Gifts for Him


New Member
I need some advice Ladies,

I've been dating this guy for about 7 months and his birthday is rolling around and I don't know what to get him. He makes a very good living and bought me something pretty lavish for my birthday and I kinda feel pressured to match it. Not that I can afford to match it, lol but I do want to get him something nice.

Anyone have any ideas on what to get? He rides bikes, I was thinking about getting him something bike related. Normally, I'd just get like a nice cologne or something, but I notice he doesnt wear any. Then last night I noticed that he could use another laptp bag...I researched them and they can get pretty pricey (for a bag) like $195...

What do you think is a good gift at this stage?
What laptop bags are you looking at that cost nearly $200 ??? You know you can go to Target and get one for $24.99..LOL Just playin'.

Try getting him a Coach outlet laptop bag since youre on a budget, or try other outlet stores where you can have the name brand and let him THINK you spent a lot of money when you really stayed in your budget.

Any other computer accessories he needs? New wireless mouse? Laptop stand for his desk? A bluetooth adapter? Get him a nice portable printer to go w/ his laptop.

Digital camera? MP3 player? I had the same issue w/ my SO last year for our first xmas and I didnt have much money. I got him some Timberland shoes, a blazer from and some bath & body works shower gel and shave balm from the men's line. I spent just a little over $100. He probably thought I spent $200.

Sometimes getting a few small gifts will make it seem like you spent a lot also instead of splurging on one big gift.
If I were you, I wouldn't try to match his gift if your finances aren't on the same level and he is aware of this. Instead, I would try to do something more personal to make up for the low cost LOL. Like a night at a hotel or a nice picnic or something similar. Or maybe gift cards for some adult fun :grin: I mean like a gift you can give him at home...:look:
I agree with FlowerHair about getting him something personal and it doesn't have to cost much at all. I also agree wtih MizzBrown about getting several small gifts, maybe making a basket out of it. I like making "theme" baskets--small gifts centered around a specific theme that has meaning to him.

The laptop bag is a good Christmas type of gift but birthdays are more special.
Do what the other ladies suggested. Don't break the bank and try to top him if he has more cash. Also if he likes to bike there are bike shoes and gloves. Special padded bike seats and bike shorts. Also what about other things he might need but may have neglected to get him? Is he a practical guy or does he like toys? What about something reminiscent of his childhood? Be thoughtful and creative and he will appreciate whatever you give.
I sent my SO some flowers back in September for his birthday. He was overwhelmed, shocked and grateful. I am still reaping the benefits of those flowers. He said he had a girlfriend for 10 years and she had never given him flowers, I think he turned his head and shed a tear. Men are not use to flowers, plus I went to a hometown florist and helped to design the bouquet to make sure it was manly.
The laptop bag is a good Christmas type of gift but birthdays are more special.

What is the difference btw a Xmas Gift and a Birthday Gift? I was thinking about replacing his watch. I was looking at it and it is all scratched up...My initial thought was to replace the watch and get his initials on the back...too much? I'm really big on engraving! lol
Yeah... I agree, don't try to match his gift. Especially if your finances really don't allow it. Personally, I don't think women should ever try to "out do" or "match" any guy's gift to them. Remember...WE are the prize right ladies?? ;)

If I were you, I wouldn't get anything like cologne (especially since he doesn't wear any) because then he might get the impression that you wished he did wear cologne or something like that. :nono:

I would just get him something small and personal. Something bike-related would definitely tickle his fancy since he's into bikes. I'm telling you ladies, guys aren't like girls when it comes to gifts. As long as you put some thought into it, and tried to get him something that HE would like (not you), then he will like whatever you give him. At least that's what I would think. Who's ever heard of a guy breaking up with a girl because she gave "bad gifts"?? :confused: I know I haven't. :lol:

So...I'm sure whatever you get him (as long as it's not outlandish or looks like you're trying too hard) will be fine. He'll just be happy that you thought of him. :)

What about this?

He is really into football, so I was thinking to get him a custom Jersey with his favorite team. It would have his name on it and I would make the number the age that he is turning...and a hat to match, but he doesn't have to wear both at the same time. Takes about 3 days to ship...

What do you think?
What about this?

He is really into football, so I was thinking to get him a custom Jersey with his favorite team. It would have his name on it and I would make the number the age that he is turning...and a hat to match, but he doesn't have to wear both at the same time. Takes about 3 days to ship...

What do you think?

I think thats a good idea, i did this one a while back. it was a hit
This is an idea of something small and doesn't cost much.

Well, what I did for an ex:

I got keys to his townhome from his friend and told him to occupy him for an hour. My friend and I put tealights on his porch that spelled out happy B-day. Then I went to his room and placed little tealights around his room as well as around a b-day cake. Then I had 3 gifts for him in 3 different size bags from small, medium, and large on his bed. The gifts weren't expensive at all. I wish I could remember what they were but I know one was a button up shirt because that's what I give every guy for almost every occasion (lol). Then made a call to his friend to bring him and when he was 2 minutes from the house (text) my friend and I left (I had a test the next day......gotta study (never played around with school).

He loved the effort and the suprise.....even though later I came to find out it wasn't really a suprise since his friend told him because he is a very stubborn person and he will not leave his house for anything when it gets time for him to lay down.

But you get the idea. Oh and a word of caution......Don't leave candles unintended. Whatever you do. Nothing happened in this situation but I just wanted to say that.
I've given my SO these gifts which he has loved:

A day at the golf course with driving lessons (his first time)
His favorite basketball jersey one Valentine's Day
A leather Wilson's laptop bag
Playoff tickets to a NBA game with good seats
Concert tickets to Kanye West + Jay Z
Last time I was in San Francisco I got him an autographed copy of Common's new CD. I paired it with Kanye and 50's albums...he loves music.
Tickets to the Eagles vs. the Vikings on his bday
Cologne, ties, shirts, good chocolate, cuff links
I need some advice Ladies,

I've been dating this guy for about 7 months and his birthday is rolling around and I don't know what to get him. He makes a very good living and bought me something pretty lavish for my birthday and I kinda feel pressured to match it. Not that I can afford to match it, lol but I do want to get him something nice.

Anyone have any ideas on what to get? He rides bikes, I was thinking about getting him something bike related. Normally, I'd just get like a nice cologne or something, but I notice he doesnt wear any. Then last night I noticed that he could use another laptp bag...I researched them and they can get pretty pricey (for a bag) like $195...

What do you think is a good gift at this stage?

Cook his favorite meal including desert. Men appreciate the gesture and the food.:grin:
When I was young I dated an older man who used to lavish me with flowers and gifts so when his birthday rolled around like you I felt pressured to do something just as lavish. So I started wondering 'what do you get for a man that has everything?'
Then it dawned on me that I never saw him with a money clip
so that's what I did, I purchased him a 24k solid gold money clip that I had inscribed with his name on it. I presented the gift to him and he was beyond shocked and happy. :D

We parted ways eventually but I remember that time in my life as being a happy one. :yep:
My boyfriend loves Steaks and Booze. So whenever it's his B day or V-Day I take him out for a Steak and order him good drinks. Sometimes I also try to cook him something he would like.

I think for the next holiday I will order him a special steak so that he can grill it hisself.
When I was young I dated an older man who used to lavish me with flowers and gifts so when his birthday rolled around like you I felt pressured to do something just as lavish. So I started wondering 'what do you get for a man that has everything?'
Then it dawned on me that I never saw him with a money clip
so that's what I did, I purchased him a 24k solid gold money clip that I had inscribed with his name on it. I presented the gift to him and he was beyond shocked and happy. :D

We parted ways eventually but I remember that time in my life as being a happy one. :yep:

Woman after my own heart. I am BIG BIG BIG on personalization. I got my ex a wallet with his name and degree engraved on it, he STILL carries it to this day! 5 years later.