Fake hair - why or why not?

Have you ever worn fake hair? Any reservations about doing so?

  • Yes - I wear fake hair all the time. I love it!

    Votes: 125 27.3%
  • Yes - I was nervous at first, but now it's not a big deal at all.

    Votes: 133 29.0%
  • No - But I plan on doing so in the future.

    Votes: 23 5.0%
  • No - Never thought about it, but not opposed to it.

    Votes: 39 8.5%
  • No - I don't ever think I'll wear fake hair.

    Votes: 138 30.1%

  • Total voters
I experimented with a sew-in a few years back (I had it in for 3 months). Mine looked like Barbie doll hair and I'll never walk that way again. :nono: I don't knock others, though, because I've seen weaves and wigs that look GREAT. To each, her own. :drunk:
I wore a weave once. It was about 10 years ago. My hair fell out from dying it blond and relaxing it a week later. I had sections of my hair that were an inch long, while other sections were shoulder length. I wore a weave for about a year, and my hair totally recovered.

So I guess for me, I would only wear a weave again if a had a some major hair trauma.
I did wear glued and sewn in weaves when I was unsure of myself with short hair, a bad perm and trying to fit in with the "in crowd" in my corporate environment. When I took it out one christmas break and did the BC, the people at work almost FLIPPED! I have been treated differently since then in a negative way, but I wont do the sew-ins anymore, especially since I have been on this site and finally growing my natural hair healthy and longer. I periodically put braid extensions in my hair, like I have right now, but I get really irritated with them after about a month and just go back to my natural hair. I said I would keep these for the summer for my protective style/ovation challenge, but I will have to go back to my natural hair in braids because this stuff is driving me CRAZY!!
I don't mind weave, braids, etc. As long as they are not pulled tightly, hair is taken care of, and they don't cost to much. I have had family members grow out hair with this help, and the help of wigs. I try not to judge. Oh, it has to at least look natural.:yep: I sometimes don't feel comfortable because it isn't my own hair, but hey, it's all in good fun, right?!:spinning: But, I must care for it underneath it all!:yep:
I personally think that a really bad impression has been put onto fake hair. I think that (when done correctly) it's a very useful protective styling regimen. I for example am using fake hair so I'll keep my hands out of my real hair and allow it to grow. I do admit though there are many girls out there who use fake hair to cover up jacked up damaged hair and are not doing anything to repair their real hair, and thats why people have the assumption that girls who wear weaves have bad hair. No, some of them are just trying to grow it. So go for it... but ONE BIG TIP is to know how much your hair can take or the fake hair might damage your real hair is ruin your progress. =) Good Luck xoxo
I don't like to wear fake hair, but I'm not opposed to it. My cousin's stylist almost always wears wigs and weaves, I finally got to see her real hair at her barbecue, and it is fabulous!! Somewhere between MBL and TBL. :grin::yawn:
I've never worn fake hair. I've always been content with the length and look of my own hair, so I've never felt the urge to experiment. My sister has gotten some amazing extensions in her hair in the past, but she's more adventurous than I am when it comes to changing up hair styles. IMO, to each his own, but so far, I have not been tempted. :)
I've had sew-ins, glue ins, phony ponys, and box braids. I realized that I couldn't take care of my hair to the best of my ability with the extensions, so I've sworn off weave for a while.
I wear wigs all the time and have no shame in saying so.

It is a great protective style for me because the more I touch my hair or someone else touches it, it falls out. I have been able to retain more when I do less to it. Plus it is cheaper and easier on my hair to wash condition it and plait it up tie a scarf and put a wig on. Sometime I have no money nor time to do my hair up all the time. I do not like constantly puting heat on my hair either. I do not like certain hairstyles that require a lot of braiding or twisting so that is not an option. Until my hair gets to a certain length to where I am comfortable wearing it out everyday then I will stop wearing wigs.
I've worn wigs, weaves, sew-ins, braids...whatever.
I don't do ponytails though.

My purpose for wearing them?
-To give my hair a rest.
-Laziness...sometimes I don't feel like doing my hair.:grin:
-Versatility. I like color and different hair lengths and cuts.
-Hair growth. My hair does nothing but grow when weaved/braided up.

Weaves/extensions/whatever you wanna call them are not that big of a deal to me. It ain't like I can't grow my own hair.

Weaves are almost similar to relaxers in one sense: Application is important. In any case, some ppl can handle them ;others can't.
I wore a weave for about 9 months,about 7 years ago, back when I didn't have a clue how to properly take care of my hair...now that I know how to, I wouldn't even think to do it. I prefer to deal with my own hair, and feel a certain confidence knowing that I wear my real hair and I don't use weaves.
I like partial weaves and will continue to wear em during this transition ... When my hair reaches my desired length I'll drop the weaves ... I can't wait!! :grin:
:grin:I wear clip-in tracks or half wigs. :perplexedNever sew-ins or micro braids. I can't imagine not being able to moisturize my hair at night

I wear tracks when I want my hair out. 3/4 of my hair is ear length...the other is collar bone. So the uneven lengths takes a toll on my hair's thickness. It looks horrible..despite what u see in the pics...

...so i will continue to wear them until my ear length hair gets back to shoulder.
Real hair only, please. I do have a couple of wigs, but I feel weird when I wear them, like the world knows I'm faking the funk. I've always been a natural girl--if it doesn't come attached naturally, I am disinclined to go latching it on.

Now, this might be because I wore one of the first weaves anyone I knew had ever seen. It was... oh, about 1985. The teasing about my "fake horsehair" never quite left me, I suppose. At the time, though, I was all of 13 or so and really enjoyed rocking that fabulous track--so long as I was fresh from the salon and could even halfway pass it off as mine. I used to wear my natural hair in a Tootie-style flip all the way around, with the weave hanging down my back, curled under. I thought it was cute. But the kids at school called me "Moose" a lot. They were mean. I was sensitive. Bad combination.

So. No (more) fake hair for me.
it's so easy to get up and go with fake hair! I wear wigs and braid extensions all the time and my hair loves me for it. And so does my body cuz I don't have to wake up earlier just to do my hair.
I used to wear a lot of braids, but don't really get them anymore...I really don't have the patience anymore to sit and get them done or sit all day and take them out...now I will wear sew in's as a protective style, but I have to have some of my hair left out and blended so it can look more natural. I don't do full sew in's with closures.... I don't really care for wigs....most of them end up looking very unnatural...
sew-ins?...i should say AW HECKY NAW after all the damage i suffered from the last one but now that i am an LHCF-er i think a better stylist and better upkeep would have reduced breakage. i want a curly one to get me through this transition.

braiding hair?...sure if it is quality.

but when i get to APL...NO FAKE HAIR!!! never again!
Sometimes, especially during new growth season, I get within moments of driving down to the BSS and buying a wig. But I always chicken out. I just have a strange feeling that I would look absolutely ridiculous in a wig or weave. Even a phony pony (even though I want one bad).
Dear Ladies,

I have worn braid extensions on and off for more than twenty years. Being African, wearing braid extension is no big deal but about fifteen years ago it was not the norm in the States until Brandy and Janet Jackson made it popular. I always felt very regal with my braids and they were my signature style. I did not wear braid extensions because my hair was damaged or that my hair was not looking good, it was just a cultural thing. I truly find that braids and extension braids are an art form from the ancient days in Egypt. My braids were such a part of me that people often thought that my extension braids were my own hair.

I really do not like to say anything negative about fake hair because people wear them for a variety of reasons (religious, illness, hair protection). I know there are some men who despise them but I always say, who is 100% natural (women get their hair coloured, wear bras to make their breasts look bigger or perkier, wear make up etc). However, I have decided to stop wearing my extension braids for now. I found that my extension braids led to my hair remaining the same length, not being able to wash my hair properly which was causing me skin problems in my scalp and face and it got to be too time consuming. But if taking care of my natural hair gets to be too much work, who know I may just go back to my old reliable hair style.

Almond Eyes
Dear Ladies,

I have worn braid extensions on and off for more than twenty years. Being African, wearing braid extension is no big deal but about fifteen years ago it was not the norm in the States until Brandy and Janet Jackson made it popular. I always felt very regal with my braids and they were my signature style. I did not wear braid extensions because my hair was damaged or that my hair was not looking good, it was just a cultural thing. I truly find that braids and extension braids are an art form from the ancient days in Egypt. My braids were such a part of me that people often thought that my extension braids were my own hair.

I really do not like to say anything negative about fake hair because people wear them for a variety of reasons (religious, illness, hair protection). I know there are some men who despise them but I always say, who is 100% natural (women get their hair coloured, wear bras to make their breasts look bigger or perkier, wear make up etc). However, I have decided to stop wearing my extension braids for now. I found that my extension braids led to my hair remaining the same length, not being able to wash my hair properly which was causing me skin problems in my scalp and face and it got to be too time consuming. But if taking care of my natural hair gets to be too much work, who know I may just go back to my old reliable hair style.

Almond Eyes
You are very intelligent!:yep:
I don't have a problem with it. I have a love hate relationship with weave. Sometimes I love it, other times I want my real hair, and never want to see weave again. I have seen good weave and bad weave. I have seen people with WL hair wearing weave, I have seen bald people wear it. My DH doesn't care for it, but so what! It can be fun to wear.:spinning:
I may get a phony pony as a protective style but I am not going back to braids...although I looked bomb in them, check out the siggy!:lick:
Not knocking anyone that does, it's just not my style. I've seen some banging half wigs and even like the UPA clips, but they really don't suit me. No type of extension/weave/wig does.
no ive been trying it out and i dont think its for me.though i would rather wear a wig than straighten my hair
I've worn them in the past, but i just don't want to wear fake hair anymore. I want my real hair!
To me I think real hair (no matter how long or short) trumps fake hair anyday.