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Maa Maa omo mti

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How soon after talking to someone online through a site do you provide them with other forms of communication?

In the past I normally go to IM, but I don't want to repeat history or make it a convenient to default back to electronic communication. I do like talking to people, and I figure if I meet someone at a bar which I did recently I gave him my number and we started talking(didn't work out), but IRL the only form of communication is the phone or in person.
Well, I met him in 2005; I waited about 3 weeks. The dates are a little fuzzy, but this is, more or less, the timeline:

Jul 12--'Met' online, communicating via email

Jul 14--exchange more emails

Jul 17--Began communicating via IM

Jul 19--First phone call.....lasted 3 hours

Progressively for the next 3 weeks, whenever we'd talk on the phone our conversations lasted from 3-6 hours each time. So I'd say for me, it was more a level of comfort I felt with him. I think if we hadn't talked on the phone so much, it may have taken longer for me to feel comfortable meeting in person. HTH! :)
Thanks foxxy, that really helped. I just met someone off of bpm and we've been talking back and forth today. Before he left he wanted to get my number, I wanted to give my IM but decided against it and logged off without replying :lol:.
How soon after talking to someone online through a site do you provide them with other forms of communication?

In the past I normally go to IM, but I don't want to repeat history or make it a convenient to default back to electronic communication. I do like talking to people, and I figure if I meet someone at a bar which I did recently I gave him my number and we started talking(didn't work out), but IRL the only form of communication is the phone or in person.

You mean other as in IM/email/phone?

I like to take it off of the dating site asap. I usually will give them an email addy that I use JUST for online dating or an IM address since most people have them. That way we can talk without have to log in and out of the dating site, and in real time and not delayed. I like using Gmail cause all the conversations will stay together and I won't forget details about him because it's all there to review later. Nothing like mixing up your details!

As far as when I take it to phone, it depends on the guy. Honestly if he's real pushy about it it ain't gon' happen. I'm stubborn that way. The longer he pushes me about calling him or whatever the longer it will take me to do it. It seems like they toss out their number like I am supposed to dive for it and cherish it and that just isn't my way. And, I don't make the first call. EV.ER. If he's wanting me to call him first, it will never happen. He is not the only man on the planet and not saying that I wouldn't ever do it but I don't see the need, if he's interested. He'll ask for my number and call me. I'll handle the calling from there. :grin:

If he's a gentleman about it, we usually talk for a bit online so I can get a sense of him and get a vibe about him. If the vibe is off, I don't give out my number. Period. No weirdos need to be having my phone number. Depending on the guy, it's been anywhere between 24 hours and a few days.

I like to take it offline as soon as I am comfortable. Like if I started talking to him on a Monday or Tuesday I'd hope we'd go out by that weekend. If not, the weekend after. After that I'm not available and I start to drop off. I'm looking for men who know what they want and are ready to make the move. I'm not asking any man out, so I'm never so impatient that I just go ahead and ask him out. No No. I'm not doing your job for you. Again, there are billions of men on the planet. Go find someone who wants to be in control of you and lead you around by a ring in your nose.

Lately I've been meeting a lot of guys online who are content to sit online, never ask for my number, hint at meeting up and hem and haw when I say sure! When do you want to meet up? I'm starting to cut these dudes off. If I don't have a day/time/ place, we dont' have a date and while you're wasting time being a wimp and shy, I'm going out with men who had the cajones to ask me out. Man up! :lachen:

Ok yeah i'm hard on men. My expectations are high. I don't play and my bullspit meter is in full effeck. I just don't like to be played with and there is far too much playing going on in the dating world these days.
Please be careful at BPM. There is a 'fresh meat' attitude about that place when you first get there and please believe they will be rude if you don't say hi and don't give out your number. Just be safe and smart!
Please be careful at BPM. There is a 'fresh meat' attitude about that place when you first get there and please believe they will be rude if you don't say hi and don't give out your number. Just be safe and smart!

Thanks. I actually like BPM *knocks on wood* but I haven't had any problem with it. I know several people who have had success, and I know a married couple of the site. I'm on high alert everywhere, so I know what you are talking about. Thx
Now I believe that this is a personal decision and no one can say "that was too soon" or "why did you wait so long" you have to be comfortable. I had talked online for years before I met my husband, so with the right questions I can tell someone's intentions. My husband and I met through myspace so we exchanged a good week's worth of messages with an average of about 20 something detailed messages a day before we exchanged phone numbers...well before he asked for my number. So its really up to you how soon you want to open those lines...
Well, if I am interested in them then I like to exchange a few e-mails. Then if that goes well a couple of phone conversations. Then we meet in a public place and have a date.

Unfortunately most guys never get past the e-mail stage.