Friends with the ex?

Have you ever attempted to befriended an ex?

  • Yes, we still talk to this day

    Votes: 67 47.2%
  • Yes, but it didn't last long

    Votes: 20 14.1%
  • No, that would've been a disaster!

    Votes: 39 27.5%
  • No, but I wish I had've because he was an awesome person

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Other, my situation doesn't fit the provided options...

    Votes: 13 9.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think it's ok as long as the feelings are totally gone...I have tried being friends with exes at their request and it was a disaster because they all still had feelings and I'm married and didn't feel like they were respecting my situation so I had to let them go...

My first love, we are cordial on FB but we are not friends...we weren't friends before we were in a relationship so it's hard to change to that, I think he still has feelings (although we are both married) but the reason why I keep him on my friends' list is because he is not disrespectful about my situation and trying to reconcile..
Its possible. My friend and I never dated, but we were on the edge. We still had some feelings, but both moved on. For the last week he called/texted me everyday. Saturday we talked and he said that I've always been beautiful to him. He passed away early Sunday morning via car accident and I've been devastated. I'm accepting it, but he really changed my life. We remained close friends until the end.
So I tried to not follow my own advice for once and tried to stay friends with my ex. He was annoying me and talked to me as if I was one of his business partners.

*presses Delete button* Good-bye. Don't do it, ladies.
So I tried to not follow my own advice for once and tried to stay friends with my ex. He was annoying me and talked to me as if I was one of his business partners.

*presses Delete button* Good-bye. Don't do it, ladies.

That's the part that kills me.

They either suddenly treat you as if you two have NO history, which can be hurtful as heck, or then they want to hang out with you as friends (because they still like your company) but only on THEIR terms. There's no thought of your needs... like the guy who was very diligent about calling and keeping his word while we were dating, but when we stopped, he wouldn't do it.

When I questioned him, he'd say, "Well, none of my other FRIENDS care if I don't call them exactly when I say I do. THEY understand my schedule."

Me: "Well, but when you were dating me, oh, a month ago, you made time because you wanted to. So now, you don't because we're "just" friends?"

He admitted I was right. So I said we didn't need to be friends anymore. :D

But I guess that's the point of why y'all broke up anyway... I shouldn't be looking for him to be there like that if he's an EX, and therefore, he shouldn't ask the same of me.
i'm friends with one ex.
I hated him for years after we broke up, I ceased communication with him for about 5 years, and then 3 years ago, a mutual friend joined us back together.

Now we're great friends. Really and Truly.
When he got married last year, I was the first to know...etc.
He considers me his best female friend (he's no longer married, lol)
and I consider him a good friend... after all, he knows a ton about me.

It's refreshing to talk about things with no feelings involved anymore, we can both be detached about things, and objective...

My female friends don't understand at all though...(they assume one of us is still in love with the other...because male and female Cannot Be Friends :rolleyes:)

Edited to add. We are not inviting each other to one another's weddings... That would be sticky. lol.
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I'm still friends with all of my exes--except for one. The night we broke up, he deleted me and blocked me from his Facebook, and went on this whole rant that he can't be friends with his exes. Then, he said we could remain friends because we ended things amicably, but that never happened. It made me a little crazy lol. How do you go from "I love you, you're the best girlfriend I've ever had." to "this person has blocked you" lol.

I believe that once you love someone part of you will always love them. Not necessarily be IN love with them, but still have love for them.