Game - You know your hair is long when...


New Member
1. You get in your car and when you close your door, you realize part of your hair is caught in it;

2. You're shampooing in the shower and if you swing your hair it sticks to the wall.

What else, ladies? :)
You bend down to pick up the soap that you dropped and it's stuck in the crack of your ***. :lachen: I can't wait for that to happen to me.
Your hair gets caught in the clasp of your bra strap if you don't move your hair aside before fastening the clasp.

You keep sitting on your hair by accident.

You can cover your nakedness with just your hair.

Your bun is as big as or bigger than your head.

Your shrunken fro is wider than your shoulders.

Your braid makes an audible thump when it hits your body or things around you.

You measure your hair in feet, not inches.

You have to put your single braid in a bun to keep it from dragging on the floor (now that's some long *** hurr)
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you don't have to be a contortionist to reach around back to feel where it reaches on your back.:drunk:

when you have to take a break doing each rollerset because you arms get tired
it gets caught under your arm - in the front

your ponytail hangs longer than your hoodies

it can be loaded with product, but still moves
When you can directly pick up your ends, bend them up towards you and look at them.

When you have to do that arm sweep thing to get your hair out of your coat/shirt when you put it on.

When you can do princess Laya buns at the side of your head

When you stretch out your hair to the side and your arm is fully extended

When people constantly ask you if your hair is real

When you can bun your hair and hold it in with one stick:yep:
1. you can skip rope with it
2. you can wrap it around your waist
3. you can step on it
4. you can't find your comb because it's "lost" in your hair
5. your hair is taller than you
You have to pull it back before you eat or brush your teeth.:dork:

Yea, I can relate to that too, Divine, especially when my hair is straight :)

I remember a white woman at the white people's hair board said she used to use her butt-length ponytail as a rope and tie her husband up with it and they would have sex! Ha!
When beauticians at the salons charge you ridiculously high prices b/c of it.

Yea, like the place in NYC. "George Michael Salon" I think it's called... you can't even get an appointment unless you have hair down to your waist, AT LEAST!

Yea, I can relate to that too, Divine, especially when my hair is straight :)

I remember a white woman at the white people's hair board said she used to use her butt-length ponytail as a rope and tie her husband up with it and they would have sex! Ha!

I know her ends was all toe up! Unless she baggied them ends beforehand!:lol:
When you are walking and you can feel your hair smacking your knees (I just saw a _______ woman with below knee length hair that was braided and it was doing that)