New Member
Silvestreaks I am glad to hear you are on the journey. I found it is more than a deciding to grow but a frame of mind of what was beatiful to me.. Since i was very young I wanted long hair and I mean long. It had to be TBL or beyond to be long in my mind. It was however a very elusive thing for me. No info like today on how to acheive it. When I did find some liturature it was from the 1800's and seemed like such foreign information. It is what I use now but was so locked into the contemporary way of caring for my hair it just did not take hold. I was raised with the hot comb and later went to relaxers. Never had longer than shoulder length until I was older and gave up the relaxer due to environmental incompatablity. Being over worked with two children left me little time for fancy care and I grew out my relaxer wearing buns, blow drying and occasionaly hot comb and ended up with grazing MId back. I was surprised and made the mistake of getting a wave nuvoue (spelling?) LOst huge amounts due to falty application by hair dresser. grew out again to shoulder and re waved it with better results. It grew out to below shoulder blade. Then I gave up chemicals all together. New baby and no job. Also just tired of the up keep of them. So as you can see I was wanting long but was clue less to how to care for my hair. In 2002 I was now all natural and struggleing with my hair. Hours to wash and comb out. It was broken and barely below shoulder length. I don't remember the reason one day I sat down and google long natural hair. I had seen woman with beautiful heads of natural hair in magazines and a singing star. I had began to just hope for a healthy head of hair even if not long. I tried following her hair care but it just did not improve the situation. My hair was dry. I then found a british web site for long natural hair. I spoke to the owner and he inspired me to change my whole approach. He helped me to embrace my hair. He also told me anyone can have very long healthy hair. This was 2002 or 2003. So I educated my self this time and of course with the internet the information was more available to the basics of acheiving long healthy hair. I too had to stumble along and had a huge set back with a shed that lasted 5 years. I am still learning and tweaking regimine. The shed was new and I learned from it. I finally realized my hair was always growing and will always grow and like the rest of my body I can choose to care for it to be the best it can be and as long as it can be. My bottom layer is six inches from my knee. I can hardly believe it but enjoying it.