First time straightening hair in almost 2 years (pic heavy)

Your hair is soooo darn pretty!!! How do you keep split ends away? Is it hard to detangle your hair? Do you co-wash everday? Sorry for all the questions. :) Your hair is stunning.
I do feel proud. I'm able to take care of my hair in it's natural state with no help from a beautician (except for trims). I felt really happy when the beautician told me that my hair is in great/excellent condition and to keep doing what I'm doing.

Co washing, keeping my hair up as much as possible, and finger combing helped me get to this length.

Very Pretty, and i'm headed to your fotki!!:yep:
Wow! You have given me the motivation to continue not using heat. I was just thinking how nice it would be to flat iron. But to get results like those i'll throw all heating appliances out the window!
Your hair is soooo darn pretty!!! How do you keep split ends away? Is it hard to detangle your hair? Do you co-wash everday? Sorry for all the questions. :) Your hair is stunning.

Thank you.

I was VERY shocked that I had few splits. I was expecting to get at least an inch or two cut off today.

I keep my hair up as much as possible and mostly finger comb; I think this helps keep splits away for me. Sometimes I co wash everyday, then other times I am lazy and will only co wash once or twice a week--it depends. I only comb my hair while wet and loaded with conditioner. My hair straightens out when wet making it easy to detangle.

I have a journal in my fotki that describes my regimen in detail. I try to keep it as simple as possible.
I have no words. Your hair is insanely delicious....I will be dreaming about it tonight...and I am not kidding...Great should be ultra proud...