ever been told "you are not white" because of you hair regimen?

Me: "Yeah I wash my hair with conditioner every othr day now, keeps it really soft"
My cousin: "Oh lawd, you been living around them white folk too long."

OP, i feel your frustration. I just ignore the comments. Like some of the other ladies said, the condition of your hair will speak for itself.
yeah. Due to the fact I do alot of cowashing. One in particular person tells me, my hair will fall out, and do I think im white, cause black people not suppose to wet their hair that often.
I have been told similar stuff, not by family but by others while in college. I once was asked why do I use Pantene, why do I use this and that? thats for white folks. I told my room mate its a free country, I can use mustard if I choose to wash my hair lol. And besides its not written on the bottle, just for white people.

ignorant @$$e$, if she looks on the ingredients of a bottle of those so-called "black products" she'll see that they are damn near the same. mineral oil? check, silicones? check parabens? check check! it's the SAME THING

Just the other day I was in the BSS with my mother and I said "ugh I haven't washed my hair in two days" and she screamed "You are black! only white people wash their hair everyday" I just looked like :perplexed

But washing frequently has helped me grow and retain .. I will def reach 7 inches a year !!
Girl, I get it all the time too. I went to my aunt's house on last year at for a 4th of July party and this little white girl (10 yr) from next door told my cousin, "I know that she has a weave, because black people can't grow their hair long like ours." My cousin (almost 9 yr) told her that it was my hair (at the time I was a little past BSL). The little girl insisted that I had a weave and it led to an argument my cousin beating her butt. I spoke with my cousin and told her that violence still didn't prove anything to the little girl. Let ignorant people be ignorant. If you try to educate them and they still insist that they're correct and you're wrong then just let it be. The proof is in the results.
I had a few none believers. They would say, "There you go again, you are not suppose to wash your hair everyday." I continued (co-washing) and now they say how long my hair has grown even after I cut off about 4 inches of permed hair last year. Anywho, they still don't believe me when I tell them I will be bra strap length in April 09. I will then cut off all of the permed ends and wear wash and goes and a sew-in when I want to wear it straight. I just want to show them that if you educate yourself you can pretty much do anything you want to do.

I can't wait until I can have a long thick, rope like all natural ponytail.
I've gotten this too...my friend says she hates it when black girls use white products:rolleyes:

I hide my hair at school so no one knows my growth...but when I reach BSL and have it swanging:grin: they won't be able to dispute what I say

LOL. I wonder if white people hate it when they get blood transfusions or open heart surgery! People are so stupid.
Oh my goodness, YES.

Me and my roommate got into it so bad one night. She knows what I think better than I do, because apparently I think I'm white. Even when I wasn't co-washing everyday, I thought I was white because of products I used. Just because something isn't in the "ethnic" section (what does that even mean anyway?) doesn't mean black people can't use it.

I got a little of that but fortunately, most of the people in my life haven't been that crass and stupid. What I do get is when I go to the drugstore or Sally's and they ask me if I need help (I'm wondering if they offered help to the white patrons as well) and if I say I'm getting a shampoo, they direct me to the "ETHNIC" section. I'm like, "did I bleepin' say I wanted something in the bleepin' ethnic section?" I hate that. People are a trip. Shampoo is shampoo and conditioner is conditioner. Whichever products work well, then let peeps get on with whatever works for them.
It jsu tburns me up..I guess cuz I go to a yt university. I always get the "You think you are white, superior, etc cuz you wash your hair so often" borrring
Yep. Before I decided to go natural I told my mom I hadn't had a relaxer in a long time and she said, "Why? You're not white. You're not mixed." :nono:
My old stylist. I told her that I used TreSemme conditioner (sometimes to cowash) and literally, she was like,
"See, there. You can't use those other people's stuff. See, their hair is wash and go. Your hair is thick and coarse, it's not like mine. See, if you had fine hair like mine, maybe you could get away with that but you can't be using those other people's stuff. It will dry out your hair."

I just shook my head :nono:. There is a big difference between fine hair and thin hair that obviously no one told her about. I'll stick with my cowashes and deep conditioning. Like s/o else said, "the proof is in the pudding.":lick: lol
LOL That was funny.

I don't really have anyone comment on my hair practices. But I do see it the opposite way....I live in a predominantly AA area (despite this, the ethnic section is still a whole 2 shelves long). And sometimes I see white people (men and women) perusing the black hair care section in CVS or the grocery store. But it's funny because every time someone passes them they act like they accidentally picked up what they had been looking at for the past 2 minutes:rolleyes:, or they'll fake like they were just passing along then they'll go back and try to pick up what they wanted real quick without anyone looking:rolleyes:.

And they usually have this look on their face like they are expecting someone to run up and yell "YOU AIN'T BLACK!!!", smack the ish out their hand, and run away. LOL!

I really don't understand the whole black vs. white hair practice thing. Just do what works for you and leave me out of it....

:lachen::lachen::lachen: the bolded is hilarious

I had girls in college tell me I wash my hair to much. A white girl told me, "Black people aren't suppose to wash their hair that much. I'm white and I know that!" She was really serious. Can't blame her though, she only knew what some other black people told her. I educated her, so she knows better now. Too bad the same didn't work for the black girls :ohwell:.
My cousin commented me on my hair today (growth and thickness). I then proceeded to explain my regimen to her and the second I told her i wash and dc my hair every 3 days she told me "You are not White". LOL. I just replied with "Wait until the summer when I reach my SL/APL goal you are going to be dying to get my regimen."