Flowinlocks 1 year update


Well-Known Member
:wave:Hey lovely ladies, whew I made it!!! First I just wanna say this has been a fun journey so far. Although I've had a small set back from trying to stretch, (I won't be doing that again anytime soon.):nono: I'm very pleased with my results. I couldn't have done it without all the education and motivation this forum offers. I must especially thank the ladies who helped me at the beginning: Nice & Wavy,Aggie, Just Kiya,Sareca, Inquiring mind I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, so please forgive me. :cheers: A toast to you guys for answering questions & making me feel welcome.

To my Ayurveda Inspirations: Angel Doll, Lavender, Longhairdon'tcare, Aggie, Candy C.,Mingming3, Noir, once again I know there's more. Thanks so much for the recipes and knowledge. :grouphug:

I have been using Ayurveda for the past 10 months, my reggie consists of : Cowashing 3 or more times a week, sometimes with the powders, sometimes with just a cheapie cond. on hair that has been oiled the night before. I dc twice a week, Tea rinse when I feel like it, usually about once a week sometimes less if I'm being lazy. I airdry and bun daily. Oh yeah I forgot to add daily oiling with a batch of Ayurvedic oils I keep in rotation. So it's pretty much oiling, cowashing, tea rinsing, dcing, bunning. I relax with Vitale life and body lye relaxer in regular or Hawaiian Silky regular lye about every 9 weeks. I do plan on working on inching my stretches up again slowly. That's pretty much it.

Did I for get to mention I :love2: Ayurveda!! Lol, it took my hair from :hair::weird: to this :gorgeous:. :lachen: I know I have a long way to go but I have no doubt with this forum and a little tlc I reach my goal of WL. I'm currently in the APL by Dec. challenge. It looks like I'll be joining again next year also, but that's ok it's been a blast. Thanks ladies!! :grouphug2:

You probably remember this pic. from my avatar when I started, this was the summer before my journey


This was my starting siggy a few weeks in


these were taken today


just relaxed, with cond. in. Notice the one side longer :ohwell:


after blow dry, straighten and trim



I can't wait till I trim off all the pre LHCF/Ayurveda hair so my ends in the back are thicker.

ETA: I forgot to add, I have soooo many insprations of gorgeous WL and beyond hair on this board. (to many to name) that don't use Ayurveda.
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Wow your growth is amazing. you have alot of retention congrats and keep up the healthy growing. Did you have any set backs along the way.
Wow your growth is amazing. you have alot of retention congrats and keep up the healthy growing. Did you have any set backs along the way.

Thanks, Yeah I actually did have a small one from trying to jump on the relaxer stretch bandwagon, luckily I was able to recover.
Congrats, your hair looks great, and I know you are thrilled with your progress. I think we joined around the same time, and the wealth of knowledge here has been a blessing to say the least. You and I can both be part of the APL in 2010 challenge, but I am sure we will get there by no later than April of 2010!

Hugs from your hair-sister
What a beautiful face you have! Your hair is so much thicker and blacker. You make me want to learn about oils and powders.
Girl flow, you have retained quite a bit of your hair in a year. Congratulations honey. Ayurveda hair care is definitely working for you.
Congrats on your awesome results.
Stuff like this are really nice to see.

I hope I'll see that kind of results in myself. >_<
WOW...AMAZING!!!! I wish I can co wash as much as you but I'm wearing a weave as my protextive style. Anyway, great job!
YOUR HAIR LOOKS AMAZING!!!! This is great progress!!!! Thank you for the inspiration. You are VERY PRETTY by the way! Your skin is flawless!!!
Congrats, your hair looks great, and I know you are thrilled with your progress. I think we joined around the same time, and the wealth of knowledge here has been a blessing to say the least. You and I can both be part of the APL in 2010 challenge, but I am sure we will get there by no later than April of 2010!

Hugs from your hair-sister

:yep: ITA, I hope to make it by then for sure.