Birthday Gifts from SO

Happy Birthday :)
Many many happy returns!!

Usually he pays for everything when we go out. Very seldom, unless it is something I suggested then I will pay. Christmas last year he bought me a jacket. The jacket was non-expensive, but I didn't care, because we were just a few months into our relationship. But for Valentines Day - another dinner.
As far as the gifts, he's bought me flowers twice, only because he thought I was upset with him. He bought my cat a closed-in litter box, because he can't stand the smell of her litter. He cooks for me constantly and he is a great cook.

Taking you out to dinner..and paying for it is wonderful as is cooking for you..buying your pet... pet things...and even a non expensive jacket like I-ran across-this-and-thought-of-you-....kind of a gift
and flowers as a make-up offering

but these things ..lovely lady..... are baseline ..
merely status quo...that means ..of course this is normal everyday what he should be doing...anyway..... for a woman like opening a door for you or saying God bless you when you sneeze .. think of these acts as not so different than the ones you listed

and while certainly appreciated and loving this are listing them up as if you are lucky to have his brand of "special treatment" when..really..... YOU are the one that's special and deserve this treatment...............anyway...
he's the one who is lucky.... to have YOU......
and what's even up with sharing what he extravagantly gave Tomasina,Jane and Harriet?
what's up with that

Holidays/b-days ..that's for special treatment ..and are moments he ought to seize as God-given opportunities to celebrate caring for you and/ or your relationship and making a grand occasion..for your love :)... .creating precious memories like each holiday/birthday is a a sweet charm on a relationship charm bracelet you are co-creating together

but if he's not.... :(

don't settle..lovely one
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All i know is this happened to me for valentine's day this year... where he proclaimed that Vday was 'just another day'
but it's not just another day to me...
he knew i was upset.. i made a stink about it..
the next morning he went to macdonalds and got us breakfast, then he went to walmart and got me a big stuffed animal, as if that would make it all better.

... we broke up that weekend... for unrelated stuff....
i guess i have to figure out the same thing you mentioned, especially when the gift i finally got ended up being not that great...

If your guy's really in it to make you happy, once you make it clear what will make you happy and he either won't do it or still does a half behind job....:nono:...:nono:...:nono:...Better to find out he's cheap, selfish and thoughtless now. I've experienced this before and the guy thought I was being money-grubbing and ungrateful. He couldn't get it through his thick head that it truly is the thought! Instead of spending $10 on crap which you've never seen me wear, spend it on something you know I like! Make an effort to make me happy. :wallbash: Watch me, observe me, ask my family, heck ASK ME!

Yeah, I'd be thinking hard about moving on. :look: