From all the time in the world to no time


Well-Known Member
I Start school tomorrow. I work 8-4 and will be going to school Monday through Friday getting out between 800pm-1045pm. My boy friend will be starting a new job soon 8-5 and school after work Monday through Friday. He also has a weekend job and I have my boys every weekend. I have a year rule (no one meets my kids till we are together a year) so no one has met my boys just yet. My boyfriend does not do long distance. Even though he moved back home and we got back together I feel like out relationship will have a long distance feel.
We talked and decided that we will stay together (because we love each other and want it to work) and since we are both working towards a same common goal (American dream) that we will be okay.
I guess what I am looking for is some advice. Or words of wisdom.
Schedules for everything and follow them. Make dates with him and keep them. I also think you both should figure in one or two days a month to spend at least 6 hours together.
Study dates? Getting in a little bit of conversation during breaks and encouraging each other are good chances to bond despite your busy schedule.

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