

Her hair looks exactly like my hair goal, super thick and just the right length to remain manageable. Plus, I love rollersetters, natural or relaxed.

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Yeah, I'm definitely a newbie when it comes to taking care of my hair but even I was concerned about the heat on that section. I'm sitting here with my super damaged relaxed hair thinking I've never put that much heat on my hair and it's totally destroyed. How does her hair survive it? It works for her. If I could do that I certainly would!

Sent from my T-Mobile G2

Well, for one her hair is natural, so it's not weakened from chemicals like relaxed hair. (yeah, my hair is relaxed)

Two, rollersets are not drying like a blowdryer. They help seal in moisture and seal the hair cuticles. There are naturals on this board who rollerset.

As far as the flat-iron...isn't this once a month? I didn't watch the whole series. Plus with the frequent clipping, any worn out/damaged ends are done away with.

I couldn't trim that much, but going too long without trimming caused setbacks for me, so I can't knock it! It works for her!

Eta: I just read through this whole thread and I'm really appalled by some of the comments.

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Her hair is gorgeous. 31 passes, 3 inch trims, left shorter than the right, no heat protectant, straight pieces, heat damaged, etc.. All of it! :grin:
^^ Yup. :yep:

Everybody ain't gonna have 18inch strands of perfectly coiled hair falling outta their scalp. And everyone ain't gonna DC twice a week with unicorn tears and angel sweat mixed with emu oil. Some people use heat, some people have damage, some people do things different. Sometimes LHCF turns you into a bit of a hair snob (I have to catch myself sometimes) and we forget just to admire lovely hair, and admire people for finding what works to achieve the look that THEY want for themselves.

And not everyone wants to be a curly haired natural. Some people don't want to use chemicals but do not want to maintain their curl. I cannot for the LIFE of me understand how some people get so upset about this.

Let this lady cook, b.
i don't understand why this keeps on coming up but this is a hair board. all of us women are dedicated to getting very healthy

No, some people are hear just to get long hair (healthy or not).

so it is inevitable that we will deconstruct her practices and very hyper-critical. many of us weren't as hypercritical with our own hair which led us here (i know i wasn't- i shrugged off heat damage). it's not shade but yes, she has heat damage and to many, she uses too much heat.

Too much heat according to or for who? It doesn't appear to be hindering her hair. Maybe she wants her hair trained and for some that equals hair damage. Heck, I don't know.

i also want to say practically everyone has precluded their statement by saying she has gorgeous hair, myself included.

Yes, which is why I said they were backhanded compliments.

tbh, there is not that much negativity here. we are gawking and commenting on her hair practices. simple as that.

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.
^^ Yup. :yep:

. And everyone ain't gonna DC twice a week with unicorn tears and angel sweat mixed with emu oil.

You know what? :lol:

my two cents worth.....i think her right side is much longer because she deliberately didn't cut it so she could do the video to show how she cuts her hair and how much she cuts. Her hair is very beautiful and i wonder y someone is asking if it's a weave. She clearly showed her scalp all the way to the middle and even the blind can see that her locks are real.

smh.....anyway OP, thanks for posting!
^^ Yup. :yep:

Everybody ain't gonna have 18inch strands of perfectly coiled hair falling outta their scalp. And everyone ain't gonna DC twice a week with unicorn tears and angel sweat mixed with emu oil. Some people use heat, some people have damage, some people do things different. Sometimes LHCF turns you into a bit of a hair snob (I have to catch myself sometimes) and we forget just to admire lovely hair, and admire people for finding what works to achieve the look that THEY want for themselves.

And not everyone wants to be a curly haired natural. Some people don't want to use chemicals but do not want to maintain their curl. I cannot for the LIFE of me understand how some people get so upset about this.

Let this lady cook, b.

*dead and gone straight to heaven* :lachen:
^^ Yup. :yep:

And everyone ain't gonna DC twice a week with unicorn tears and angel sweat mixed with emu oil.

tapioca_pudding, This right here, made my Monday! I needed that laugh! :lachen:

I think that it is just natural for us LHCFers to notice anything outside of what we personally do or believe is good for hair. I can only speak for myself when I say, that although I notice it, I really don't care what another person does with their hair!! Especially when they get results as beautiful as hers.
Her hair is beautiful. It might be a different grade than the typical 4ab that allows it to withstand so much heat, no added moisture, and combing with a small tooth comb and works for her but others might want to use caution attempting her regimen.
*goes to check if the unicorn tears are in stock at fromnaturewithlove.com*

I LOVE her hair. and she sexy too. :look:
I knew just what was gonna be said in this thread when I saw the videos. LHCF neva disappoints!
If she's trying to make it big on YouTube, her approach is all wring. She showed too much too soon and her regimen won't work for most. Her hair is amazing indeed but her regimen would not work for most of us.
As "imperfect" as I may think her practices are, I'd much rather watch her videos than all those 50-11 hair weave channels. Some of the black women on youtube look ridiculous sporting up to three packs of hip-length curls - completely unrealistic.
beauttifullhairr..and out all the vids ive seen hers is simple and str8 to the point...love it!!

ive actually started clipping my owns ends as of last yr and i must say healthy ends are a great look...

glad its not just me that one side of my head is thicker than the other...

ppl backlashed ole girl with the typef hair and backlashing homegirl with a beautiful head of hair....wtf
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