Classic Length 2013

I don't know why, but I seriously believe that I could reach Classic by the end of this year (2021). I'm a few inches shy of Hip Length. I'll post updated pics next month, but I have my regimen down pat!

All I need is:

A Moisturizing Shampoo (Weekly)
A Clarifying Shampoo (Monthly)
A Rinse Out Conditioner
A Leave In/Curl Cream
Hair Grease
A Deep Conditioner

All I do is wet my hair, detangle it with conditioner, then I shampoo it twice. After that, I deep condition for an hour or more, Rinse that out and put my leave in on, followed by hair grease on the length to seal in the moisture. Then, I'll rake in some gel for hold on my curls and let it air dry.

After 2-3 days, I'll spray my hair with water, add some moisturizer followed by grease on my scalp and my length and I put it up in a bun and leave it alone until 7 days later.

Hair's been growing like weeds! And I never have crunchy curls anymore but they last for DAYS because of the grease!

I mainly use Aussie products and Novex deep conditioners. I am currently using a combing cream from Brazil as my leave in and I'm loving it! :lick:
It’s been quite a while since I’ve been here. I’m still continuing on my journey to reach my goal of classic length. I’ve had to restart several times and figure out the best way to pamper and protect my hair. I still use my Shea butter blend, my flaxseed gel, shampoo bar and Ayurvedic powders for conditioning along with my water and glycerin spray. But the one thing I’ve used that seems to really make a difference with my hair retention is henna. It seems to make my hair stronger and more resistant to breakage. I still do my snip-snip on my ends when necessary - search and destroy as well as mini-trimming every 3 to 6 months as needed. I haven’t given up, keep tweaking and revising, paying close attention to my trouble spots. I started using henna the end of December 2019 to color my grays. After one year (December 2020), I noticed the difference, so now I’m continuing to see if I have the same results this year. So far, I’m liking what I’ve been experiencing. I have a little less tapering and my top layers have gained significant length for the first time since using henna. I hope to really push past my current length by the end of this year. It will be a first if I do. I don’t like being stuck!


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Hey y'all! I've been stupidly busy. I forgot all about this post! :nono:

I have been wearing wigs for the past month, still doing the same routine, only now I put my hair into 2 braids and wrap them around my head, pin them in place and throw on my wigs. I'm going to do this until the end of June (maybe even until August :look: ). I have quite a few strands now that have landed at Full Hip Length, so I'm going to see how everything looks by the end of the Summer, or at least by July.
It’s really awesome to see progress, even when you think it’s not happening.

So true. About three years ago I had a setback and then the time following with little to no progress. Last year, I decided to buckle down and then last fall to go extreme and it seems to be paying off. I'm hoping to keep up the extreme routine for at least another year.
It’s been a while since I last posted here. All this time, and I still nowhere near my goal. Some changes I experienced, like cutting some hair off last October (2021 - about 4 to 6 inches) in order to have healthier hair, so it’s been a year and it grew back to just about where it was last year, about waist length, where I should be fully back to by the end of the year. But these past few weeks I had been using diluted Castile soap because I ran out of my usual shampoo bar. Needless to say, I am reminded of why I should have stayed away from it. I’ve noticed that my hair is shedding more than usual, so I broke down and ordered the shampoo bars. I’m going to do a bentonite clay detox as well to hopefully help normalize my scalp. That Castile soap is very drying, even with diluting it with glycerin and oils and water. Years ago it caused the same issue. The take home message - NEVER AGAIN!!!! And now, we return to our regularly scheduled hair journey. Onward to classic length!! Hopefully.
I’ve been missing in action for a couple of years. My update: I cut my hair up to collarbone length on February 1st 2023. Now, 19 months later near the end of September 2024, it’s below armpit length. Last month, I bought some Chebé powder to see if I might consider using it as a staple product. It’s rather messy. In time I will know if I want to continue using it. I’ve been using it mixed with Shea butter and or conditioner to see how I like best using it. I still use my shampoo bar and have been trying different deep conditioners. I still use the Ayurvedic powders, experimenting with them with the different products I use. I still have not given up getting to Classic length at my old age . One day, I’ll get it right!