Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculous


Well-Known Member
Okay Ladies. I'm speaking to my man on the phone tonight. Now, I did not mention the board at all, but I casually told him I had been taking vitamins and was planning to grow my hair to my waist. His response was the totally articulate "Eww." (My man is a man of few words.) When I reminded him that he told me he liked long hair, that he asked me never to cut my hair and that my hair was almost bra strap already, his response: "Yeah, but don't get ridiculous with it. You'll look nasty, like that woman on the Addams Family."
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

He's jealous with anticipation of all the attention you'll be getting. Tell him to suck it up!
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

Just stay on course with your goals. I bet when it gets waist length he will be the first one with his hands all in it. Tell him to keep his hands out of your ridiculous hair.
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

You girls and your snappy come backs
You guys always have something cute to say, and this is why I can't sleep. I'm too afraid I'll miss something good.

Shawn, don't believe a word he said!
That's all I've got. I lack creativity tonight.
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

lthomas1 said:
Tell him to keep his hands out of your ridiculous hair.

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I love it! Thanks for the encouragement ladies! Men don't know what they want until you tell them what that is.
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

That is why I wanna keep my goal very secret... until I get there and then you will see them all around you like flies on a piece of pie.. mango pie.. yes it does exist..
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

I think he was probably playing with you...who knows.
Laginappe said:
Ok. Make sure you call him Gomez when he can't keep his hands out of it. Men!

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say it again girl, say it again!
LOL...not only will he have his hands in it he will be bragging about you and showing you off to his friends.
I know just how you boyfriend always thinks I'm saying something dumb when I tell him how long I want to grow my hair, but yet when his friends tease me and say that my hair is fake (theyre just playin') he's the first one to say " My baby's growing her hair like Aaliyah"...LOL I don't know what it is with guys...They'll appreciate it when it grows really long.
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

blackhair said:
That is why I wanna keep my goal very secret... until I get there and then you will see them all around you like flies on a piece of pie.. mango pie.. yes it does exist..

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Girl, that sounds yummy
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

I dont tell people nuthing...they'll reap the benefits when i reach my goal length.
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

I don't mention my hair goals either....My mom and sister keep asking but after all their put downs and scoffing I just shrug my shoulders when they go
"Your hair is getting long! Just how long are you going to grow it?"
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

I don't talk about my goals either to other people, including family, I just let it happen.
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

Same with me. I don't speak of my goals at all, but just enjoy all the compliments that I get as I achieve them.

If that were me, I would keep quiet while growing it long. I'd wear buns and other protective styles that didn't show anyone the length of my hair. Then when it's even longer, I'd get it done and prove his ass wrong. Like Supergirl said, he's just gonna get jealous with all the attention you get. Tell his ass to suck it up. Men can be so foolish when their lady gets attention from others. No wonder I don't have a man yet. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Re: Fiance Thinks My Hair Growth Plan is Ridiculou

blackhair said:
That is why I wanna keep my goal very secret... until I get there and then you will see them all around you like flies on a piece of pie.. mango pie.. yes it does exist..

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Keeping your goal very secret is a very cleaver and smart idea. Then when you release all that hair, it'll be like BAHM! They won't know what hit them. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif You go girl!
Allandra said:

If that were me, I would keep quiet while growing it long. I'd wear buns and other protective styles that didn't show anyone the length of my hair. Then when it's even longer, I'd get it done and prove his ass wrong. Like Supergirl said, he's just gonna get jealous with all the attention you get. Tell his ass to suck it up. Men can be so foolish when their lady gets attention from others. No wonder I don't have a man yet. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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Say it girl /images/graemlins/clap.gif
It's so funny that you bumped this because Sahwn's been on my mind lately. I hope everything's okay with you, Shawn /images/graemlins/kiss.gif
my husband said that he is going to divorce me if i let my hair hit my butt. i'm about 6 inches away...i guess next year this time i'll be almost single. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Hi Shawn,

I agree that maybe less talking about your goals would probably be best. I can't wait to hear your fiance's reaction once you meet your goal! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

I'll bet if you threaten cutting then he'd fall to his knees to beg you not to!
Your fiance' says this now but when it gets to your waist he will be the first to brag about you and how beautiful you and your hair are. I would not take that too seriously. Men can be really slow sometimes.
I stopped telling everyone about my hair and products I use because my products keeps growing legs and walking away.
Shawn, you continue your good work, once you get married to him and you have your children, you continue to look after your hair and if you want to grow it to your bottom, past continue and pay him no mind.
swirl said:
my husband said that he is going to divorce me if i let my hair hit my butt. i'm about 6 inches away...i guess next year this time i'll be almost single. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

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LOL /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I like this thread. It has given me renewed hope for my hair. while at home this weekend, a cousin of mine told me that my goal of bra-strap length hair was never going to happen for me. I asked her why and she replied that "it just isn't going to happen, our hair doesn't grow like that." /images/graemlins/angry2.gif I'll show her!! My hair is thick and healthy and is growing very well. I am at shoulder length now and even though that's not long, it is the longest of any of my family members on that side of the family. I anticpate that without any major setbacks, I'll be doing the white girl flip by the end of 2005. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Don't let anyone deter u from ur hair growth plan. Stick with it... u'll reap the rewards in the end /images/graemlins/Rose.gif
Where will you be 5-10 years from now if you give up your hair goals? No consistent routine---why bother=
Short hair!!!...can you live with that? /images/graemlins/spinning.gif /images/graemlins/spinning.gif Bonjour