Experiences Dating/Marrying a Mentally Ill Person?


Well-Known Member

I recently found out that an ex of mine was diagnosed with Bipolar II. We dated for quite some time, and the good times were GREAT and the bad times were HORRIBLE. Looking back, it makes so much sense for this diagnosis, and upon one of our last conversations, I mentioned that I thought he may have bipolar. It took me quite some time to be able to free myself from the relationship, and quite honestly I was pretty scarred after it was all said and done.

Has anyone else had a similar situation with dating/marrying someone who was undiagnosed (or diagnosed and maybe not on meds) with a mental illness? Please share your story. Were you/are scarred?
^^ Same scenario...to a T.

Almost married him, thank GOD I didn't. He came back in my life two weeks ago and I thought I'd get closure. He thought we'd get back together. Ended painfully. I just ended up popping my stitches and I'm struggling to sew them back up again.

I still pray for him...
^^ Same scenario...to a T.

Almost married him, thank GOD I didn't. He came back in my life two weeks ago and I thought I'd get closure. He thought we'd get back together. Ended painfully. I just ended up popping my stitches and I'm struggling to sew them back up again.

I still pray for him...

I almost married mine too, my mom prayed EVERYDAY that I would stop dealing with him. She could see the ups and downs he'd put me through.

Now, the person I date is quite stable. VERY IRONICALLY he's a psychologist. Now that I know the ex is ILL, I will pray for him, but I could NEVER EVER EVER go back. EVER. I'm not sure I'd even want to be an associate.

I have more compassion for his situation whereas before I had a lot of anger and resentment.
I had a family member marry a mentally ill person, despite a warning to only go out as a blind date. She paid the rest of her life with her own mental illness, 19 medications, dialysis, heart prob,loss of children into foster care, poverty and an untimely death. This is one of my fears:perplexed
Yeah almost married him, glad I didn't. Man..I don't know where to begin. I just know I wouldn't do it again and there were plenty of signs. Not only was he bi-polar but he had narcissistic personality disorder. He was good for switching up his personality depending on who we were around. He expected me to be a blow up doll, smiling and happy all the time. If I was upset or tried to confront him with an issue, his leg would start shaking uncontrollably. He always tried to turn things right back around on me and make me feel guilty. When I tried to leave him earlier on, just knowing something 'ain't right' he'd beg and beg, apologize sometimes, others make it seem like "What are you DOING trying to leave me? Are you crazy?" almost making me stay. Then he'd make me feel guilty for trying to leave him..Ugh.

Scary part. I believe he KNEW and KNOWS he's ill but is in twisted denial taking the attitude that nothing is wrong with me, something is wrong with EVERYONE else. He'll go to EXTREME lengths to have a woman believe she's crazy before admitting he really is. He's had a few ex girlfriends end up in the hospital who showed no 'crazy' signs before him, nor after him.

I don't know where he is now but I hope he's matured enough to realize he is not fit to be in a relationship. He's extremely attractive and gets attention from women and men all the time..I just pray he has found some sort of peace within himself instead of searching for it with someone else, and to that persons detriment.
Wow, I'm glad you ladies got out. :sad: It's hard having an unstable person in your life.

I had an ex who had SOME kind of problem... I'm glad I got out and I don't know/care to find out the diagnosis... but I would guess Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He seemed to have an underlying belief that if I did not do/think/feel EXACTLY what HE wanted me to at every second of my life, that I was doing him some deep grievous injury :spinning:.... for which I needed to be PUNISHED. :nono:
cyd and song, what exactly were the "ups and downs" of which you speak?

I had a family member divorce over this issue and I never knew what the problem was...
cyd and song, what exactly were the "ups and downs" of which you speak?

I had a family member divorce over this issue and I never knew what the problem was...

Honestly, a lot of the specific situations I've really blocked out; that was a very dark period in my life. It takes my friends to talk about it, and quite honestly, hearing the stories makes me uncomfortable, so I stop listening as not to have to RE LIVE those days. Dude alienated me from most of my friends. My family HATED him.

He would do the most horrible things, and whenever I'd try to leave him, he'd start crying and apologizing and saying how he needed me. We could go to counseling, we could make it through this. ETC, ETC. If I left him, he was going to commit suicide.

After a while, his patterns became predictable, and I just got to the point where I couldn't take it ANYMORE. I felt like I was going nuts. Svelte, to your point another girl he dated before me, his high school girlfriend, ended up institutionalized for a while. The next girl had an Order of Protection levvied against him. But, I guess that wasn't enough for me to GET IT. I was younger and clearly stupid.

My friends tell me to be thankful I, "dodged that bullet" and it is the absolute truth. Strangely, he is now married to the chick that had the Order of Protection against him. I actually feel the most empathy for her and her children.
You know ladies, I find it very interesting that the women who dated these men later ended up developing mental illnesses. Assuming that these women didn't have family history of mental illness or other factors leaning toward development of mental illness, it's just very eye-opening to me that the stress and strain of dealing with a mentally ill person triggered mental illness in their own lives.

I don't know for sure if I was involved with someone who was diagnosed as mentally ill (outside of depression/anxiety disorder -- which is a mental illness, but nothing to the extent of bipolar/schizophrenia), but I do tend to believe that at least one guy I dated for a short period might have been... looking back, his behavior didn't always seem "normal," and it created a lot of frustration for me...

Hmmm... very enlightening thread! Thank you for sharing your stories.
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Yeah once your emotions are tied to a mentally ill person it's almost inevitable you will experience some form of mental illness as well. When a person that close to you starts playing mind games..you are susceptible to losing your mind, because they are playing to win it. With therapy and time away from the individual you can recover, but it makes you leery of the mental/emotional state of potential partners.

I'm thankful for the experience because it was such an eye opener, I learned to trust my instincts, it also changed my tendency to love someone out of sympathy and recognize when someone is trying to figure out what will get me to like them so that they can try to morph into a shell of that. If I don't like someone off the bat, it's for a reason and I trust that more than anything now. Also if a person has a drug or drinking problem its a major clue it's a person with a mental illness. If someone needs to alter their mind and reality all the time, they are not equipped to have a healthy relationship with.

ETA: It's so true about the drowning analogy..it can be a persons instinct to reach out to a person who is drowning but they can easily pull you in and hold you down so that you can drown with them, sometimes they are reaching up WITH that intent. I have no pity for fools anymore and boy can they be persistent. I'll be a b!tch for my sanity.
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Cyd & Song_of_Serenity: Were your exes on medication?

I suspect an ex has a mental problem.

My ex believed he was above taking medication. In fact, I don't think he believed he was sick at all.

I almost married mine too, my mom prayed EVERYDAY that I would stop dealing with him. She could see the ups and downs he'd put me through.
are you my twin?? SAME SITUATION. After it was done and he went back to Missouri, mum said "A lot of prayer went into that. A LOT. I knew he wasn't for you."

Yeah almost married him, glad I didn't. Man..I don't know where to begin. I just know I wouldn't do it again and there were plenty of signs. Not only was he bi-polar but he had narcissistic personality disorder. He was good for switching up his personality depending on who we were around. He expected me to be a blow up doll, smiling and happy all the time. If I was upset or tried to confront him with an issue, his leg would start shaking uncontrollably. He always tried to turn things right back around on me and make me feel guilty. When I tried to leave him earlier on, just knowing something 'ain't right' he'd beg and beg, apologize sometimes, others make it seem like "What are you DOING trying to leave me? Are you crazy?" almost making me stay. Then he'd make me feel guilty for trying to leave him..Ugh.

Scary part. I believe he KNEW and KNOWS he's ill but is in twisted denial taking the attitude that nothing is wrong with me, something is wrong with EVERYONE else. He'll go to EXTREME lengths to have a woman believe she's crazy before admitting he really is. He's had a few ex girlfriends end up in the hospital who showed no 'crazy' signs before him, nor after him.

I don't know where he is now but I hope he's matured enough to realize he is not fit to be in a relationship. He's extremely attractive and gets attention from women and men all the time..I just pray he has found some sort of peace within himself instead of searching for it with someone else, and to that persons detriment.

Oh..my..God above. SAME BLOODY THING!

It was always the world against him. He would do things and would NEVER be in the wrong, it was someone else's fault. He touted himself to be so great and above others and said I was "perfect and ideal" for him since we were both on another plane of existence. :rolleyes:

I tried to leave him over 11 times, even when he was here, and he'd bang on my door early as 2am "I love you, I'm sorry, let me in!" Had neighbors side eying me...then we'd get together and things were great. But the moment I showed any displeasure, "HOW COULD YOU?" as if I was to remain a painted happy doll with a permagrin and he could rant and rage against the world and the things "I" did to him. Then flip the script on me and show me the situation wasn't what I saw at ALL!

And he was cruel...very...very cruel, like he was calculated and knew exactly how to hurt and hurt DEEP. DEEP. Like a freaking surgical KNIFE deep.

However, when he was nice? It was AMAZING. AMAZING. Literally walk miles on foot back and forth just because so he could sit and catch me as soon as I got off work...and then massage MY feet...he was kind, INTELLIGENT, very, VERY handsome...but oh, he could flip out on you...

The last straw came after he went back home and I found out from talking to his brother that the entire history of their family he told me was a LIE. A THREE almost four year LIE...The brother couldn't believe when I told him he sat in church every time the door was open with me. He said "Yeah, that's the image of himself he sold to YOU. But when he's around our older brother (wanna be white gangster, speaks slang, smokes weed, steals) he acts like he likes hip hop music, that lifestyle. When he's around me, he's always in the car reaching for the country stations cause he knows that what me and my folk like...with you? The God and church situation."

I was FLOORED. That's not even the HALF of it, not even a QUARTER but for privacy, I won't list it here. I will state that he LIED about having LUNG CANCER after he went back. Lung freaking cancer...and considering he has a mediacal background was able to convincingly spout of the ins and outs of what the "doctor said" However, even then, holes in the story.

...things ended terribly and needless to say without saying, the engagement was OFF.

When he came back after finding me online, going on 3 weeks ago, he DID seem changed. 10 months had passed and I thought "Maybe it was immaturity vs a mental issue" since his brother had his own issues and had eventually tried to seduce me. MARRIED with 3 kids. He was sane, though. Anyway, it seemed he changed...but he'd dated 4 women after me. One befriended me wanting to know if he treated me the same as he treated her. The girl was almost INSANE after everything he put her through...she couldn't sleep, she was torn up inside...and she only dealt with him for 2.5 MONTHS.

And I don't know about you, but guys like that...the way they leave, comeback, twist, warp things...have you second guessing YOURSELF ("well maybe it wasn't REALLY like that") and you take them back...and it happens again, and then it's YOUR fault and then you leave and they cry and things are awesome until that dark side comes out.

It saw things from the outside in this girl and seeing that I didn't dream it up and I wasn't crazy and it wasn't "ME" but just "HIM" was validation ENOUGH. Things ended TERRIBLY after I wouldn't take him back (he tried for TWO WEEKS and silly me thought we could be "friends" and I could help him with his issues. Psh) and then he did the same old manipulative, twist things up on me, this is your fault, etc, etc thing.

I was too through. I got what God wanted me to see and whatever inside me that wasn't chipped out for him is GONE, thank you Jesus. I pray, my family prays for him...and the next girl he's with. The guy I'm building something on (I'm cautious, as you can imagine) is great and funny and loving...and understanding as well...but never again will I even let that man back into my life. Never. He needs HELP.
No, I have not gone there, but I have a sister who married a man with NPD. She also has Borderline personality disorder..but I only learned why they were so crazy together fairly recently.
I've read a few books, and it is my understanding that people with mental inllness tend to relate together because it is almost like 2 sides of the same coin. Its like they play off on each others deficiencies in a way that just causes sooooooo much drama. It is heartbreaking to watch because there is no end in sight. Especially when they are children involved. They almost always dont heal from their situations. Its the same thing with the doormat and the player-each is acting out the extreme ends of codependency.
I do know that people can function more normally with medication..they just have to be dilligent with taking it everyday.
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Yeah once your emotions are tied to a mentally ill person it's almost inevitable you will experience some form of mental illness as well. When a person that close to you starts playing mind games..you are susceptible to losing your mind, because they are playing to win it. With therapy and time away from the individual you can recover, but it makes you leery of the mental/emotional state of potential partners.

I'm thankful for the experience because it was such an eye opener, I learned to trust my instincts, it also changed my tendency to love someone out of sympathy and recognize when someone is trying to figure out what will get me to like them so that they can try to morph into a shell of that. If I don't like someone off the bat, it's for a reason and I trust that more than anything now. Also if a person has a drug or drinking problem its a major clue it's a person with a mental illness. If someone needs to alter their mind and reality all the time, they are not equipped to have a healthy relationship with.

ETA: It's so true about the drowning analogy..it can be a persons instinct to reach out to a person who is drowning but they can easily pull you in and hold you down so that you can drown with them, sometimes they are reaching up WITH that intent. I have no pity for fools anymore and boy can they be persistent. I'll be a b!tch for my sanity.

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***I apologize for the length in advance***

WOW! Just reading what you ladies have gone through is really an eye-opener! But it's also encouraging too because you ladies eventually got away from these men who were "not quite right" and found better happier relationships afterwards.

I was a psychology major, so issues like these and mental disorders always interest me.

In answer to the OP's question....

Yes, I've experienced what mental illness in a SO can do to a person. I've experienced it by seeing what my mom has been through, and also from my OWN personal experience with an "ex".

My mom...
My mom is married to my stepfather who has been diagnosed as bi-polar and suffering from depression. He grew up with a horrible childhood. :nono: That's another reason why it's good to ask guys how they grew up, or what their family dynamic was like, because it really does shape you as a person when you get older...whether you want it to or not. :ohwell: Anyway, before he was even diagnosed, I would notice that he would change!! Like, he would do a "Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde" type of switch!!

One minute he would be very nice, fun, outgoing and lively, and then the next minute he'd be saying underhanded nasty things, his face would change to being mean/angry, or he would be very irritated! Of course, he didn't change within a minute...I'm just exaggerating, but his switch was such a stark contrast!

Eventually over the years, he has gotten help. He has gone to counseling, and has taken medication for his illness. Let me tell you, medication is WONDERFUL! He's like a totally different person! The "nice guy" that he could always be is finally there ALL the time. He doesn't have mood swings as often (if at all), and he just generally seems happier. :yep: He seems a LOT more stable now.

However, make no mistake...it has not been an easy ride for my mom. They have seperated and reconcilled more than twice, and she has had a LOT of heartache, pain, and frustration over the years due to his illness. However, they are still trying! So, it just goes to show that sometimes things can work out if one partner has a mental illness, but THEY have to recognize that they have a problem, and get HELP. I don't think a healthy relationship can be had any other way.

My experience...
For me...I was dealing with an "ex" guy "friend" of mine who I really do suspect has some mental issues as well. :look: His behavior or issues don't seem to be as serious or glaringly obvious as what some of you ladies have experienced, but deep down I still think that he has some type of issues.

For one thing, he's MOODY as all get out! :nono: Any little thing can get him moody and in a bad mood. His moods tend to go up and down at the drop of a hat. One minute he can be smiling, the next minute he's upset. Or, he can go from being upset to being happy in less than 10 minutes. Hmmm.... :look: Another thing...I feel like he needs women or female attention in order to feel whole/complete/worthy. But yet, he is so strange sometimes around women. For example, he's very nice-looking, and has a great build so women usually fall at his feet. He can flirt with you and make you feel like the only woman in the room, but at the next encounter he can ignore you or act like he barely even knows you!

I went through so much pain and heartache over him for years!! :wallbash: I began to think whether or not I was going crazy! :dizzy: Before knowing him I never had the types of feelings that I had. I even slipped into a mild depression while going through issues with him. Plus, I would see how he would act towards other women he was interested in and he'd be the same way. Almost EVERY single woman who was interested in, or who had a "thing" with him would end up mad at him in some form or some way. Hmmm...that's a RED flag!! I saw how he would get so angry and fight with a girl he was dating (IN PUBLIC!) and how he would treat her with disrespect. Sometimes he seemed like he was the nicest guy in the world, and other times he was the meanest. :nono:

I now see that he can flip on and flip off his personality depending on who is in the room or who else is around. He's like a chameleon! I don't really know his TRUE personality sometimes! It's so weird!

I think he kind of knew though that he had some type of problem or some form of depression or whatever, because whenever I would confront him with his behavior or actions, he would get all sweet and quiet and tell me that he was sorry and that he knew that he had to work on his personality and that "a lot of people" tell him that he's this way, etc. So, I think deep down he KNOWS that there's something not quite right with him. Sometimes I honestly feel sorry for him, and other times I can't stand him lol.

To this day, I don't even know what's wrong with him! I don't know how to "diagnose" him lol...and I've spent WAAY too much time analyzing and OVER-analyzing him. He's dating some other girl right now, and he seems a little more "normal" these days, but I still see signs that he's not quite right. I just wonder when or if his current gf notices his behavior. Every single girl that I have known him to be with always seems to end up "babying" him, or trying to take care of him somehow. It's like, he leads them to believe that he's helpless or needs so much consoling or what not. It's really a weird thing. :perplexed

I figure that he has some sort of depression mixed in with low self-esteem, insecurity, immaturity, ambivalence/emotionally unavailable and perhaps a little bi-polar disorder in there somewhere. His moods are very HIGH and low, and constantly changing. Anyway, whatever it is... I really do hope that somewhere down the line my "ex"/guy friend gets some help. If not by medication, then at least get some counseling. I think counseling would probably do him a world of good. He's in a relationship right now, but honestly I don't think he is emotionally capable of having a HEALTHY relationship. I think he needs more time and maturity. He really needs to take care of his inner demons first. I feel like he has a lot of pent up anger inside. :ohwell: But the thing is, people have to recognize that they need help.

If there's one thing that this experience and the experience my mom has gone through has shown me, it's that I just want someone NORMAL...or at least a guy who has a pretty even personality. I don't want any guys who are UP and DOWN all the time. I've been on that rollercoaster before, and I say NEVER again! :nono: It's sooo not worth it! I used to cry myself to sleep because of how that "ex" guy treated me! He had me second-guessing myself, and questioning my self-worth. He made me wonder if maybe I was being too harsh or was going crazy! He made me feel like if he was unhappy, it was because of something that I did. If he was happy, I was happy. But if he was upset...I felt like I was to blame. He knew how to cut me with a glaring look or a harsh word here and there. :ohwell: He caused me so much pain and heartache. When he was nice, he was wonderful. Attentive, caring, sexy, and fun. But when he was his "other self" he was cold, distant, rude, mean, and hurtful. :( Then, later on or a few days/weeks later he'd want to be all nice and apologize or be "normal" again. UGH!! :wallbash: It was like he was making me go crazy! Like...am I the one that's nuts?? :nuts: I don't want this type of relationship anymore.

I've also learned how to detect "red flags" in guys a lot better now. :yep: Now days I'm MUCH more observant of a guy and his behavior...not only towards me, but towards OTHERS. I secretly watch a lot more now. :sekret: I just take it all in. If a guy isn't making me feel "right", or is treating me (or others) with disrespect, I don't just make excuses for his behavior now. These days I take that to be a HUGE glaring sign that maybe this guy is not the guy for me. I also pay attention to the little "voice" inside my head that tells me that something doesn't feel right. If it doesn't feel right, then chances are it's NOT right.

As women it's hard for us to not feel sorry for some men or try to "nurture" them because that's in our blood. Especially if you're a psych major like me. But now that I've healed more and more, I realize that I dont' want a guy that I "feel sorry" for. I'm a woman...so I want a MAN...not a child. Now, it's one thing if you're married and your husband develops some kind of depression or illness. AFterall, marriage is for better or for worse. But I don't want to be dating some guy who I have to be trying to analyze, or help feel better all the time. It's too much work!

Oh..my..God above. SAME BLOODY THING!

It was always the world against him. He would do things and would NEVER be in the wrong, it was someone else's fault. He touted himself to be so great and above others and said I was "perfect and ideal" for him since we were both on another plane of existence. :rolleyes:

Hmm...he sounds like he might have NPD (Narccissistic Personality Disorder).
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Yeah once your emotions are tied to a mentally ill person it's almost inevitable you will experience some form of mental illness as well. When a person that close to you starts playing mind games..you are susceptible to losing your mind, because they are playing to win it. With therapy and time away from the individual you can recover, but it makes you leery of the mental/emotional state of potential partners.

I'm thankful for the experience because it was such an eye opener, I learned to trust my instincts, it also changed my tendency to love someone out of sympathy and recognize when someone is trying to figure out what will get me to like them so that they can try to morph into a shell of that. If I don't like someone off the bat, it's for a reason and I trust that more than anything now. Also if a person has a drug or drinking problem its a major clue it's a person with a mental illness. If someone needs to alter their mind and reality all the time, they are not equipped to have a healthy relationship with.

ETA: It's so true about the drowning analogy..it can be a persons instinct to reach out to a person who is drowning but they can easily pull you in and hold you down so that you can drown with them, sometimes they are reaching up WITH that intent. I have no pity for fools anymore and boy can they be persistent. I'll be a b!tch for my sanity.

This is how I feel exactly!!! I trust my gut so much more and I expect so much more- no more 'Good Samaritan' relationships for me. I don't know for sure if he had mental issues but I'm actually writing a book. Reading your stories ladies was very encouraging-especially hearing how you moved past it. Thanks!
You know ladies, I find it very interesting that the women who dated these men later ended up developing mental illnesses. Assuming that these women didn't have family history of mental illness or other factors leaning toward development of mental illness, it's just very eye-opening to me that the stress and strain of dealing with a mentally ill person triggered mental illness in their own lives.

I don't know for sure if I was involved with someone who was diagnosed as mentally ill (outside of depression/anxiety disorder -- which is a mental illness, but nothing to the extent of bipolar/schizophrenia), but I do tend to believe that at least one guy I dated for a short period might have been... looking back, his behavior didn't always seem "normal," and it created a lot of frustration for me...

Hmmm... very enlightening thread! Thank you for sharing your stories.

I just wanted to address the your first paragraph from my own personal experience.

I know that I went through some form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, better known as shell shock, when I ended my relationship with my ex. I was living in a basement apartment, the only time I went out was to go to work and to church, i could not listen to loud music, watch the news, and the only time I came into contact with people was at work or church. And NO ONE was allowed into my personal space. I literally went in to hiding. I still have triggers, think about it daily, and physical reactions to some situations. Since then I have been overwhlemed with emotions I did not allow myself to feel while I was in the relationship and really tring to sort the whole thing out mentally.

I have come a long way (It will be three years in October) since then with lots of prayers, love and help from my friends, and patience and understanding from my family.

Looking back in retrospect, I think women fall into mental illness due to these relationships because:

A) During the relationship, your are living on the edge and struggling for survival. I was always on the look out for the other shoe to drop and waiting on the sky to fall. You have to be on guard 24/7 with my defenses up because even if things are going good, it can get very ugly in a split second.

B) I had to learn to hold everything in and supress my emotions because I had to be able react quickly and calmly to any situation that popped up in order not to escalate the situation, again it was about survival.

In order to do A and B I had to detach myself reason (doing what made sense), my feelings/emotions, and my support system. I was isolated and alone. You would be amazed at the distace your mind travels to get to such a state. I think it is the ability to make mental journey "to hell and back" is what makes or breaks people.

On the flip side, since my relationship ended, I am working on making that mental journey back, to truly feel joy and pain, to stop looking over my shoulder and gain my sense of security, to be convinced that someone would want me as I am, despite it all and through come what may and not settle for anything less than who God has planned for me.... become reattached to my world. I am not where I want to be, but I am still trying to get there and I am still here.
^^^OMG, I think I had some type of PTSD too. I had to cut a bunch of people who truly love me and care about me out of my life while I got through things with him and then recovered from being with him. I'm at years later too, and I'm finally rebuilding relationships with people (outside of family) who love me.

I'm really proud of all of us who have escaped with (most...lol) of our sanity and good sense. I'm sure some of you reading are judging, but it can happen to the best of us. I thought my ex was great, an accountant, interning/working at Fortune 100s, sitting on the Board of Trustees for his University, an Alpha, networking among the banking/financial industry elite here in Chicago...on paper he sounds GREAT! But in reality, dude was SICK.

After reading this thread and realizing that a lot of the women that deal with these types of guys are susceptible to developing mental illness too, I've actually decided to get myself checked out. I asked my beau his thoughts, but of course, he's too close to the situation to really make a sound judgement. I'm pretty sure I'm recovered, but like Mr. Cyd says, having a doctor check out your mental health is no different than having a doctor check out your physical health.
Been there. I almost married him too. I know exactly how you feel. On top of being bipolar he was also a momma's boy. The best thing that happened to me was when God moved him out of my life.

Once he told me he was going to commit suicide in front of me. I just couldn't look at him the same again.

ETA: A while after him I dated a guy with PTSD and some other issues. That was short lived because I saw it from the start. The other ex knew his diagnosis but would not take medicine though I begged. This one did not know but since I worked with people with mental illnesses I saw it right off and got out of there.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an emotional illness that develops as a result of a terribly frightening, life-threatening, or otherwise highly unsafe experience. PTSD sufferers re-experience the traumatic event or events in some way, tend to avoid places, people, or other things that remind them of the event (avoidance), and are exquisitely sensitive to normal life experiences (hyperarousal). Although this condition has likely existed since human beings have endured trauma, PTSD has only been recognized as a formal diagnosis since 1980.

I avoid (still) certain places and people that remind me of the guy. Certain restaurants that he cut a fool at, certain people that remind me of him....geez. I hate people telling stories about him. If this is true for me, it was fairly mild.
Been there. I almost married him too. I know exactly how you feel. On top of being bipolar he was also a momma's boy. The best thing that happened to me was when God moved him out of my life.

Once he told me he was going to commit suicide in front of me. I just couldn't look at him the same again.

Ditto, ditto.
He threatened to kill himself SO many times. Once he said he was going to jump in font of a train (after I ended it) and said how he'd end up in hell...another, he said he was on the ledge of his (6th floor) apartment. I don't know what was real or lie now...but I imagine in his mind, it was all truth!

I thank GOD my trust issues haven't been tampered TOO much...not too much. Butif any guy is showing any signs? Unlike that situation where I though love could cure all and I could be miss fix it? no WAY. Not worth me and MY mental health..

When I say people like that get under your skin, they DO. It's a specific kind of soul ache. You find yourself a casualty of their own mental war...and trust, you won't be the last victim until they get the help they need. 4 girls AFTER me and many more before me have showed me this...I feel a bit uneasy because something tells me he's going to be back. Not just contact but coming back to this state. :nono:

Ditto, ditto.
He threatened to kill himself SO many times. Once he said he was going to jump in font of a train (after I ended it) and said how he'd end up in hell...another, he said he was on the ledge of his (6th floor) apartment. I don't know what was real or lie now...but I imagine in his mind, it was all truth!

I thank GOD my trust issues haven't been tampered TOO much...not too much. Butif any guy is showing any signs? Unlike that situation where I though love could cure all and I could be miss fix it? no WAY. Not worth me and MY mental health..

When I say people like that get under your skin, they DO. It's a specific kind of soul ache. You find yourself a casualty of their own mental war...and trust, you won't be the last victim until they get the help they need. 4 girls AFTER me and many more before me have showed me this...I feel a bit uneasy because something tells me he's going to be back. Not just contact but coming back to this state. :nono:

Yes. He was a cutter as well. I am so happy to be away from him and over him. I pray for the other women he's with because he could be violent. He found me on twitter today. I promptly blocked him. I will not let him in on my life again.​
Lucky for you all that you didn't marry your SOs. I did!
Not only was he just like the man that Crystalicequeen dated but he went off to war and came back drinking and cursing (he never did either of these things before he left). He told me how much he hated the war and would never go back. Only to turn around and go right back by choice.

I'm currently in the midst of a divorce from him. He had me going crazy plenty of times, afraid to confront situations so I could avoid the drama, second-guessing whether or not the sky was really blue cuz he convinced me that I was crazy because it was really green while all the while I was looking at a blue sky.
Not really but that crazy sentence describes our crazy marriage. Our good times were great our bad times were devastating. We went to counselor and he showed her his true colors as well. The rest of the world sees him as perfect:rolleyes:

How do you distinguish between an emotionally abusive man, a player, and a mentally ill SO?
Yeah almost married him, glad I didn't. Man..I don't know where to begin. I just know I wouldn't do it again and there were plenty of signs. Not only was he bi-polar but he had narcissistic personality disorder. He was good for switching up his personality depending on who we were around. He expected me to be a blow up doll, smiling and happy all the time. If I was upset or tried to confront him with an issue, his leg would start shaking uncontrollably. He always tried to turn things right back around on me and make me feel guilty. When I tried to leave him earlier on, just knowing something 'ain't right' he'd beg and beg, apologize sometimes, others make it seem like "What are you DOING trying to leave me? Are you crazy?" almost making me stay. Then he'd make me feel guilty for trying to leave him..Ugh.

Scary part. I believe he KNEW and KNOWS he's ill but is in twisted denial taking the attitude that nothing is wrong with me, something is wrong with EVERYONE else. He'll go to EXTREME lengths to have a woman believe she's crazy before admitting he really is. He's had a few ex girlfriends end up in the hospital who showed no 'crazy' signs before him, nor after him.

I don't know where he is now but I hope he's matured enough to realize he is not fit to be in a relationship. He's extremely attractive and gets attention from women and men all the time..I just pray he has found some sort of peace within himself instead of searching for it with someone else, and to that persons detriment.

Wow, that was some serious crap there. I'm glad you're not in that relationship anymore. Just hope noone else gets sidetracked with his "goodlooks" and not see him for what he really is.
Yeah Showing your true colours. I have friend that was dating a guy EXACTLY like that. She went completely I mean off the wall straight jacket padded room off. Many years later she STILL talks about this man even though he has since married twice. But he is so good as showing his representative no one sees this all they see is this BEAUTIFUL man so good looking he would make your panties melt. But the man is nuts and he drives all his women nuts too.

Okay one is on Full and complete dialysis because of so much Cocaine usage when they were together. One tried to kill herself and the other just went nuts. With this guy you don't see it coming and women throw themselves at him because on paper he is all that and much more. A beautiful Blacktalian man. Real Estate up the wazzoo. Self-Made Rich as goats milk. but it is so hard to fathom the destruction that people like this cause other people in their lives when they are like this and don't seek help. 11 years later and my friend still has issues
I've been there. Ex would be nice and normal and then out of the blue be cursing and knocking things down. We would go out and have a good time , come home and the next morning he would give me the silent treatment. At first I would drive myself crazy trying to figure out what was wrong until I realized it was a game he was playing with my emotions. Everything was my fault, including when his ex took him to court for child support. He came home and threw things around the hose and called me names. The weird thing was he would deny this things and act liked it never happened. Even worse he would claim I was the one cursing and screaming. It makes me angry all over again just thinking about it. He was always craving female attention, but bascially used to ignore me. Run as fast as you can if you meet someone like this.
Brown he did that to me too. He would call me names, ignore my calls, break up with me then the next week call me back like nothing happened. Then if I asked about it, he would act like I was actually crazy and making things up or he would make up some lie.