Friends with the Ex-BF

It was a billion years ago. I was his first love.... but he moved to Russia and we lost contact. We are enjoying catching up via email.

I think my DH would be suspicious because he is ALWAYS suspicious no matter what I do. So, he doesn't need to know or else he would act up.
It was a billion years ago. I was his first love.... but he moved to Russia and we lost contact. We are enjoying catching up via email.

I think my DH would be suspicious because he is ALWAYS suspicious no matter what I do. So, he doesn't need to know or else he would act up.

suspicious of what?

what dh don't know won't hurt'em. just don't get sloppy n leave ur e-mails up on da screen one day...das ALL U NEED and then it's curtains.....

*lookin ova LadyP's shoulder at screen* soooo, uh...whatchall e-mailin back n forth about?

*lights up a newport one hunnit*.....
It looks like DH and I will be talking about this issue soon. :look: He has seen the back to back emails from my friend on the screen. Knowing him, he's probably logged into my email behind my back and read anyway. So he should KNOW there's nothing untoward going on.

He's suspicious because he knows our marriage is not that fulfilling and that I could get another, superior man like THAT. :yep:

Anyway... My friend and I have just been catching up, talking about what we've been up to over the years. At one point we were gonna buy a potato farm in Poland together :lachen: now he's buying a farm with his wife :) It's all just friendly chit-chat.
No need to be careful... he lives in another state. He's married, I'm married. We are just enjoying one another's e-company.

You're a grown woman, but I'd say be careful.

I'd have a major problem if I knew that DH was keeping a secret like that from me and I found out. I wouldn't want him enjoying another woman's e-company :nono:

I guess I'm from the school where you don't keep these kind of secrets in your marriage.
It looks like DH and I will be talking about this issue soon. :look: He has seen the back to back emails from my friend on the screen. Knowing him, he's probably logged into my email behind my back and read anyway. So he should KNOW there's nothing untoward going on.

He's suspicious because he knows our marriage is not that fulfilling and that I could get another, superior man like THAT. :yep:

Anyway... My friend and I have just been catching up, talking about what we've been up to over the years. At one point we were gonna buy a potato farm in Poland together :lachen: now he's buying a farm with his wife :) It's all just friendly chit-chat.

uh huh. and see, der would be nuffin to discuss. i would do what any ole man would do.

play it off like it ain't nuffin, then flip da psych on him about invading my privacy and that HE is the one who can't be trusted....
It looks like DH and I will be talking about this issue soon. :look: He has seen the back to back emails from my friend on the screen. Knowing him, he's probably logged into my email behind my back and read anyway. So he should KNOW there's nothing untoward going on.

He's suspicious because he knows our marriage is not that fulfilling and that I could get another, superior man like THAT. :yep:

Anyway... My friend and I have just been catching up, talking about what we've been up to over the years. At one point we were gonna buy a potato farm in Poland together :lachen: now he's buying a farm with his wife :) It's all just friendly chit-chat.

Isn't it common to look for old exes online when the relationship is a little boring or unfulfilling...?

Perhaps it's a good idea to stop the e-mailing for now and focus on solving the problems in your relationship?

How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot?
What does your ex's wife think about this?
uh huh. and see, der would be nuffin to discuss. i would do what any ole man would do.

play it off like it ain't nuffin, then flip da psych on him about invading my privacy and that HE is the one who can't be trusted....

LOL! You know how to play them like a drum!! :lol:
Isn't it common to look for old exes online when the relationship is a little boring or unfulfilling...?

Perhaps it's a good idea to stop the e-mailing for now and focus on solving the problems in your relationship?

How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot?
What does your ex's wife think about this?

It might be common, but I think it's playing with fire personally.
No. He wouldn't be okay with it and neither would I. IMO it's a dumb move and a disrespectful move.

ITA. I tend to just never keep in touch w/ exes. I decided on this from the very first time I moved from BF1 to BF2.

You see, I agreed to meet my ex for a drink with my then BF's best friend coz he (the BFF of my BF) wanted to meet my first love coz word was that I was so smitten with the dude that NO ONE else mattered, not even blood back when we were going out. BFF to BF just wasn't satisfied with pics so insisted we take ex up on his suggestion to meet for a drink. Two days before that, I'd gone clubbing and had met my ex's current GF's brother (small world). There had been time and distance since we dated so to hear someone talk about his sister's BF in a club that was not even close to where we used to hang out and it turn out that he is the guy I broke up with last year was a bit of a surprise, and my friend couldn't contain her excitement as we recognized the name and tried to contain our surprise at how small a world is.

Anyway from the previous conversation when ex had called me, he'd sounded like he hadn't moved on, which is why I didn't want to meet him and give him false hope. Finding he had moved on from his "BIL" made me feel comfortable going to meet him, but again I wasn't alone. The drink and chat during the sitdown went well and we all got on nicely. But when it was time to leave and I shook his hand to say goodbye and he didn't let go when I did but gave me this very deep communicative long look and said, "Can we meet later?" I felt so uncomfortable and sad because it seemed he was on the rebound or something. I felt sorry for him because I had so moved on but it felt like he hadn't, and hated to imagine him hurting. He rang my phone off the hook that evening but I was leaving the country the next day so I was able to avoid finding out what he had in mind.

I kept thinking how awful it would be if his GF had witnessed his body language and his reluctance to let go my hand. (BF's BFF noticed it too and asked what that was all about. :nono: ) When I went back home to visit a couple of years later, out of the blue he called me to say hi and I was congratulating him on his marriage and son (It now seemed he'd really moved on and it made me happy because I hate seeing people unhappy.) But again he asked if we can meet someplace. :look: Needless to say, I made an excuse, hung up and we've never spoken since.

TBH I might be reading a lot more into all that, but I do not think there's any good that could come from keeping in touch with an ex. Needless to say, none of my exes have any idea how to contact me and if they do find out, I change my contact real quick and have even been known to quit a job or leave town to avoid any ex haunting me.
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I don't know if my friend has spoken to his wife or not. We're not doing anything wrong and don't plan to, so why announce like it's some huge deal? I have a deep disgust for adultery and so does my friend. We have 0% chance of doing that.

Honestly, I would not really care if DH was talking to an old flame, as long as he keeps it platonic.
I don't know if my friend has spoken to his wife or not. We're not doing anything wrong and don't plan to, so why announce like it's some huge deal? I have a deep disgust for adultery and so does my friend. We have 0% chance of doing that.

Honestly, I would not really care if DH was talking to an old flame, as long as he keeps it platonic.

This is why I feel like it should be discussed among you and your DH. That way he couldn't hold it against you, if he happened to find out accidentally.

And as long as you're not saying anything or telling him anything that you wouldn't say around your DH, then it's all good.

I feel that if my DH knows of any female friends that I had got reconnected with, then he'd have the right to know if I got reconnected with a male one too.

But that's me :)
LadyPaniolo, I understand your unease about talking to him and the dread you might have about him giving you an ultimatum. But one thing I learned from Cybra (an old member I still keep in touch with), dishonesty comes in many forms. Hiding an important part of your life from your spouse is a form of dishonesty, and sometimes we do have to make sacrifices for those we love. Even if your opening up means you'll have to choose between your ex and your current, it doesn't change the rlp you have and if your ex cares, he too will understand if you two must never speak.

There are so many things we have to give up for those we love. It's called a compromise and it can come at a cost. Sometimes "that little voice that says 'keep it in the dark'" is actually our conscience trying to tell us that what we are doing isn't good enough to be put out in the light. And if it isn't good enough, maybe it's not worth doing.

"Lies" are very exhausting. And half-truths are lies just cleverly dressed.
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:( Nonie you make an excellent point. I also don't want my friend's wife to find out we have been in contact and for her to get jealous or hurt and make complications for him.

It's hard because I really enjoy talking with him. We have so much in common, like a similar background, values, interests etc. He is brilliant, funny and considerate. Plus we can reminisce about the fun times past. I don't have many friends, so I don't want to lose one. But I don't want to get into a huge blowout fight with my husband either.

Sigh. Why can't life be easier? I mean, really, it seems we should be able to be friends and for everyone to just be ok about it. But the likelihood of both spouses feeling that way doesn't look good.
(((LadyP))) you make me misty-eyed because I know exactly what you mean.

When I met hubby-mine, my best friend was a guy. Not my BF at all, but a very good friend and the BF of my good friend. We all got along very well and it was clear where everyone stood. Before my hubby, he was the big brother I never had and if I didn't know any better (or if he didn't date my friend) I'd think he was gay because he had the gentle understanding you get from fellow girlfriends, where you can cry over silly stuff and not annoy them because they might cry with you.

Hubby (then BF) was OK with my friendship and I thought it could continue to be. But then one day my male BFF called me to let me know the entire posse was going to the movies and wondered if I was going to join them. I had plans with my BF so I passed. Later they were to stop at my place at a certain time but came earlier while BF and I were still out. I found a note that was cussing me out for being inconsiderate. I immediately called because I got home half an hour earlier than our planned meeting. He cussed me out in ways I had never been talked to before. This is someone I would have gone to my death bed defending that he would ever raise his voice at me or say a mean thing. I hung up and then waited for him to calm down before calling him back. He never did calm down and continued to call me names. You'd swear I had dont a horrible thing to this guy. We never spoke again.

All I could think of is because I was now "unavailable" to hang out, there was some sort of jealousy, like that a mother has when her young boy leaves home or gets married. Hubby's interpretation was different, and I couldn't argue with him because I don't know and he might see it from a guy's perspective. Anyway, I lost a very dear friend for reasons that even to this day make no sense to me. And it took a long time to fathom that I'd have to learn to live life without my friend in it again. My sister met him when things were cool and she admonished me a few years later saying that I should never lose a friend over some silly argument and that I should track him down. But heeding my hubby's "sense" of what dude's problem was, and having respect for my rlp and for myself, I had ignore my sister and keep that limb that I cut off back then in that pit I threw it in back then.

So it will hurt, if you have to let go. But where a door closes, another opens that leads to happiness too, perhaps even more than you knew. It's been 11 years since I lost my BFF, and I can tell you it gets better. :yep: I don't miss him anymore. And I'm grateful for the short time he was in my life because I grew and was happy and have memories of our whole gang laughing and "joshing" till we were all crying and bent over unable to breathe from laughing so hard. And they were my "family" when I was new in the US. But I'm happy again without them in my life and can remember those days without feeling sad. Even that shocking exchange that ended our friendship doesn't make me teary anymore.

You'll be OK, Hun, whichever way honesty takes you. :kiss:

ETA: It is 11 years since my BFF and I spoke, not 14 as I had first posted.
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Thanks for sharing your story, Nonie. I'm so sorry you lost your friend.

See, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. DH and I have always had a cool relationship when it comes to my male friends. Matter of fact, for most of our relationship I spent hours on the phone and hung out constantly with a my BFF- a guy. He would even come and stay the night at our house, and me and him would sit up in the living room all night together while DH slept in the bedroom.

Only in the past year or so has my DH started being so suspicious all the time and jealous. In years past, there would have been zero problem with me just emailing back and forth with my friend.

So now I find it hard to be all restrained and reigned in like a child under her daddy's thumb.
It's hard to say. Things have been real rocky for quite some time. I have also lost a ton of weight, and more men are stepping to me because of that, but I don't think that is it. Time was, I'd tell him a guy made a pass at me and he would chuckle. Not anymore.
I can see why you'd be leery of telling him about your friend. On the flip side it would hurt him, I'm sure, to find out about the guy after the fact.

I see your dilemma.
It would depend on a lot of factors some of which are:
1) is the previous girlfriend still interested? In that case no. Because even if he's not interested she'll still try to pull b.s and I try to eliminate b.s before it even starts. Regardless of if I trust my fiance or not, some woman smirking at me hiding behind veiled attempts is just notgoing to work for me. Luckily my fiance nixes anything that makes me feel uncomfortable. (and this question assumes there is no interest from my fiance because I wouldn't be with him anyways if he was "conflicted" about an ex. I want someone who wants me and only me)

2)How long have they been friends. If this is a childhood friend and there really is no interest, or a long term friend, sure. If it's random women hovering around waiting for a second chance, no.

I require the same of myself as well because I wouldn't want to put my fiance in those situations either. I realize there will be people attracted to him and vice versa at work but as long as we keep it professional...whatever! But inviting said people into our lives on a daily basis is a no no because I feel like it's flirting with disaster (either causing you or him to feel disrespected, etc).
Okay so I just read everything. I assumed this was a general question. In your case LadyPaniolo I think you know what to do.. Even if you feel like you would never cheat, you're using Russia guy in a way to fill a void in your life (if you say you and your husband are a little distant lately).

Dare I say the relationship might need to be severed? Are you using him as a distraction so that you don't deal with your relationship? I think that should happen first and foremost (resolving relationship issues)

Might I ask...are you re evaluating your relationship with your husband? Are you communicating about his jealousy or is it too bad to do so (in which case that brings a lot of other stuff up like are you pondering severing the relationship?) I remember seeing your pic with your baby and you are a cutie. I could see how an insecure guy could start freaking out, but it's not how bad he freaks out, its how he handles it. Meaning are you having to watch how you interact with men for fear of his wrath, etc versus him realizing he's being silly and just getting over it?
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I definitely feel a void in my life, no doubt. Russia guy (he would not like that name :lol: ) reminds me of how I used to feel, long ago.

I can't really communicate with my DH any more.
I definitely feel a void in my life, no doubt. Russia guy (he would not like that name :lol: ) reminds me of how I used to feel, long ago.

I can't really communicate with my DH any more.

Lady Paniolo, I wish you a Happy New Year and I hope that your relationship with your husband gets better soon. You are not the first, nor the last woman to feel this way... :bighug:

We have a new decade coming up in around 20 mins (here in Sweden), so we all have new chances and new opportunities to turn the page and create a new and wonderful future for ourselves and our families - whatever steps we choose to take.
Okay then you need to start the new year with the determination to improve your marriage. If your husband is willing to work on things, then you must give it your all. For your sake and your new baby's sake. Marriage is the hardest relationship to maintain and the most rewarding. You must dig deep and give it your all. Sit hubby down and get a plan together for 2011 to make things better for both of you. Get some counseling, start scheduling weekly dates. For the next 365 days focus on your marriage. Most marriages (I personally think all) hit bumps in the road. Your marriage is far more important than chatting with Russia guy. You are a smart, beautiful woman. I bet your husband is just at a loss and doesn't know what to do. Being newly slim and getting more attention is cool but none of it compares to having a loving marriage and being with the father of your child(ren). Marriage is worth fighting for, your marriage is worth fighting for:yep:.

ETA: I am assuming there is no abuse going on: mental/physical/or verbal.
:( Nonie you make an excellent point. I also don't want my friend's wife to find out we have been in contact and for her to get jealous or hurt and make complications for him.

It's hard because I really enjoy talking with him. We have so much in common, like a similar background, values, interests etc. He is brilliant, funny and considerate. Plus we can reminisce about the fun times past. I don't have many friends, so I don't want to lose one. But I don't want to get into a huge blowout fight with my husband either.

Sigh. Why can't life be easier? I mean, really, it seems we should be able to be friends and for everyone to just be ok about it. But the likelihood of both spouses feeling that way doesn't look good.

The bolded is definitely something to keep in mind because if his wife finds out about this, she may make his life A LIVING HELL.

Thanks for sharing your story, Nonie. I'm so sorry you lost your friend.

See, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. DH and I have always had a cool relationship when it comes to my male friends. Matter of fact, for most of our relationship I spent hours on the phone and hung out constantly with a my BFF- a guy. He would even come and stay the night at our house, and me and him would sit up in the living room all night together while DH slept in the bedroom.

Only in the past year or so has my DH started being so suspicious all the time and jealous. In years past, there would have been zero problem with me just emailing back and forth with my friend.

So now I find it hard to be all restrained and reigned in like a child under her daddy's thumb.

This could never go down with me & DH.
I am friends with most of my ex's.
I've had them over for dinner and/or drinks, I've also gone out on the town with then, there has never been a problem. because my SO can plainly see that they're just friends like the rest.

That said I have had an SO who was still "close" to his ex. She lives in a different country. She also worked in his company in her country.
I was cool and, of course, wanted to meet her.

She did NOT want to meet me.
She wasn't "ready".
Yet she texted him constantly, would call crying about her problems (she had a ton of them), asked him to send beauty products not available in her country, etc.

I was not cool with it for long.

So he had to choose. This was pretty early on in our relationship but he chose wisely. Which let lead to her texting me about suicide and.. oh, the poop hit the fan and when on a bit. yeah, she was/os crazy but as far as I know she's alive and poisoning somebody elses life.

I feel your pain. I had to deal with that crap with my ex. :nono: I should've heeded the warning, but I didn't. :rolleyes: When we got together she claimed that she had attempted suicide and my ex ran over there playin captain save-a-ho. :nono:

:look: He doesn't exactly know about it. :look:

That's wrong and you know it. :nono: If you guys aren't doing anything wrong then why aren't you telling him?