Big Chops is it just a fad???

I'm not trying to be offensive lol Sorry if it sounded that way. It's just that I would rather respond to someone in that age group with much greater respect and less sarcasm. Same as I would in person....

OK, I think I sort of get your point, but it works both ways. I'm not trying to be offensive, but, if we are over the age of 30, do we respond to you like we do our children who are elementary age?
Granted, OP should have known better since she's been here so long, I guess this was more of a rant gone bad that should have been a blog and not here in a forum. I feel like since it's a thread, she was just asking for an attack but maybe she was in a rush and wanted to get it up really quickly. Especially since she logged off 10 minutes later and didn't participate in the thread.
REALLY? Innnnnteresting...... *cough*TROLL*cough*

Based on your avatar it's hard to gauge your age, but the bold was so unnecessary!
Why was it unnecessary? I know LFN's age (due to another thread where she stated it) and there are a lot of people her mother's age (or around it). Take a look in the OT forum, they've got threads dedicated to supporting and talking to one another.

ETA: I see it was (sort of) addressed. Carry on...

Didn't you JUST BC not too long ago?

You will be unique regardless because natural hair is versatile and everyone does not have the same texture and style at the same time. But I guess you would rather shine while everyone else conforms to society's standards and chemically alters the hair they were born with:rolleyes:

Exactly! :grin: That being said I have help a few of my friends transition... haha... But my sentiments still stand. At least I was honest.
*Kanye shrug*
OK, I think I sort of get your point, but it works both ways. I'm not trying to be offensive, but, if we are over the age of 30, do we respond to you like we do our children who are elementary age?

Well I'm not elementary age so I honestly don't see what you are trying to get at. My mother does not talk to me like I'm a CHILD and I don't know many people who talk to their adult children like they are little kids. But I'm gonna leave this alone since it has nothing to do with OP's thread.
I honestly don't see what so wrong with a little respect. I refer to my mom and older sisters as ma'am and my younger bro refers to me that way. What's so wrong with respecting your elders and not flying off the handle at them?
Thanks Chan! I get that she wasn't trying to offend. Just trying to make the point that you can't post on a forum as big as LHCF & respond to posts based on what you think the age of the poster is.
Ahhh I see your point. Sorry about the other post!
Well I'm not elementary age so I honestly don't see what you are trying to get at. My mother does not talk to me like I'm a CHILD and I don't know many people who talk to their adult children like they are little kids. But I'm gonna leave this alone since it has nothing to do with OP's thread.

You missed my point, hon! Beautiful hair though, I've checked out your fotki before!

Back on topic. Instead of responding to OP, we should have provided links to the many threads with this similar topic. I agree that she may have been trolling.
Naturals on the attack again....smh

I'm relaxed. Hear me roar.

I guess what I'm really saying is everybody doesn't understand being natural, so no need to hang them for it. If they're gonna come around to

understanding being natural, they will in time. It's her journey, and she can take however long she needs. She may never do it. But again, how many stories are there of ladies going natural, suffering the stings of comments of people who don't get it, only to have them come around later?

Disclaimer: I'm not attacking you. I agree with you. I'm just stating my feelings on the bolded :grin:

That is sooo sad to me. Everybody doesn't understand how to be themselves. They find their own bodies to be foreign to them. What a sad state of affairs! SMMFH!! :nono:

:padlock: oh lord lol I wont be surprised if this thread it locked by this afternoon. Lol Ive been all up in it since last night :cantlook:

I hope it doesn't get locked before the OP comes back to answer my question.

Because I still want to know OP:

Anyway. After reading your second paragraph, it seemed like you were mad/sad/(insert other bad emotion here) about all of these people gong natural. Like you want going natural to be a this right? :look:

I stand by my question and am very curious OP :) Your answer would be greatly appreciated.
This thread has been entertaining and insightful. I knew as soon as I saw the "decent grade" comment that it was going to get intresting.
I don't think it's naturals on attack, but I mean the "decent grade" comment...what kind of reaction did the OP think she was going to get? If going natural isn't for her that's cool, but the comment kind of didn't even make sense when it went with her hair being puffy at the roots, just sort of seemed like a secret jab.

Anyone transitioning is going to have "puffy" roots unless their pattern is very loose; that's why people BC, because the two patterns look funny together.
I agree that going natural isn't for everyone. I think that in this day and age women of color are realizing that relaxers are not the "end all to be all" ... that you can have silky flowing tresses without chemical processing or that it's ok for your edges not to be bone straight and that with some effort and education a curly fro, twa or textured style can be just as cute and sexy as silky hair.

As for women chopping their hair off- being someone who transitioned slowly but wished I had the courage to BC... you get to a point where it's so difficult to maintain the two different textures (especially if you're not going to a stylist regularly) that it's just easier to chop off all the relaxed hair that has to come off anyway and call it a day.

Having healthy hair is about finding what works for your hair and finding what works for you as a whole.:congrats:
I could totally understand your post, and I'd agree with most of it IF the OP was a newbie. But you mean to tell me you've been here for 6 going on 7 years, and you haven't learned how these threads go, particularly with the way the OP was phrased? I'm sorry to sound somewhat cynical, but the original post came off as somewhat inflammatory (no offense if it wasn't mean to be OP). I wish the original poster would come back in to clarify what she meant.

Naturals on the attack again....smh

Why can't we educate in love. Some people act like this is the first time they've heard someone refer to their hair as "nice grade". Let's face it, most of us, if not all, have heard this term all of our lives. It's a common fact that black women, for the most part, have been conformed to believing our textured hair is inferior. (Sad but true).

Just yesterday I ran into 2 highschool friends and by chance 1 of the ladies and I have chosen not to ever relax our hair again. She doesn't even go on hair boards. This is a choice she made based on her own experience with relaxers and revelation. The other lady commented that we were able to go natural because we have "good hair". Now, I did not bite her head off, because I understand exactly where she is coming from. I would be lieing if I pretended I didn't. Even though I don't agree, doesn't mean that I can't relate to her point of view. I thought exactly like that not to long ago. I certainly wasn't going to start preaching to her. I'll just set the example. Already 2 of my family members are following my journey and not once did I tell them what they needed to do or shouldn't do with their hair. I just shared what I did with my own (when asked).

We all know it's based on ignorance when people make these kind of statements. Isn't this forum suppose to be about educating and enlightening each other? Why can't we communicate our thoughts, opinions and knowledge with kindness and warmth?

Just because she's been on here since 2004 doesn't necessarily mean she knows all there is to know about hair. Why not simply share what you know about hair care and history of why we as a people, think and view ourselves, the way that we do.

Why do all threads like this have to get locked, because, they turn into battles and riots. I mean wouldn't it be great if we could all embrace the OP and educate her with a gentle voice and I'm sure she would hear more and so would others and maybe instead of threads getting locked, they would be filled with so much helpful information, that they get turned into stickys instead.

I hear what's being said, but I'm not the one being laughed at, scolded and shunned. When people know better they do better.

When your child ask questions, that are common knowledge to you, based on experience and wisdom, do you scold them or do you answer them with a kind and gentle voice?

To be honest, before I found this board I believed that certain textures were superior over others. I had to seek information, educate myself and then transform my mind. I'm totally in love with natural hair, mine and everyone else's too. I've gotten to the point that I can't believe I relaxed all those years. Like when you look back on a past relationship and can't believe you put up with someone's crap as long as you did. LOL

Okay so now I'm rambling....

I've noticed that a whole lot of ladies are doing the big chop to get rid of all of the chemical to go natural, but I'm curious to know if this is just a fad and at some point will they say "I'm ready to go back to relaxing, I've had enough"?

To each her own, I'm not knocking natural hair by any means but I don't like how I look when my roots get puffy and I have a decent grade it's just that going natural isn't for ME.

Just a thought...
I'm not big chopping or at least I'm not planning to (long term transitioner) but I don't think so. When I decided not to get anymore relaxers I wasn't even thinking about becoming natural. I just decided I didn't want them anymore. I had already stopped relaxing bone straight and would only get 2 or 3 relaxers a year.

I'll be done with my transition the end of next year or mid 2012 but I doubt I won't like my natural hair. I want to embrace a more holistic approach to life period. :yep: For myself at least I want to enjoy what God has given me :) I can't wait to enjoy all the curls.
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I agree that going natural isn't for everyone. I think that in this day and age women of color are realizing that relaxers are not the "end all to be all" ... that you can have silky flowing tresses without chemical processing or that it's ok for your edges not to be bone straight and that with some effort and education a curly fro, twa or textured style can be just as cute and sexy as silky hair.

As for women chopping their hair off- being someone who transitioned slowly but wished I had the courage to BC... you get to a point where it's so difficult to maintain the two different textures (especially if you're not going to a stylist regularly) that it's just easier to chop off all the relaxed hair that has to come off anyway and call it a day.

Having healthy hair is about finding what works for your hair and finding what works for you as a whole.:congrats:

This! I agree with this 100%
I thought we covered this already. This is why we have a search feature.

ETA: Nevermind, totally forgot to peep the join date :lol: this was done on purpose. It is sunday after all.

I could totally understand your post, and I'd agree with most of it IF the OP was a newbie. But you mean to tell me you've been here for 6 going on 7 years, and you haven't learned how these threads go, particularly with the way the OP was phrased? I'm sorry to sound somewhat cynical, but the original post came off as somewhat inflammatory (no offense if it wasn't mean to be OP). I wish the original poster would come back in to clarify what she meant.

She prolly sittin in front of her screen wit a bowl of popcone!!
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I started to answer the original post but I seen this was gonna be drama. On another note - I absolutely ADORE the second quote in likewtr4chklit's signature. Might have to steal that one. :look:
Hey while we wait for the OP to come back, can someone post a pic of a decent grade of hair?

I just wanna know if my grade is decent or not.

Hey while we wait for the OP to come back, can someone post a pic of a decent grade of hair?

I just wanna know if my grade is decent or not.


No problem.

good hurr xibit 1


good hurr xibit 2


bad hurr

bad hurr xibit 1


bad hurr xibit 2


No hurr just fo reference:


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I wish people would quit w/ the good/bad hair references. I would hope that most women on this board would be intelligent enough to describe different hair textures w/o applying superior/inferior values to it. But stupidity (willful ignorance) is bliss, I guess.

I don't plan on ever relaxing again; it's not a fad to me. I don't have problems w/ my natural hair to run back to relaxers.