Extreme Lengths?


New Member
Just curious after reading the thread about cutting hair after reaching your goal. Is anyone going for extreme lengths - classic, knee, fairy tail, etc.?

I am not purposely pursuing those lengths, but I am really curious to see how long I can grow my hair. I will be happy with whatever in the end, but now that I know all hair is growing hair (lol), I just want to see what my hair is capable of.
I'm definitely not. The longest I can see myself with lower back length. Once the hair starts touching my booty, it's time for the scissors.
I agree with MSA, anything that's beyond the booty is not necessary...tailbone is the max for me if I decide to grow it that long....I honestly can't see myself pass my waist..cuz I'm just touching apl, and my hair gets in the way of my bookbag and purse, so think about sitting on it in class......I don't think so(not cute for me)..others might want their hair that long.........
I'm just trying to reach MBL. I have no desire to be waist length and all of that. I have to consider the longer the hair the more time it takes to take care of the hair.
Lol, I hear you. My best friend has CL hair, and I told her I want to be hair twins with her one day. But, her hair is not fun to play with. It can not move without tangling. I still want to try if only for a short time.
MBL! since i only plan on trimming every 4 months by that point, when i am ready to trim it will be near waist. and i will trim that ish right back to midback. lol
I guess I'm in the minority. I'm trying to grow til it won't grow no mo'. If only out of curiosity. I'm in it for the long haul.
im just planning on letting my hair grow, but once i hit MBL the reality may hit and i may keep it at that length. but for now im also in it for the long haul and i have a long way to go :yep:
I plan on growing to WL. Then I'll just keep trimming back to WL. I've never had the desire to have TBL or Classic length hair. I am sure that if I don't cut my hair once it gets to WL, it will continue to grow past WL and I'll continue to retain length as long as I am breathing.
I don't know if my hair will grow much longer than it is already (maybe if I have another baby or two, :lol:). However, since the shrinkage makes it look less than half of its length, I think I would need knee-length to look waist-length un-straightened. :look: So my "goal" is to look waist-length when my dry natural hair is not loaded with leave-in conditioner/moisturizer, whatever length that will be.
I plan on growing to WL. Then I'll just keep trimming back to WL. I've never had the desire to have TBL or Classic length hair. I am sure that if I don't cut my hair once it gets to WL, it will continue to grow past WL and I'll continue to retain length as long as I am breathing.

This is me. Taking care of alot of hair can be so time consuming and a hassle. I think I am gonna try and get to tailbone but I have a feeling I will wind up cutting it to WL and maintaing it there and as I get older if that gets to be too much of a hassle then the scissors will be on stand by.
Well, I do not have an exact goal, but I want super long hair. My hair is near hip length when straight, and I want to keep going.
waistlength would be the cut off for me. i am short so i know i will look like Cousin It with all of that hair! LOL!
My 'v' is at BSL and i find it VERY annoying to have my hair out, but still, i LOVE long hair. I would like to grow it as long as possible and decide THEN if i want to cut it back - i dont really want hair in my butt crack so WL or Tailbone unstretched might be the max.
I want extremely long hair. My hair was very long when I was young and my mother just kept it in protective styles. Past a certain length, I would just want to keep my hair up. Every time I see a video like this I drool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYxNp8d3AAM
I know it isn't terribly practical, and I probably won't get there anyway, but I can dream :)
ETA: By "extremely long," I mean classic length...probably.
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I've had a goal of classic length since i began my hair journey in 2006. But with shrinkage, CL might not LOOK very long at all.

So now I'm amending my goal... I'll just go to terminal length, however long that may be.
I want extremely long hair. My hair was very long when I was young and my mother just kept it in protective styles. Past a certain length, I would just want to keep my hair up. Every time I see a video like this I drool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYxNp8d3AAM
I know it isn't terribly practical, and I probably won't get there anyway, but I can dream :)
ETA: By "extremely long," I mean classic length...probably.

Now THAT....would be extremely long!!!:lachen:
I'll be satisfied with waist, stretched.
I truly want waist, unstretched (which would be classic+ stretched, I suspect).
I don't ever plan on cutting my hair, so I'll end up with terminal - whatever that happens to be.