So0o0o0 when did YOU first realize you had a problem??

I realized I had a problem when I started taking pictures and realized that I wasn't even trying to get a good shot of my face, but a good shot of my hair.

When my friend tried to take my phone away because I was taking so many pictures.

When I'm on the computer everybody already knows what site i'm on.

When after measuring my hair one day, my sister said, "who you trying to be, Pocahontas?"
I knew I had a problem when yesterday after doing my 3yr old DD's hair she then took out her Fisher Price digital camera and took pics of her hair and asked me to take a pic of the back of her hair.

My bathroom closet has more bottles of oil, conditioner, henna, and my fav shampoo than towels.

The UPS/Fed Ex guys are ringing my doorbell at least once a week.

My husband said we should fly home to visit family this summer and not drive, and I've been thinking of UPSing my hair products to my mother-in-laws so I don't have to worry about them on a plane.

I could go on for days lol
1. when i starting browsing the site until like 5am instead of doing my work or sleeping (i have an oral presentation that i haven't prepared for today lol)
2. when i found myself spending over and hour JUST to do a puff and then taking tons of pics for no reason
3. i started day-dreaming about my hair and the new products i want to try and how these products will work for my hair-in my dreams, the products always work:)
i have more but the point is that i come on here wayyy too much
@Yanira Naturally:..YES!!! everytime a strand of hair comes out i check to see if its shed or broken..if its broken i freak out and plan a DC later that day...If its shed im happy its not broken but i wonder y it i check elasticity and make a mental note...lo

Ok we need to hold an intervention here,:lachen:
I realize that I love buying hair products. I just received some products and I'm trying to resist the urge to use them. I need to buy some clothes but I rather use my money on hair products. I spend my friday nights not going out but washing and dcing my hair. My friends and family comment on all the hair stuff I got and the lack of actually food in my refrigerator. My sister wants to have an intervention w/ me about all the spending I do on my hair product but I feel if I pay all my bills, let me spend the rest on my pleasure.

Yes Lawd! You aint neva lied. :amen:
-when I started referring to deep conditioners as yummy sounding and actually "craving" to try it in my hair
-when I stopped spending all my money at MAC and Forever21 and started spending on ordering hair products online and buying locally and in product swaps (i used to be clothes and make-up obsessed, now Im like I'll just wear the clothes and make-up I already have)
-when I started buying whole organization systems for the hair products in my closet and decided to do a whole make-over on my room so that I can store my hair stuff properly
-I started dreaming about hair and terms that we only use in the forums
-when all I wanted to talk to my friends (males and females) about was hair and products and regimens (they aren't really interested)
-I spend hours on my blackberry updating my list of products in my stash, my list of products to buy, and my personal product reviews. I even plan my upcoming wash and co-wash day. I wash my hair on Thursdays, so while Im deep conditioning I start planning the products I will use next time and everyday until the time comes I edit it.
-If someone is having a hair problem, I make them a "serum" for their condition or recommend a product to them!

I cant believe Im this bad off lol
i knew i was hair obsessed when i straighten my hair and its hanging down my back, all i can see in my mind is my little itty bitty strands screaming out in agony of being rubbed against my clothes and collar...and then i immediatly have to put it up, even if i JUST stepped out the salon

Or when i stretch my relaxer for 9 mo.. i fight with my natural hair and i curse it every chance i can get, get it relaxed and then miss up curls and waves immediatly..and i start counting down the day/weeks/months til i can get them back.

I stretch my relaxer, and i cant wait to get a relaxer i finally do and i cant stand it...i immediatly want tocowash my hair and put it in a bun.

I take the Subway and i want to Co-was my hair even if i just cowashed that morning...

Guys im telling you, this is getting ridiculous!!!

I know the feeling!!! :lachen:
- when I would pass up a date with a fine hunky man cuz I have to go through my weekend routine
- when I became an obsessive PJ
- when I can't even enjoy my new hairstyle fully because I'm off plotting my next hair style
- when I'm imagining how I will reconfigure my storage area in the basement so that I can dedicate a whole section to just hair stuff
- when my schedule revolves around my hair regimen
- when I take products out of town to mom's so I won't miss my regimen
- when I buy stuff (not cuz I need it) but its on sale and I will use it one day
- when my mom says I'm always doing something to my hair
- when my products are overflowing my linen closet
- when one of my male friends surprised me by taking me to lunch to celebrate my 1 year big chop anniversary and sharing my different hair styles along my journey (he ain't even my Boo LOL)
- when a guy asks specific questions about what I'm doing then suggests one part of my regimen (huh - how you know?) LOL
When talking to my husband on the telephone and he ask “what are you doing, looking at hair videos?”

When I refused to turn on my computer in fear of spending hours on LHCF and YT.

When I go to several different BSS searching for different hair accessories to spice up my updos.

When I put down my mirror at work, so my co-workers won’t spot me admiring my hair once again.

When I can’t stop touching my hair or bragging about how soft it feels.

Or like now, at work but on LHCF.

There’s no denying I’m obsessed.
One day I came home early because I was terribly sick. I'm not even sure when I fell asleep but somehow I managed to slip on my bonnet to avoid that cotton pilllowcase.
:drowning:when i was preparing to move and it came down to packing my cloths or my hair products! lets just say ive since had to buy a brand new wardrobe
At around 13 yrs old. When instead of hanging out with my friends I spent almost every saturday coming up with a new hairstyle (I tested out make-up too)

When I couldn't walk in Target, Walmart, Rite Aide, etc without walking down the hair aisle and usully picking something up.

When I would save my lunch money as a teen to buy hair products.

Now that I know how to take care of my hair properly, it's been taken to a whole new level LOL

ETA: Oh yeah, when I heard people used to use mayo and egg on their hair and I'd routinely make my own conditioner each week. This was before learning how to use them properly LOL I was a teen and would mix it with my normal conditioner.
I have 62 bookmarks in my "me & my hair" favorites folder. Need I say more????

ETA: I used to day dream about sex with hot I day dream about how my hair looks while I'm having sex with hot guys.
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Problem? I don't have a problem, I can quit anytime. :look:

When I had to pull DH aside and instructed him not to mention my website or hair habits to anyone...ever...again. :mad:

I knew I had a problem when I realized I was a member of 5 different hair forums and I noticed that I wasn't the only one obsessed when I saw the same people here on those other forums. :grin::look:

Even though I have enough hair products already I can't resist going in the hair aisle of any store just to see what they have. I might catch a sale.(V05 moisture milks on sale at Rite-Aid for $.79 this week.) :spinning:

Lol I do the same thing, 90% of the time its not even to buy ne thing, just to look, like if I have time b4 work, of after, and I pass buy a beauty supply store, cvs, wallgreens, what, I'll make a bee line to the hair care section and just look and the products, lol like in a trance, daydreaming lol :)
-When I get off work at 2am (I work at a lounge), come home and look at YT, LHCF, and other hair boards.
-When my tv conked out on me and I didn't care because I could still look at hair vids on YT
-When I was on vacay in Miami and after getting in late (5am) from partying, I would sleep for a minute, wake up guilty, and do my routine every night.
-Stalking other black girls looking at "White" products and hair vitamins in the store
-Looking at absolutely every black girls hair I see and trying to figure out what her reggie is (for long) what she can do to improve(if it's damaged) and if she's wearing that weave/wig/phonypony for style or to PS.
-when my bf touched my hair and then looked at his hands to see if there was any hair ( I've had massive shedding issues in the past) I stood up and shouted "HA! NO SHEDDING! MY REGIMEN IS WORKING!" and did a cabbage patch-like dance to celebrate.

Hair is taking over my life lol