Are there any 4b textured naturals who love their hair?

blaqphoenix I'm 4b and love my natural hair texture. Though, I never could big chop because my hair wouldn't be long enough to wear in a bun. I still have texturized ends but I am mostly natural. 4b hair is just as easy to style as any other hair type. Most styles that I can't do are not because of my texture but rather because my hair isn't very long. Here is a link with photos of my hair in a bun. I’m pretty sure there are a lot of 4b naturals that love their hair texture or will start to appreciate their hair texture because of this forum.
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I'm 4b and big chopped a few months ago. Don't let others discourage you from loving your god-given, natural texture. Determine right now that you are going to love it and you will. When you first big chop, you might not fully understand your texture and how to properly take care of it. Even some YouTube videos can be misleading on how to properly take care of 4-type hair. Just pay attention to those that care about retaining length with styles you could appreciate.

When I first big chopped a few months back, I was concerned about what hair-type I was, but as you begin to fully understand how to care for your hair, the last thing you will care about is what curl pattern you have. Yeah, 3c / 4a hair is cute, but so is my 4B hair, and I dare someone to tell me otherwise! I reluctantly rocked a matted, dry afro for the first week after BCing and loved it even then. It wasn't until I fully understood how to properly moisturize my hair, twist it nightly to avoid matting, and what products I shouldn't use -- did I really see progress in not only the health of my hair, but the manageability as well.

I am only three months natural, 6 months post relaxer and I've tried it all. I've mastered shingling, mini-twists, twist-outs, and other creative styles that have diva-fied my TWA. I'm not a big fan of afros, but when I wear them, best believe that I rock them with pride.

I'm not knocking those who choose to loosen their texture. That's their right! When I was relaxed, I didn't want anyone judging me, so I refuse to judge anyone who chooses to manipulate their natural hair texture or color. All I'm saying is: go into it open-minded, because many don't. Some hope within a few months, their curls will loosen to 3c/4a and when their hair doesn't don't they get discouraged, disappointed, impatient, and feel that "natural hair isn't for everyone." Well, it is. All you have to do is learn how to care for it and style it.

Truth be told, I didn't think I even had CURLS! So to have 4b hair is a wonderful thing to me. They are super tiny curls, but hey! I work with them. That's what being natural is all about: learning to work with what you got and maximizing it's potential as opposed to forcing your hair to work with you (which is usually what happens when people chemically alter their hair).

Best wishes, hun! Feel free to visit my blog to see my TWA hair care regimen and how I keep my 4b hair super soft and stylish!
Thanks everyone for your responses. I did join Nappturality, but I haven't been on there much because this site has more women, with more experience and advice. I think I'll just have to stalk fotkis, and youtube for inspiration until I make the BC.

Imma need for you to come back :yep:. Nappturality is a great source of information on natural hair. The first hair board I joined to learn about natural hair and if it wasn't for Dee creating that site, I probably would have never bc'd.
I did. I just got bored as I had with BKT-ed, texlaxed, colours, relaxers. I get bored with any hair style I have so have to switch up after a couple of months/ years. I say try and enjoy whatever is on your head at the time when you get tired you can switch it up, nothing wrong with that.
I'm 4b and loving my hair. Because my goal is length retention, I've just made a point of learning what I need to do to keep my hair moisturised and supple. You just have to put in the time to find out what your hair loves. There are an abundance of ladies here, Nappturality, fotki, YT that can help to inspire you. I love how versatile my hair is, I wouldn't trade it. Feel free to check out my fotki and YT for inspiration (links are in my signature). Best of luck!
I'm 4b and I love my hair. Like you, OP, I got tired of wasting time and money to have my hair relaxed only to put it back in a bun.

The only issue I've had with my texture was that I thought the tight kinks meant my hair was high-maintenance. I envisioned marathon detangling sessions, imagined my butt going numb getting box braids done, remembered all the naps I took under hooded dryers. And I was not happy.

Then I tried a wash-n-go and realized that doesn't have to be the case. I realize I can have easy hair, which is all I ever wanted! Dry hair? Nope, because I co-wash daily or every other day in the shower. Manageability? Excellent, now that I'm not fighting two textures or laboring over it with a comb. Hair looking nice for work? I've gotten nothing but compliments there and it's conservative.

My favorite inspiration is definitely ms-gg (
) One day my hair will get as big and juicy as hers. And it has been foretold that on that day, our fros will block out the sun. And then we shall enter the Thunderdome, for there can only be one.
I was in the same position you were when I began but....


I am 4b and almost shoulder length. Went through a BAD relaxer experience 2 years ago and damaged my hair with bad weaves for another year or so because I didnt know what to do with it and just abused it.

BUTTTTTT... I had an epiphany and im beginning to love it all, all over again. I started a little regi and am doing twist and braid outs for a while until it gets longer.
Don't fall into the relaxer trap.
Good luck!!

P.S. I like Naptural85 tutorials
Another 4b who loves their hair. Do we fight sometimes? Of course, but at the end of the day I wouldn't trade it in for the world. I've only been natural for about a year, so I'm still learning about some of the things she likes/ doesn't like but that doesn't limit me from trying different styles and having fun with it. I have pics in my fotki if you'd like to see.
Another 4B natural hair lover here! Or should I say, I miss mine. I messed up big time by trying a texturizer which later turned into an over- processed relaxer after going to the salon for a retouch. Even though I loved the texturizer (at first) I missed my natural hair. Later I started missing my chunky fros, healthy full twists, twistouts, the thickness and just my tight coils overall. I even missed the shock effect on some people because of my shrinkage. I loved my shrinkage!

So, I've BC'd now because I couldn't wait to go back natural. Even if it meant going bald. I won't be going back to a texturizer or relaxer this time. The only thing I had problems dealing with was the single stranded knots when it grew to about 5 inches long. But... I know how to combat that now. Plus, I'd rather deal with those than limp relaxed lifeless hair anyday.

I have some pics in my Fotki of my journey if you'd like to view.
I really enjoy my kinky hair!!!! I honestly can't imagine going back to a relaxer. My hair can hold styles for long periods of time and for me this a great feature because I like to get up and go. The link to my fotki and youtube are in my siggy. I think it's just about learning your hair and figuring out what works best for you. IMO it is helpful to learn to work with your texture in styling instead of always trying to fight it, it makes life much easier.
I love my hair and some of my facebook friends probably hate me because I'm such a show-off on there. There are things I don't love about my hair such as the near 100% shrinkage and other things that are peculiar to a dense head of fine, porous strands but overall, I'm in love with my tresses and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. Whenever I talk myself into getting extensions, I quickly talk myself out of it because I know I'll miss my hair.

3 years strong and still learning. You can check out my fotki if you need inspiration.
My favorite inspiration is definitely @ms-gg (
) One day my hair will get as big and juicy as hers. And it has been foretold that on that day, our fros will block out the sun. And then we shall enter the Thunderdome, for there can only be one.

I'm wit it


Ps: thanks for the love :)
I love my hair! I've been natural for nearly 5 years and knew my hair texture prior to going natural and had no problem with it. Do people stare and make me feel uncomfortable? Sure, sometimes. The other day I was talking to my sister and she was raving about my other sister who has type 3 hair and how she can just use gel to make her curls pop, when it came to me she just said that my hair basically looked a mess. She has two daughters, one with type 3 hair and one with 4b hair and she's thinking about relaxing the one with 4b hair because it's unmanageable according to her, to each their own I say. Over the years I've learned what works for my hair and that's made it somewhat easier. I say somewhat because I still spend hours washing, detangling, dcing and styling my hair, but I love it. There was a time when I thought about relaxing, not because I hated my hair texture but because of the amount of time that goes into it, but guess what? I fell back in love with my hair. Last year (or the year before that) I went a whole year without straightening it and just rocking it braids, twists,...etc. The truth is that not everyone will love your 4b hair, but aslong as you love it, that's all that matters. HTH
I am enjoying my hair quite a bit. Even though I only do wash day once or twice a week, I always look forward to it.The texture of my hair has become softer, as I take better care of it now than I ever have. The squiggly curls coming out of my scalp fascinate me!! I feel like there are more options for my hair now if I want to wear it another way besides my twists.
I won't bump this thread...I'm in!
I'm a 4b who LOVES my hair!
I'm actually 4a/4b but mainly 4b! I am still transitioning to natural but my hair is 20 months post-relaxer!

I love the thickness of the hair! How it holds shapes so well! How bantu-knot-outs look so good on this! I have youtube videos showing the styles I've done so far! I'm considering trying out box-braids as a style instead of twists I am currently rocking!:grin:
I do love my hair most days...theres a few days I get frustrated out of this world!! I would love my hair when I believe I have more length...its collar bone when straight and ear length when natural....

besides that I would love if my hair wouldn't tangle on itself so much!! I do try to keep it either stretched or what not...but yea if I can keep the knots at bay more than I would love it a whole lot more
If someone would have told me 4 years ago that I would 1) have a head full of chemical free hair AND 2) absolutely LOVE it! I would have laughed them right out of my face. :lachen: I was the person that always said that I would NEVER go natural b/c my hair was too kinky, nappy, difficult...fill in the blank. Then one day I found the online natural hair community and saw beautiful heads of hair and gorgeous versatile hair styles (something I did not think was possible) and decided to give it a try.

Two years ago I got my last relaxer and haven't looked back. I have had several challenges because my hair is VERY dense, and natural hair is deceptive. Meaning when browsing YT some ppl appear to have dense hair but don't, so I have to make adjustments to pull off the same styles. I said all that to say that you can love 4b hair or any hair for that matter. The most important thing is finding what works for you and wearing your hair in ways that make you feel good about yourself!!!
When I BC I went straight in to hiding since i never had hair that short before. I Didn't really know what to do with it. I am not good at styling either, but now that my hair has grown a little I FELL IT LOVE WITH MY HAIR!!. I'm sorry ladies but my hair gives my hairgasms. LOL It's beautiful and at a length where styling isn't such a challenge. Newly natural 4bers hang in there believe me it only gets better. Don't believe the hype with the right products and technique you can wear your in pretty much ANY style you finesse. If it gets frustrating HIDE THAT HAIR!!!
I don't mind my 4b texture but I just wish it would grow already! I think I can better style it if it were longer but the texture itself is facinating to me. I hated short relaxed hair so it is only natural for me to hate short natural hair.
I'm learning to love my 4B hair everyday. I have learned a lot from the ladies here and by watching youtube videos.
i don't think most of people here having 4b texture, if they are that's mean mine is 4c. some people say it's not exist. Anyway , iv'e streched my hair before, and i relaxed it again. i couldnt' stand it coz it's not easy to handle. i have job , i teach at university so i have to look good and i dont want to waist so much time just styling my hair as i hate to use weaves.