Fresh out of 4 or more years


New Member
Ladies who have been in long term relationships of 4 years or more, do you find that when you're fresh out of a LTR and you tell someone you're getting to know how long your last relationship was. Do you find that they act as if you expect the same thing from them? A guy friend of mines told me that even if I end things with current s/o, I have become un-dateable in his eyes because me being with S/O for 5 going on 6 years makes him feel like I would try to lock him down...WTH? I honestly dnt get this whish is why I'm here. Appreciate every1's opinion.
Girl your guy friend is a clown. Just because you had a LTR doesn't mean you expect the next one to last as long. In all actually you may be looking to play the field for a your oats or enjoying being solo for a bit. There is something refreshing about having a few suitors(NOT necessarily sex partners) to give you some variety.
If a guy passes judgement on you for that well on to the next one..
And getting a few bouquets of flowers on V-day is nice :-)
Whenever i told someone my last relationship was almost 6 years long, they act wow that is a long time...but i don't think they viewed me as undateable...i don't agree with your male friend.
I'm about 6 months clean from a lil' over a 4yr relationship. I can't recall really telling someone new how long my previous relationship was, but aye my intention is to 'lock it down' with someone new so if that's the impression they get, good for me! If they're not with it then that's cool too, that way nobody's time is wasted. :yep:
I agree with all you ladies,I told him that he lost his damn mind if he believes that any hot blooded hetro male will turn away from a woman because she has the ability to have a LTR. Most people dnt have the ability to have a relationship beyond a few months, I just had to make sure it wasn't me that was crazy =)
I'm about 6 months clean from a lil' over a 4yr relationship. I can't recall really telling someone new how long my previous relationship was, but aye my intention is to 'lock it down' with someone new so if that's the impression they get, good for me! If they're not with it then that's cool too, that way nobody's time is wasted. :yep:

I don't discuss how long I was with someone. I just give them an estimate and keep it moving. If a guy mentions that he was in a relationship with someone for a long time, I think about history he may have with that person and I don't too much talk to him after that. lol Do yourself a favor and leave ol boy alone. It's clear he wants to play the field.