For those wanting long hair...

So here is my starting pic. I finally had to cut t off back to NL

My updated regime
poo - nexxus moisturising shampoo
put Aphoghee 2 minutes for 30 minutes
Follow it up with Aubrey organics for 1 hours

After a week
poo if neccesary
DC with Alter EGO for 1 hour or Mizani Fulfly ( i think this is the what I can call My Condish!!) will keep ya posted

After every DC, I rinse out the DC

leave in Lacio Lacio
Let it partially dry
apply a mixture of Grapeseed oil to my hair
on the scalp sulfur mix, moisture and seal then I put my hair in three - 4 cornrows and keep them for a week
From time to time i spray it with a mixture of grapseen oil, water and curl activator

biotin 1000mg x 2
and MSM 1500 x2

I will post an updated pic three months from now or as soon as I relax.

I use a wide tooth and a fine tooth comb to detangle. For some reason I feel like I need to be able to comb my ends with a fine tooth comb. That's one of my problems.

Rinsing under the faucet is a no-no. I think this is what caused major tangling issues for me.

I pretty much follow the regimen you listed, except I wash and DC with my twists in. I undo each one after I get out of the shower, detangle, apply leave in/butter and then retwist.

I strayed far away from my regimen yesterday and it cost me.
It's unfortunate, but it helps me see why I need to stick to what works.
I have to tell you that since finding a few products that work, I don't have the urge to buy anything else. I'm not even searching for anything else. What a relief.
I hear great things about Reneice. What does she do to your hair and everyone else's that works? Even if it's just one gold nugget that you picked up from her.


I use a wide tooth and a fine tooth comb to detangle. For some reason I feel like I need to be able to comb my ends with a fine tooth comb. That's one of my problems.

Rinsing under the faucet is a no-no. I think this is what caused major tangling issues for me.

I pretty much follow the regimen you listed, except I wash and DC with my twists in. I undo each one after I get out of the shower, detangle, apply leave in/butter and then retwist.

I strayed far away from my regimen yesterday and it cost me.
It's unfortunate, but it helps me see why I need to stick to what works.
I have to tell you that since finding a few products that work, I don't have the urge to buy anything else. I'm not even searching for anything else. What a relief.

Definitely do what works for you. Isn't it great not having the urge to buy anything new? :yep:

If using a fine tooth comb on your ends works for you, that's good, but if it's snapping your hair causing breakage, don't do it.

Keep it good and simple.

I love not having the urge to try this and try that. I even packed up a bunch of stuff I accumulated and I'm giving it all away. I love a fine tooth comb, but it snags the heck out of my ends.
I hear great things about Reneice. What does she do to your hair and everyone else's that works? Even if it's just one gold nugget that you picked up from her.


I go to Reniece once a month to get my hair flat ironed (too time consuming to do myself, and she gets through my hair like a breeze). I already had good hair practices (and long hair) before I started going to her. Reniece is very gentle on one's hair, and she's very knowledgeable, and she listens. I've been going to her since November 2010. Check out my siggy to see the times she's dusted my hair (notice I have not had my hair trimmed since I've been going to her). She always tells me how good my ends look and how good I take care of my hair.
So here is my starting pic. I finally had to cut t off back to NL

My updated regime
poo - nexxus moisturising shampoo
put Aphoghee 2 minutes for 30 minutes
Follow it up with Aubrey organics for 1 hours

After a week
poo if neccesary
DC with Alter EGO for 1 hour or Mizani Fulfly ( i think this is the what I can call My Condish!!) will keep ya posted

After every DC, I rinse out the DC

leave in Lacio Lacio
Let it partially dry
apply a mixture of Grapeseed oil to my hair
on the scalp sulfur mix, moisture and seal then I put my hair in three - 4 cornrows and keep them for a week
From time to time i spray it with a mixture of grapseen oil, water and curl activator

biotin 1000mg x 2
and MSM 1500 x2

I will post an updated pic three months from now or as soon as I relax.

Why did you have to cut your hair to neck length?

What Aubrey Organics product are you following up with for one hour (the bolded above)?

Your regimen is simple (which is good to me). I love doing my hair and leaving it alone for a week. Isn't it nice?

Please keep us posted. :)

I hear great things about Reneice. What does she do to your hair and everyone else's that works? Even if it's just one gold nugget that you picked up from her.


I forgot to add, Reniece is a weave specialist (one of her services that I don't use). Reniece grew her hair to waist length by using weaves. She has a You Tube channel (check it out, and her website too).

Why did you have to cut your hair to neck length?

What Aubrey Organics product are you following up with for one hour (the bolded above)?

Your regimen is simple (which is good to me). I love doing my hair and leaving it alone for a week. Isn't it nice?

Please keep us posted. :)

It was breaking and shedding and became too thin especially the ends and they just did not look healthy. I was just lazy and I had sort of given up so I decided to trim it and start a fresh. Here is a picture just before my last relaxer. I was 16 weeks post.

and this was last year in march last year when i had healthy hair..

Anyway I guess you can understand why I had to cut it and start all over..


Thank you for the compliments. Yes the simple regime works really fine.
I will be hanging here until i get to my goal - MBL
I'm also attempting to grow out my hiar with weaves/wigs over the next 2 yrs. Id love to fly into Reniece or dontspeakdefeat to try their services. I haven't really found anyone in LA that I like that much.
I'm also attempting to grow out my hiar with weaves/wigs over the next 2 yrs. Id love to fly into Reniece or @dontspeakdefeat to try their services. I haven't really found anyone in LA that I like that much.

I've never had a weave or worn a wig, but there are lots of members here who are using that method to grow their hair out.

I had the opportunity to meet and have brunch with dontspeakdefeat She's another wonderful lady with awesome hair skills and a great attitude.

Wow, I didn't know you were in LA, that's a nice long plane ride to Maryland or Atlanta. Do you visit either on a regular basis?
Allandra - Yesterday, I decided to straighten my natural hair via blowdry and flat iron. The twistouts were getting on my last nerve! Plus my hair was feeling dry even though it was moisturized. Not only that, my ends started to get too tangly and knotty from not detangling.

This time when I flat ironed my hair, I decided not to use grease. I used Fantasia ic Heat Protector Straightening Serum on my hair before blowdrying and flat ironing. I got great results. I noticed my hair did not make that frying sound like it did when I used grease. I'm thinking the grease just may have been the product damaging my ends.

So now I am thinking about going back to the once a month heat straightening. I do have a few questions:

When you stylist blowdries your hair, does she use a comb attachment or a brush?
Does she use the Sabino Moisture Block before flat ironing?
If so, does she apply more on your ends for more protection?
Does she comb through your ends before flat ironing?

She may not have to do those extra steps if your hair is not very tightly coiled like mine, but I noticed this was the key for me in order to get smooth ends that won't split.
Allandra your friend's hair look really nice and healthy! I might have to take a trip to Reniece one day!

I have decided to incorporate co-washing back into my regimen. I noticed that I am getting more tangles and knot since I started shampooing weekly. Even though I only use shampoo bars...they might not be moisturizing enough. I will post my progress in a couple of weeks.
@Allandra - Yesterday, I decided to straighten my natural hair via blowdry and flat iron. The twistouts were getting on my last nerve! Plus my hair was feeling dry even though it was moisturized. Not only that, my ends started to get too tangly and knotty from not detangling.

This time when I flat ironed my hair, I decided not to use grease. I used Fantasia ic Heat Protector Straightening Serum on my hair before blowdrying and flat ironing. I got great results. I noticed my hair did not make that frying sound like it did when I used grease. I'm thinking the grease just may have been the product damaging my ends.

So now I am thinking about going back to the once a month heat straightening. I do have a few questions:

When you stylist blowdries your hair, does she use a comb attachment or a brush?
Does she use the Sabino Moisture Block before flat ironing?
If so, does she apply more on your ends for more protection?
Does she comb through your ends before flat ironing?

She may not have to do those extra steps if your hair is not very tightly coiled like mine, but I noticed this was the key for me in order to get smooth ends that won't split.

When my stylist blow dries my hair, she uses a comb.

My stylist does not use Sabino MB on my hair. This is something that I have in my hair care stash at home (which I haven't used much since discovering argan oil back in November 2010).

My stylist uses a spray leave in / heat protector before blow drying.

She combs through all of my hair prior to flat ironing and after too.

I wouldn't have grease used on my hair prior to flat ironing. It probably is the reason you heard the sizzling sound. IMO, hair grease does not protect from heat damage.

HTH. :)

ps. Why are you not detangling your hair (the bolded above)?

Hi Everyone, this is my first reading this thread as I read through the posts, I saw one thing over and over, little use of heat! I think I'm using way too much heat on my hair. Im mostly natural, expect for a few relaxed ends that need to be trimmed away. I haven't seen the growth I would like to see since I started actually tracking my growth. I'm going to try to reduce my use of heat and see how it goes.
I hate to bother you, but do you have a fotki or blog or something that documents your hair journey?
how long did take you to get to WL? did you use any PS's?
Im getting very impatient with my hair, i wanna be WL nowwww!!! lol.
im sure you have answers to these questions somewhere deep down in this thread but im being lazy, thanks in advance. :)

When my stylist blow dries my hair, she uses a comb.

My stylist does not use Sabino MB on my hair. This is something that I have in my hair care stash at home (which I haven't used much since discovering argan oil back in November 2010).

My stylist uses a spray leave in / heat protector before blow drying.

She combs through all of my hair prior to flat ironing and after too.

I wouldn't have grease used on my hair prior to flat ironing. It probably is the reason you heard the sizzling sound. IMO, hair grease does not protect from heat damage.

HTH. :)

ps. Why are you not detangling your hair (the bolded above)?

Allandra - thanks for answering my questions. I now see why I was getting split ends from using heat beforehand.... 1) I was not combing each section prior to flat ironing which I need to do in order to get smooth ends and 2) I was using grease which doesn't necessarily protect from heat damage even though it gives a smooth finish.

So I take it that you use the Argan Oil on your hair prior to flat ironing? If not, how do you use the Argan Oil?

For the bolded part, I was not detangling my hair because I was trying to avoid using combs and brushes and just use my fingers to detangle for the curly girl method. But now, I'm giving my hair a break from that method.
I hate to bother you, but do you have a fotki or blog or something that documents your hair journey?
how long did take you to get to WL? did you use any PS's?
Im getting very impatient with my hair, i wanna be WL nowwww!!! lol.
im sure you have answers to these questions somewhere deep down in this thread but im being lazy, thanks in advance. :)

Yes, I have a Fotki, but it's doesn't document my hair journey. I use Fotki to store pics, but it's not open for public viewing. Yes, I wear protective styles (there's another thread I started on the hair forum about protective styles).

Being impatient doesn't help anyone in anything imo. It's all about consistency and patience dear. When you have some time, read through this thread. Yes, it's long, but the ladies here have provided lots of good information. I know you didn't come up in here talking about being lazy. :giggle: Girl, sit down and start reading. :yep:

BTW, what are you doing to achieve longer hair? Is it working for you? What's your hair length? What's your hair length goal? What's your regimen? This is the information that most of the posters in this thread have listed.

@Allandra - thanks for answering my questions. I now see why I was getting split ends from using heat beforehand.... 1) I was not combing each section prior to flat ironing which I need to do in order to get smooth ends and 2) I was using grease which doesn't necessarily protect from heat damage even though it gives a smooth finish.

So I take it that you use the Argan Oil on your hair prior to flat ironing? If not, how do you use the Argan Oil?

For the bolded part, I was not detangling my hair because I was trying to avoid using combs and brushes and just use my fingers to detangle for the curly girl method. But now, I'm giving my hair a break from that method.

You're welcome.

My stylist uses a spray leave in / heat protector before blow drying (which protects my hair at the blow drying stage and at the flat ironing stage). I only use argan oil on my hair after it's been flat ironed (applying a little at night before putting on my scarf). I only apply it a few times once my hair has been flat ironed (because my hair gets most of it's moisture from deep conditioning, and I don't want anything weighing down my flat ironed hair). I like my hair to be non-greasy and with swing (or I should say swang on the LHCF :giggle: ).

I have never tried finger combing only (because for me) I need to use a comb to remove any shed hairs. I always detangle my hair (thoroughly) after I shampoo then condition (while it's coated in conditioner).

Even though I get my hair flat ironed once a month, I would say that I'm pretty much following the curly girl method with tweeks here and there to make it work for me and my hair. I think it's good to tweek any method to make it work for you and your hair (instead of trying to follow it to a T).
Well I do all the basics, m&s, ps, dc and cowash twice and week, no heat whatsoever clarify with acv biweekly, protein treatment biweekly, low mani, also growth aids like sulfur mn and vitamins
I BCd about a year and a half ago then I recently relaxed and I am allllmooosst apl
My goal is WL by december 2013 and bsl by devember 2012. :-)
Well I do all the basics, m&s, ps, dc and cowash twice and week, no heat whatsoever clarify with acv biweekly, protein treatment biweekly, low mani, also growth aids like sulfur mn and vitamins
I BCd about a year and a half ago then I recently relaxed and I am allllmooosst apl
My goal is WL by december 2013 and bsl by devember 2012. :-)

Did you do a big chop to go natural? If so, what made you decide to go back to relaxing (just curious)?
i did a big chop to go natural a year a a half ago. I wanted to go back to relaxing because (and i know ima get alota flack for this) it just seemed easier to take care of for ME. my hair was extreemmmmlyyy thick and took hours to detangle no matter what method i used. Plus i like slicked back hair styles, and was getting very tired of twist and braids (money and time consuming). With my relaxed hair i can throw it in a baggy bun with a phony pony and go! i dont dread wash days anymore and i can get my slicked back looks without risking heat damage. I do not regret my decision to relax at all, i am very happy, and i look foward to having that beautiful long relaxed hair like yours (youre my idol lol).
i did a big chop to go natural a year a a half ago. I wanted to go back to relaxing because (and i know ima get alota flack for this) it just seemed easier to take care of for ME. my hair was extreemmmmlyyy thick and took hours to detangle no matter what method i used. Plus i like slicked back hair styles, and was getting very tired of twist and braids (money and time consuming). With my relaxed hair i can throw it in a baggy bun with a phony pony and go! i dont dread wash days anymore and i can get my slicked back looks without risking heat damage. I do not regret my decision to relax at all, i am very happy, and i look foward to having that beautiful long relaxed hair like yours (youre my idol lol).

Well, you won't get any flack from me on going back to relaxers. It's a personal choice, and you have to make the best choice for you. I've had nothing but fun since going natural, and I'm still loving it. :)

I am new here and i was wondering if you can please help me out. i have almost shoulder length hair but it has become so thin due to shedding and all you can see is strands of hair.Youcan probably literally count the strands of hair. I just bought the whole aphogee products line due to reviews that ive seen online. i havent tried them out yet. i was wondering if anyone has any ideas to help me out. My hair was growing nice then all of a sudden has been shedding extremely for the last 2 months and is now very very very thin. i would truly be greatful. i do have relaxed hair.
Hey Ladies,

I just had a quick question. I'm trying to add more moisture in my hair (I'm relaxed and my hair seems to be a little dry lately) because it sounds like the key to maintaining length is moisture. I've built up a really good regimen (that includes M&S religiously) but I'm not satisfied with my deep conditioning. I using Natures Therapy Mega Moisture or Silk Elements Intense Moisture, and I normally leave it on for 10-15 mins. Should I start leaving it on over night instead to get more hydration? It just seems like if I don't M&S twice a day by the next day my hair is noticeably dryer. Thanks!
SmilingElephant said:
LexaKing....what do you moisturize with?

SmilingElephant I use Mizani Coconut Souffle or my Original Long Term Relationship leave in by Herbal Essence. Then I seal with either Argan Oil or Coconut Oil.

My hair always feels great afterwards, but the effects are gone if I don't moisturize again in one day.