Funny episode of hair growth/ share your funny stories


New Member
:lachen:I just finish watching I Love Lucy. Ricky thought his hair was receding so he started wearing hats. We all know Lucy is a busy body right. After giving him a party with all bald men (which btw he didn't show up to) she decides to give him a home treatment to deter him away from overreacting.

This reminded me of some of the stories I read on here.
She had all kinds of gadgets used to message his scalp. Then this was the funny part. She started pouring vinegar, eggs, mustard, and some other things over his head. Then she put a plunger on his head and started plunging. Lucy put a stocking cap on his head and then a heating cap. It was so funny. :lachen:

After all this she told him that you would have to do this every other night. He told her, no lets do it every night to get the hair to grow in faster.

Do you know of any other hair episodes or have some funny stories of your own?
Well, the funniest thing I did was use raw eggs as a protein treatment while in the shower and I totally forgot that I shouldn't use hot water to rinse it out so I ended up with scrambled eggs in my hair! :lachen:
I loved the scene from Anne of Green Gables where, after a smitten Gilbert Blythe calls Anne "Carrots" she smashes his head with her writing slate. Later that night she makes a disasterous attempt to dye her red hair a beautiful raven black with some knock off dye she bought from a random quack. It turned her hair a "vomituous" shade of green. She spent the night crying to Marilla about how she couldn't let Gilbert Blythe get the best of her.

Flash forward years later at the end of the movie. Gilbert and Anne are in the field reminiscing. Anne, blushing, apologizes for hitting him with the slate. Then their eyes meet and he wispers "Carrots" while running his hand softly through her now auburn hair and down her cheek.

OH that scene was so romantic. I cry everytime.
These stories sound funny. I will see if blockbuster has the movie so I can watch it. Keep it coming ladies, I know we have funny stories out there.
That one is very funny. It would have been funnier if they showed the yellow. Hey look I figured out how to add a pic of me. yeah! ok back to the funnies!