For the Naturals who are Enjoying their Hair


Well-Known Member
Name some of the things that you enjoy about your hair.
What are some of the things you like to treat your hair to whether it be a special treatment, product, accessory etc...?

I just need to hear from some naturals that are content with their natural hair as of now. I know that may change in about a week for some. :lachen: But seriously I would like to know, it seems there are only a few, not too many. So those of you who are actually enjoying your natural hair, chime in please!

I enjoy:

1. Not panicking in rainy or humid weather
2. Not spending money on stylists (last I checked getting a relaxer was getting expensive)
3. Pulling the curls and watching them spring back :look:
4. Not having to "sleep pretty" to maintain a style
5. Being able to wash my hair and wear it in a cute curly style with minimal effort
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I'm enjoying my hair. Sometimes I miss having fresh hair styles like I did in my bi-weekly salon days but other than that it's cool.
I love my natural hair. I enjoy buying my favorite Aveda products and applying them to my hair. I love the way Coconut oil makes my hair look and feel. And I like when women ask me if my hair is a weave. I take it as a compliment.
I like the way it makes me look. I have very broad nose and lips so the natural hair kind of matches my face. I never have to worry about rain or wind. On humid days "what will my twistout do now?" is more of a game than a problem.

I can work up a sweat on the dance floor or wherever. I'm an old married lady now, but when I was single I enjoyed discovering that men like natural hair. The first time I was with someone who was really into my TWA at the time, I remember thinking, "Hey, this is easy!"

I love, love, love hair accessories, especially scarves. When my hair reaches an odd length or decides it wants to stick out in some weird way, I tie a scarf around my puff, add some flashy earrings and head on out. I don't have to fiddle around trying to make it "look right". It is what it is.

Natural hair is enjoyable for me because it suits my look and my lifestyle.
I love being able to wash daily

I love being able to switch up from natural to bone straight on a whim (ok a 3 hour whim that it takes to straighten :lachen:)
I've been enjoying the softness of my fro' and the fact that i don't really trip if it's rainy outside because my hair loves some H2O. Plus I like fooling people with shrinkage (hair always looks waaaaay shorter than its actual length). Since I'm usually wearing protective styles every now and then I'll let it loose so that it can be free and wild : )
All of the above. I love the versatility that i have right now, i can go straight, ponytail, fro, twistout, etc, etc, etc. I love the way my hair feels when it's moisturized and soft.
I love my natural hair! I love how easy it is to style my hair. I can wash n' go, pull it up in a puff, pick it out, etc.

I love accessorizing my hair. I can make the simplest hair style look exotic. Just today I wore a puff w/ a flower and got lots of compliments! :grin:

I love how simple my hair is to please. Just using a cheapie conditioner can keep my hair moist and soft for days. And adding some oil (castor, EVOO, jojoba) will give my hair even more benefits.

I also love shrinkage! :grin:
I love BIG hair.
I love looking exotic (I live in Denmark).
I love having a big ol fro, where every curl is doing it's own thang- people of every color are amazed at the texture.
It's like having a crown.:drunk:
i love my natural hair too! I worked long and hard to get through transitioning mind and hair and i feel high as a kite that i succeeded.

i love how thick and big it is. I hope soon i can say i love how thick, big AND long it is :grin:
i love how incredibly strong and healthy it is.
i love how my dark natural hair color has returned.
i love all the styles i can do.
i love having options. big giant poofy hair or sleek, relaxed looking hair. neither one requiring any sort of permanent commitment.
i love loving hot, humid days.
i love not caring if it gets rained on.
i love that i can step into the shower and soak my head anytime i feel like it :grin:
i love the curls, kinks and waves.

i'm just plain old in love with my natural hair! It's everything i imagined it would be, and more :yep:
I love the versatility.One day I can rock a wash n go and the next day it can be straight and sleek.
I love my hair too. I've never loved my hair more, actually.
I love that it's soft and squeezable.
I love that I no longer fear rain.
I love that I never see someone else with the same hairstyle
I love that people here are fascinated by my hair..almost as much as I am. (I don't see many other naturals in Denmark. Hi velvet!)
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I love the versatility of natural hair. I really enjoy the fact that with just a little effort, I can go from curly to straight and back again.

I enjoy the fact that weather is far less of an issue for me than it used to be -- I can come up with a style that works in all types of weather, especially high humidity.

I enjoy the fact that I can go from conservative to funky just by stepping in the shower and letting my curls come to life.

I wouldn't be honest if I said there aren't times when I get a little frustrated with my natural hair (especially when it comes to detangling), but when I weigh the pros and cons, natural hair wins out every time.
I enjoy walking out in the rain and not worrying about my hair.
I enjoy that fact that my hair is bigger and thicker than it has every been.
I enjoy having so many styling options.
I enjoy the fact that it allows me to enjoy certain styles for longer periods.
I enjoy not being stylist dependent like I was when I had a relaxer.
I enjoy not having to adjust my hair to my exercise regimen.
I really cant explain it but I feel like my natural hair has just become a part of my sets me apart. Although, the styling aspect sometimes makes me frustrated....the thought of relaxing brings tears to my eyes. Straight, flat hair just seems so boring.... I really love my coils, kinks, and curls. It just seems free and comfortable. So yea....I love my natural hair.

I plan on enjoying the straight vs coily versatility more next year once bootcamp is over.
This one may sound a little odd but my natural hair is so thick and wild, it does a great job of drawing attention away from my postpartum hair shedding.
I love that my hair is so big and full!!
And I think it suits me and my personality much better than relaxed hair ever did! :yep:
I am enjoying my hair tremendously. I love everything about it except the fact that it grows slowly. Although I wear it in a bun everyday, I get lots of compliments -- shiny, soft, silky-looking, wavy, pretty curls in my nape area, people using the un-PC word "good" hair... I never worry about it at all. It does no shed or break. I do not run out of the rain like everyone else, but will sometimes stay out in it a few extra seconds. When I work out, all I have to do is brush it back a couple times afterwards, which means I no longer have to limit my exertion like I used to do so as not to mess up my hair too much.

Lately, I've been mixing up conditioner in my kitchen and have made the most luscious conditioner starting with SalonCare honey and almond conditioner to which I have added: coconut milk, yogurt, pureed banana (small jar of pure banana baby food), molasses, honey, whey protein, kelp powder, irish moss and rose petal powder, which has equaled soft and strong hair. I was reading the "extras" thread a couple weeks ago, but did not post in it. I love doing the extras for my hair. It feels like going to the spa.

Although you cannot really see my length because of the shrinkage, my bun keeps getting bigger and bigger and that is wonderful to see.
Name some of the things that you enjoy about your hair.
What are some of the things you like to treat your hair to whether it be a special treatment, product, accessory etc...?

I just need to hear from some naturals that are content with their natural hair as of now. I know that may change in about a week for some. :lachen: But seriously I would like to know, it seems there are only a few, not too many. So those of you who are actually enjoying your natural hair, chime in please!


i LOVE LOVE LOVE my natural hair, in its natural shrunken coily state! :love2: i love that i don't have to style it if i don't wanna... i love that i can get my hair wet in the shower anytime i want and it makes my hair look better. i love that it is low-maintenance and that the less i mess with it, the healthier it gets and the longer it grows! i love that it is soft and spongy. and yes, i even love my shrinkage - i went from collarbone to APL in 6-7 months and didn't have to worry about my ends breaking off from rubbing on clothing... cuz my ends were way up by my ears! :grin:

what do i do to treat my hair? hmmmm... i guess when i do my egg and mayo protein treatments once a month. it keeps my hair strong and shiny. and frequent co-washing is a treat for my scalp. i've been wearing my hair straightened all this week and let me tell you... my scalp is kinda gross. :look: it's used to being washed some kind of way every other day or few days or SOMETHING. now it's aggravated with me... LOL. oh well... it's gonna have to adjust because it's too cold to wash my hair that often now. :nono:
Loving my natural 4a/b hair right now!

1. I actually love to wash and condition my hair.
2. I have HIF disease. The squeezability of my twists is awesome.
3. Through trial and error, I have acutally learned to style my hair.
4. My hair is actually growing and thriving.
I love that my hair wil shrink up no matter how long it gets making it a whole lot easier to style.

I love to throw in in a pony puff that's full and curly and not flat and stringy like it was when I was relaxed

I love that I can get it just as straight as a relaxer w/out all the damage

I love to find out guys I'm seeing are really into the fro; even more then me.:look:
Yes, I am enjoying my natural hair.:yep:

I love my plaits, twists, twist-outs and fluffy puffs.

I love the little coily-q's that show up on the ends of my hair when in two-stran twists or mini-braids.

Yes, again. I am enjoying my natural hair.:yep:
I love the way it feels - dense and smooth and coily and wiry.

I love how it looks on me - natural and perfectly fitting my hair.

I love how it fits my lifestyle - no fuss, no muss, get up and roll out!

I love that it's different from most peoples - it's as unique as I am..

I love that I've grown it - I'm proud of the work of my hands that's gone into making it - and me - more beautiful.

I love how it changes up depending on the whether.

I love being suprised by how long it is.

I love how thick it is - and how much it condenses down.
I love being able to wash n' go and my hair still looks nice

I love the "trickery" of my shrinkage, now you see it (length) now you don't :lol:

I love washing my hair daily

I love my swirly curls

I love the fact that I can flatiron for a different look

I'm loving the compliments I've been getting lately ;)

I'm looking forward to having HUGE hair (think hairporn ;) )
I am enjoying my natural hair!
No need to deal with two completely different textures.
No more itchy itchy scalp.
No panick in rainy or humid weather.
More versatility : I like my braid out after a airdried rollerset : it’s like I had curly hair.
One day, I will flatiron it.
I like my bun and my puff.
Simple and easy to style and maintain and I can work out.
I don’t like fake, so natural hair matches better with my face and suits better to my personality.
I have natural, fine, soft and healthy hair and it’s growing.
It’s my crown and glory and I am proud of my natural hair.
It is wonderful to know there is at least 30 folks on this site that enjoy their natural hair.

I enjoy the versatility of natural hair, big, wild, long, etc.
I enjoy not having to depend with blow dryers, heating and curling elements.
I enjoy creating products from natural and/or ayurvedic products
I enjoy having someone visit my fotki or contact me via PM asking for help or advice because their hair is similar and they want the length and health that I have achieved so far.
I will even admit I enjoy the shock and awe when someone sees my shrinkage and then my length or vice a versa.
I enjoy my hair and the wonderful people I have met who are on the natural journey.
I enjoy my hair because it is truly an adventure, I have no idea one month from the next what will unfold because it is all unchartered territory.
I enjoy the options of styling creating designs with braids, twists and cornrows, etc and even protective styles.
I enjoy the journey even when I am in the valley.
I enjoy not having to worry about the weather or the climate anymore.
I just enjoy my natural hair because it is what I was born with.