Extreme Lengths?

I'm gonna keep growing until I get to WL. Then I'll start trimming to keep it there. Those extreme lengths seems fun, but IRL might be a problem.
I'm really interested in seeing how long my hair will grow, but if I can get to MBL or WL I will be happy. I think anything longer will be too much hair on me.
Classic length or thigh length would be good for me. If I get past thigh, i would let it keep going. If I got to knee length, I would probably let it go. I would probably even let it go to calf length if I had thick ends. Fairytale lenght...mmmm...I dont' know, only if I had some thickness to my ends. But I do not think that I could have hair that drug the floor :nono: very impractical. I saw that once and didn't like it.
I am growing until I get to HL stretched, which should put me at MBL unstretched...that's enough hair for me.....I think... :spinning:
i ammmmmm i wantttttttttttttt thigh lenghtttttt hairrrrrrrrr because i know for a fact that my shrinkage is a bizznatch and unstreatched that would be around tailbone length
I am curious to see how long my hair will grow. For now midback stretched seems ideal, and I doubt it would grow longer than that, but it would be fun to see just how long it could grow. If it got much longer than waistlength I doubt I would be straightening it that often, but I am sure I would love to play with that much hair unstraightened.
I want WL straightened hair. I dont want to sit on it but I want it to touch the waistband of my pants. I figure that's BSL unstraightened.
I set my goal at waist length (straight), but since I rarely straighten my hair I wouldn't see the length.

I'd love MBL curly hair, but I imagine that straightened, the length would be too much.
I don't know if I have a true end goal really, short term BSL...I won't cut after reaching it, however, like you I'm just curious to see how long I can get it to grow.
hmm...when I first got on the boards my goal was BSL hair..but if I can get to MBL and beyond I won't complain. I guess once I get there I will just take it all in strides because I've never had hair past SL so it may be too much to deal with.
I guess I'm in the minority. I'm trying to grow til it won't grow no mo'. If only out of curiosity. I'm in it for the long haul.

You and me both!!!! I'm now challenging a couple of ladies at my job. All of us have the same length and are trying to reach MBL in just a couple of months and then TBL and then.........:yep:
I wouldn't mind WL. However, just growing my natural hair to shoulder took a lot of work. So if I make it to MBL I'll jump for joy!:grin: