Classic Length 2013

I admire your tenacity and commitment to your goal. I hope in 2018 you see lots of progress that encourages you to continue on your journey to classic length.

In a previous year's post you mentioned your hair was fine. Have you tried incorporating protein into your regimen permanently? Like using a shampoo with protein in it every wash day, for example? I'm wondering if your strands are so fine that they just need that constant reinforcing and strengthening to keep them from breaking which may be causing you to not retain as much length.

My apologies if this seems like an overstep.

Happy New Year and thank you for your encouragement. I do use protein treatments that I concocted and I use a shampoo bar which I really like. I also need to stop redoing my hair every time a few strands get out of place! Got EcoStyler to help with that. But, I do believe my biggest issue is not trimming any damage soon enough to not make things worse. When I cut my hair back in December 2013, it seemed to grow back pretty quickly, but as it became more uneven, it became more difficult to continue to retain any more length. I do need constant protein for my hair so I created my own leave-in and I do balance it with moisture. My fickleness can sometimes get the best of me, but I’m really going to try to keep to a trim schedule this year and see how that works out and to really try to keep my fingers out of my hair (no mid-week redos)! Also, got my wigs on stand-by when necessary . Even though I’m aiming for classic length, I’m just really curious as to what my terminal actually is and whether or not I’ll get there, whatever length that may be. It’s still all a learning curve for me. My trim promise to myself is every 3 to 4 months and no more than 1/4 to 1/2 inch. It just looks better when its even.
Can we make a new thread for 2019? I may be reaching to say that I could see myself at Classic Length at the end of 2019, but I am so determined to grow my hair back out and have healthy hair like I once had, especially how my hair looked in 2015 to mid 2017, I miss my big fluffy afro curls that was just meeting Hip Length while stretched, now I am back at WL due to a massive hair shed. :(

I do not trust myself to be in charge of the challenge, though :look: but I would participate.







Click inside the text box, paste, then click insert.


Bam! You should be done. Sorry it’s such a long process and the pictures are super huge, but I’ve always been able to post pictures.
I was trying to edit the post but I had too many large pictures lol.

Right after it says “generate meme” long press your phone’s screen to make the picture pop up, then click copy.

@Silverstreaks you didn’t disturb me, I was already waking up. Had a bad dream lol

I followed your instructions. Got slightly different prompts (don't know why; might be where I got the image from on my computer, i.e., the file chosen-the folder I chose it from, not sure), but it worked! I really appreciate you taking the time to show me another way to upload. Not sure why I couldn't do it as I did not have an issue before until today.

I want to wish you a Happy New Year, much success and many pleasant dreams:sleep2:.
View attachment 440565

I followed your instructions. Got slightly different prompts (don't know why; might be where I got the image from on my computer, i.e., the file chosen-the folder I chose it from, not sure), but it worked! I really appreciate you taking the time to show me another way to upload. Not sure why I couldn't do it as I did not have an issue before until today.

I want to wish you a Happy New Year, much success and many pleasant dreams:sleep2:.
1st: Gorgeous hair :toocool:
2nd: You probably got different prompts because I was posting it from an iPhone users viewpoint. I imagine it’s different from a pc or an Android, but I’m glad you were able to find out what worked for you.

Maybe you could share your viewpoint in this thread:
I might end up at classic length this year. I was TBL last time I checked. That was in January or February. Next length check is next month, so I'll see where I am after a trim.
1st: Gorgeous hair :toocool:
2nd: You probably got different prompts because I was posting it from an iPhone users viewpoint. I imagine it’s different from a pc or an Android, but I’m glad you were able to find out what worked for you.

Maybe you could share your viewpoint in this thread:

Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate that. Hopefully, I'll be able to make more improvements to reach my goal faster :roadrunner:. This year, aiming for waist length.

I actually initially tried from my iPhone and then my iPad. Then I switched to my Mac. It was from my Mac that I followed your instructions. It also could have been an issue with the file size as well. I'm at a loss for words on why this became a problem. Now, I'm going to see if I can replace my avatar. This should be fun!
Funny, my first post in this thread was in 2012 and the first pictures I posted were in December 2014. I really need to change something else in my regimen beside what I had been doing. I might have to change my hairstyle, maybe it's creating some sort of stress that I may be inadvertently putting on it. Perhaps, maybe wear it in a looser style, like a tuck and roll, instead of twists. Something where I have easy access to shampoo/condition/moisturize and quickly style in a manner where I don't have to constantly redo. Pressing reset button!:perplexed:


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Well, 2020 is now officially gone, and there are new goals to reach for 2021. My overall length didn’t change due to cutting off a moderate amount of hair that grew back to last year’s starting point, but over the past year, I had been using henna for coloring my grays and for overall conditioning treatment. That combined with trimming off damage helped me gain significant length in my problem areas. I hope to continue to make progress in length retention overall and finally get to fuller waist length and possibly hit hip length for the first time by December 2021. I’ve reduced the number of products I use and just stick with core products-shampoo bar, flaxseed gel, glycerin, Shea butter mix and Ayurvedic powders, particularly henna. I also occasionally do an in-between scalp treatment with ACV spray when I get scalp itch. I add essential oils of rosemary, peppermint, tea tree and eucalyptus to it.

I hope everyone reaches their goals for 2021. Happy New Year !!