For the Naturals who are Enjoying their Hair

I am really enjoying my natural hair.

I think what I enjoy most is just needing some gel and conditioner to get a decent hair day. I don't have to find time to "schedule" an appointment to get a retouch (usually the only time I went into a salon) before a big event.

I also just like the freedom. I know that I just have to co-wash or rinse my hair to have a good hair day. Working out is so easy now because I can just wash and go.

I don't hate shrinkage (don't always love it either)--I like the look people give me when they see me "absentmindedly" pulling my neck length coils to armpit. :lachen: I consider it my version of "the swing."

I try to pamper my hair with honey and deep conditioning once a week.
I love the versatility of styling my natural hair. I especially like wearing my hair big and free. I like how my hair surprises people when I wear it in different styles which gives me a different look each time. I was never a regular salon goer, but I like how I no longer have to get my hair relaxed by my mother anymore.
I enjoy:

1. Not panicking in rainy or humid weather
2. Not spending money on stylists (last I checked getting a relaxer was getting expensive)
3. Pulling the curls and watching them spring back :look:
4. Not having to "sleep pretty" to maintain a style
5. Being able to wash my hair and wear it in a cute curly style with minimal effort
^^^What she said!

I would like to add that I can be nappy as all get out today, go strait tomorrow and the next day wear a fro!!!
I LOVE my natural hair!

Natural hair makes me unique and makes me stand out.
It compliments my personality.
I love the compliments I get with my hair.
I love the fact that I am keeping the "drano" away from my scalp .
I love how soft it is.
I love it because I think big hair is sexy.

Most of all.....I love it because it IS me.
I :luv2: threads like this *sigh*


I love my natural hair because it makes my styles look big
I like being able to wash every morning
I love that when I do a shake and go it feels SO light on my
I like that my hair is so versatile for several styles (though it takes time and effort)
I like how people stop me and ask what I'm using in my natural hair to make my curls POP
I like all of the above already mentioned :love3:
I love my hair texture. I love that I will not see a next chick down the block with the same hair as me. My hair can do some cool things when its read.

I love to DC my hair, I don't know why..its just fun to me
I love my natural hair, but I have soo much to learn if I'm going to be successful with it. I am encouraged each day by the ladies here with advice and comfort for my mishaps.:rolleyes: My hair grows faster natural, but you can't tell thanks to my uber shrinkage. I just am not skilled with styling my hair, but that will come in time.
I love my hair texture. I love that I will not see a next chick down the block with the same hair as me. My hair can do some cool things when its read.

I love to DC my hair, I don't know why..its just fun to me

I just checked out your fotki. You got some beautiful hair
i love being unique, i love being able to wash an go. i like being able to do daily quick washes. i love the variety of styles and textures i can make my hair do. i love my curls/waves/coils. i like not having to deal with "new growth". i like that its growing to greater lenghts. i like not having to worry about rain or snow. My hair flows in the wind. it jumps when I jump. my hair likes the attention and i like my hair. :)
I love the way it feels - dense and smooth and coily and wiry.

I love how it looks on me - natural and perfectly fitting my hair.

I love how it fits my lifestyle - no fuss, no muss, get up and roll out!

I love that it's different from most peoples - it's as unique as I am..

I love that I've grown it - I'm proud of the work of my hands that's gone into making it - and me - more beautiful.

I love how it changes up depending on the whether.

I love being suprised by how long it is.

I love how thick it is - and how much it condenses down.

Beautifully expressed!! I would like to add that it also makes me look younger. And men love it!! I think it has something to do with the confidence a grown woman shows when she embraces her natural hair with flair.
I love being DIFFERENT. Anyone from Caucasian to Asian to African-American to Indian to Hispanic can rock straight hair, but not everybody can rock natural hair with all of its different looks and styles.

Black folks truly do have some special hair :grin:
I love being DIFFERENT. Anyone from Caucasian to Asian to African-American to Indian to Hispanic can rock straight hair, but not everybody can rock natural hair with all of its different looks and styles.

Black folks truly do have some special hair :grin:

Ain't that the truth!
I love that the more it grows, the BIGGER it gets :afro:

I love when I've washed my hair and it smells good enough to eat. My SO can't keep his hands out of it :giggle:

I love co-washing and playing with the curls

I love all the different styling options I have the longer I'm natural

I love that today is my 4 month nappiversary :grin:
I like looking a sexy African queen.
I like wearing a curly puff because it makes me feel young and cute.
My treat is gettting my hair flat ironed every 3-4 months so I can see how much its grown.
I love putting my Aveda DR on my ends and watching the coils spriing back and it makes me feel exotic!:gorgeous:
I like how soft my natural hair is.
I like it's versatility.
I like being able to just wash, condition, oil, and bun or braid and go.
I like putting hair sticks, and bun holders in my hair.
I like that my hair isn't product picky.
I like that it detangles easily.
I like how my hair feels and I can't keep my hands out of it.
I'm not scared of rain or exercise anymore.
I like that I can do different things with it.
I like not having to depend on chemicals every 8 weeks
I save a lot of money
I love the products that I get to use.
I love conditioning my hair.
I like that is it growing nice and healthy.
Natural hair is alright with me.
I love being DIFFERENT. Anyone from Caucasian to Asian to African-American to Indian to Hispanic can rock straight hair, but not everybody can rock natural hair with all of its different looks and styles.

Black folks truly do have some special hair :grin:

I couldn't agree more!! :grin:
Great thread! With my new TWA

I love how I can wash n go
I love watching my hair grow it seems to be growing so fast
I love how I went to the spa the other day and didn't have to worry about them massaging my scalp and was able to enjoy them washing my hair and putting a deep conditioning treatment
I love that I look different from everyone
I'm looking forward to watching it grow and doing different styles with it
I like how I can switch the style up, and if they hate, then let 'em hate and watch the length pile up! :yep:
Thank you so much, I sure needed that!

6mo into this transition thing I was seriously doubting but not anymore!
I'm gonna let my pure and utter jealousy of all this fantastic hair be my driving force! least for another couple of months....
I love the way my natural hair looks and feels.

I love that i can walk in the rain and not worry about getting it wet. I can actually enjoy the rain.

I don't have to worry about sweating it out when "getting busy" or when i am out dancing at the club.

I love doing herbal washes with shikakai powder, aritha powder,neem powder and tulsi powder.

I love doing my weekly henna treatments.

Adding honey to my hair really makes it shine.
I love my hair. It is very flattering to me and sooooo versatile. One thing I love is that I VERY rarely have to comb it.
I love my hair; it continues to astonish me...

It responds quickly and easily to products....whether good or bad.
It's nice because it doesn't take long for me to realize whether something
is working or not.

My hair effortlessly lets me know what it needs, when it needs it....
from protein, to moisture, to trims.

I love how it's teaching me gentleness and patience.

I love how the longer it gets, the easier it is to manage.

I love the fact that chemicals and salons are optional and not necessary.

I love the sense of freedom......
I LOVE IT ALL!!!!!!!!
it's teaching me patience, creativity, can walk not run in the rain, can flat iron, go curly, shrinks, stretches, waves for days, feels good, fro days, wash and go's, retaining length, saving money, do it yourselfer, entrepreneur.....and the list goes on

thank you Lord
Ohhh I love all the replies, thank you all! :D :love3: :D

Here’s mine:

I love the versatility
I love co-washing and deep conditioning my hair
I love that I can style it any which way I choose
I love that it’s low maintenance and hassle free
I love seeing it thrive
I love the texture
I love the softness
I love the thickness
I love it because it’s uniquely mine

:) :) :)
I love that I no longer fear the rain or sweat!!!!!!!
I love that it makes me unique.
I love that my hair never curls the same way so I'm always eager to see what it will do.
I love that I no longer depend on salons, stylists, rollers, blowdryers, chemicals to be happy with my hair.
I love feeling relaxed without the relaxer.
I love that my hair is happy and free.
I love how my hair is its own unique mixture of textures that has been chosen especially for me.

I love how my cuticles are strong and intact. This was never the case while relaxed. It's truly a blessing.

I love not having to worry about relaxing, touchups, stretching, scab hair:perplexed, chemical burns, broken off kitchen, set backs from relaxer drama, burning, and all of that. I've saved more money to use on myself now that I don't have to dish it out for relaxers:ohwell:

I love how after I combed my hair out this morning I realized that it's gotten bigger! I'm so excited! My hair has really made leaps and bounds.

I love how I can wet it whenever I want, and not have to worry.

I love how natural hair feels and works. It's been a struggle, and I've almost given up, but then I fall in love with my hair over and over again. Give me two more years, and my hair will be the envy of everyone around.