Well-Known Member
We all know on here that one person's regimen may not work for another. I know we are on LHCF so of course we are going to notice and pay particular attention to hair techniques, hair health, hair length and hair products, but dang...can't we sometimes just admire someone's hair?
Based on the responses she is:
-Not gonna make it on youtube (who said that is what she is trying to do)
-She has heat damage
-Her regimen is wrong and won't work for most
-Her hair is uneven
-She has been doing this for 10 years and is only at BSL - she must not be growing hair
-Her hair is that length, not because of her regimen or techniques, but because she was born with that "good/special" hair.
I could go on an on. Some of the responses seem like backhanded compliments to me.
(I am paraphrasing)
"Gosh her hair is beautiful, but she has heat damage."
well I am going to speak for me since I was the one that said she has heat damage and I didn't mean it in a mean way. but tell me if we don't say anything about some of the things we notice and bring it to your attention how will we learn? I mean I learned a lot from other people speaking out. if all we say on her oh that nice... oh yeah great and watch one of our sisters just burn her hair out or end up with their hair falling out from too much protein( that was me) how are we helping the other? maybe if everyone reading stop taking everything someone say as being neg then maybe we can get something out of the point that is meant by the statement. maybe some were being mean but I know I wasn't. and it is true she does have heat damage from using too much heat at that one time that she does. and I said it would be nice if she liked wash n gos to give her hair a break. that's all was meant by that.