Faking 3C texture with twistouts?


Well-Known Member
I noticed that an acquaintance, with natural hair, never had twist or braid outs. She'd pull her hair into a ponytail or a put a flower in it, but that was about it. She always has a semi-fro shake and go. So, I asked her about it. Her response shocked me. She said she thinks braidouts and twistouts perpetuate the idea that only 3c hair is pretty. She doesn't make any effort to have those perfect shiny, coils because that's not her natural texture. I was floored. I'd never heard anyone say, basically, that having a twistout was like faking 3c texture. :eek:
I think she (and others that think that way) take their hair too seriously. IT'S JUST HAIR! GEESH! It's a hairstyle. That's it. I don't think it's faking anything.
I don't wear them for a certain texture-- but just to have another protective style that doesn't put tension on my hair as pulling it back all the time does. My braidouts never look anything remotely like 3c texture anyway! With my beautiful 4a roots, I'm not fooling a soul :lol: But it doesn't matter to me either way! I'll rock a straw set with the quickness! :yep:
Sistaslick said:
I don't wear them for a certain texture-- but just to have another protective style that doesn't put tension on my hair as pulling it back all the time does. My braidouts never look anything remotely like 3c texture anyway! With my beautiful 4a roots, I'm not fooling a soul :lol: But it doesn't matter to me either way! I'll rock a straw set with the quickness! :yep:
Really? I didn't think relaxed hair would straw set. :) Personally, I don't wear twistouts or braidouts, but that's only because I could never do them right.
sareca said:
Really? I didn't think relaxed hair would straw set. :) Personally, I don't wear twistouts or braidouts, but that's only because I could never do them right.

My friend wore a straw set for her wedding day and she has a relaxer. It was so pretty.
So What!

It's her head and her opinion. I wouldn't label her "militant" (not that there is anything wrong with that) or anything else. It doesn't sound at all like she's forcing her ideas on anyone. Her opinion was asked for and she gave it..... Let her be!
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sareca said:
Really? I didn't think relaxed hair would straw set. :) Personally, I don't wear twistouts or braidouts, but that's only because I could never do them right.

I've never seen it done on anything but relaxed hair.:lol: Yep! you can most definitely straw set relaxed hair. I used to wear them all the time. I can't really do them now because I wash my hair too often to get good wear time out of it :lol: I would wear them for 2-3 weeks straight. I would also straw set my ponytails in interesting styles back in highschool. My cousin is a stylist, so she would practice on us too with the full head ones. I've seen some salons charge up $100 for a straw set. :eek:
I don't think braidouts and twistouts look like 3c on 4a and 4b hair textures. At least mine don't. :confused:
sareca said:
Really? I didn't think relaxed hair would straw set. :)

I used to think this too, but its actually much easier to straw set relaxed hair. I don't do it anymore because my hair is getting too long for me to put all those straws in it.

Anyway to answer the question, that outlook seems extreme. However I do see her point. For many people type 4 hair is not beautiful unless it is modified in some way. So I do see where she is coming from. But for me I don't need to make a statement or prove anything about my hair. But to each his/her own.:)
Cheleigh said:
I don't think braidouts and twistouts look like 3c on 4a and 4b hair textures. At least mine don't. :confused:

Neither do I. Braid/twist outs give more of a crimped look, while natural 3c hair resembles pencil-sized corkscrew curls.

But as another member said, she is entitled to her opinion, and i dont know if it necessarily makes her a militant natural, or a bad person in general. *shrug* To each her own, you know?

Now the real question here is..... what am i doing up and on LHCF at 1:13 am? I think thats the real issue here. Lmaoooo
Why can't we as naturals STYLE our hair? Its like we are supposed to hop out of the shower, don't apply any product, don't brush or twirl and go in order to be "natural." Even women with straight hair sometimes style their hair by blowdrying to enhance their naturally straight texture. To me, twisting and braiding just enhances my natural kinky/curly texture.
will kiss me in the morning and call me a fake 3C! Once i'm fully transitioned or even before then, I can't wait to rock twistouts!
So even when I do turn natural I won't be a 'real' natural because I'll be wearing braidouts and twistouts:confused:, so I'll still be labeled a self hater.
OnceUponAtime said:
That logic is foreign to me. Why doesn't she think that putting a flower in her hair is faking a garden on her head?

STOP IT I SAY :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Um.. what does she think of those who gel their hair and get waves?
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sareca said:
I noticed that an acquaintance, with natural hair, never had twist or braid outs. She'd pull her hair into a ponytail or a put a flower in it, but that was about it. She always has a semi-fro shake and go. So, I asked her about it. Her response shocked me. She said she thinks braidouts and twistouts perpetuate the idea that only 3c hair is pretty. She doesn't make any effort to have those perfect shiny, coils because that's not her natural texture. I was floored. I'd never heard anyone say, basically, that having a twistout was like faking 3c texture. :eek:

I don't really agree w/ that. there are some of us, who just don't care about "texture", it's not high on my priority list. What is? Healthy hair. Anyway, it's just another way to wear the hair, like weaves(are they faking texture/length) pony tails( whether real or fake) braids and other extentions. or fro'd out or whatever. I think it's kind of ignorant to say a style it faking something. It's just a friggin style for pete's sake. That is just way to deep for me :confused: :lachen:
When I wear a twistout Tom, Dick and Harry know that my hair is not 3c! I would question someone with a texturizer or silkener before I question someone with obvious nappy hair as trying to emulate a certain hair texture.
Super_Hero_Girl said:
So What!

It's her head and her opinion. I wouldn't label her "militant" (not that there is anything wrong with that) or anything else. It doesn't sound at all like she's forcing her ideas on anyone. Her opinion was asked for and she gave it..... Let her be!

I totally agree.
When I do a twistout, my 4A hair looks more like 4B than any type 3. But I don't get all caught up into Andre's hair typing system. I don't worry about trying to achieve a certain texture when I do a twistout... I'm just wearing it as a style, and however it turns out, that's just how it's gonna' be. :)
In all honesty, I'm not hatin' on her. She's entitled to her opinion and as someone else said I asked her. She's never tried to force her opinion on me. Not even while explaining her philosophy did she indicate she thought I should follow suit. But she is the only natural I've EVER met to put texturizers and twist/braidouts in the same category. Both stretch and alter the look of natural black hair into ringlets and spiral that are not natural. I couldn't even argue with that. Basically, she's more about showing the world what black hair is like fo real than claiming chemfree (although she can). I wouldn't do it, but I admire it and I won't be throwing the word militant around lightly anymore. :nono:
I've heard someone else say this. It really is just an opinion, some people might only wear wash n go's cuz they're into nothing but their natural texture...others might twist it up, braid it out, press, etc. To each their own, lol I try not to think to hard about it if it's not my head.
sareca said:
Both stretch and alter the look of natural black hair into ringlets and spiral that are not natural. I couldn't even argue with that. Basically, she's more about showing the world what black hair is like fo real than claiming chemfree (although she can).

Some naturals do have ringlets and spirals naturally. Are they faking too??
Of course she's free to think whatever she wants (and I'm not going to act like she's smoking crack for feeling that way because yeah, wearing twistouts could be for some people another manifestation of the good/bad hair complex assuming your definitionless hair can pose like 3c hair) but i think her line drawing is pretty arbitrary. I mean, am I also hiding my napps if I put them in a bun instead of wearing them out? And what if I leave conditioner in my head and give my head a few shakes in the shower for curl definition? *gasp* by the same logic you'd be pandering to the same ideal of curly hair being better, no? Besides, being natural doesn't necessarily requiring rocking a shrunken fro nor does it mean that you must reject everything about the western beauty standard 24/7. While I'll admit that my hair does kinda fake 3c with braid outs, I don't do them because I'm ashamed on my hair, I do them because it's one of the healthest styles for my hair. Plus, it looks cute, is low manupulation and spares me from having to deal with wrestling with my hair on a daily and dealing with major tangling. Yet, I'm can and do wear floppy fros and "good times" puff when the mood strikes me- I love that versatility in being natural.
But considering that I straighten my hair and am more of a practical rather than political natural (not that I ignore or don't understand the politics), I'm probably not the target audience for this line of thinking.