Do you hate when people ask you what you use on your hair because I do

For some odd reason, I can almost tell when it's someone that's genuinely interested or whether it's someone looking for a magic potion. That determines how I answer the question, but my basic answer to anyone is conditioning, deep conditioning and minimal heat. Just as someone else mentioned, it irks me when I give that answer and the person proceeds to "but what are you mixed with? Your hair just can't be like that from doing what you said to it"

Sometimes when a person has a particular question specific to THEIR hair, I am more than happy to tell them some things that I "heard" that would work and encourage them to try them.

Even family can be a little annoying. I just got home and was wearing a wash and go. My aunt says "what did you do to your hair?" I told her I washed it, left a little conditioner in it and used a little coconut oil. Her response: "no, what kind of set is that, like a straw set or something? How did you get all the curls?" I told her I just washed it. She kept asking what technique I used to get the curls.......By this time I was tired and I just looked at her like I didn't understand what she was talking about. (I visited a friend I hadn't seen just the day before and she wanted to know what kind of "technique" I used to get the curls too)
:o OMG sooooo now I know what I did wrong. One day, while waiting for the elevator, I complimented a sista on her hair . . . and of course I asked about how she cares for it. She shook her head, said " nothing special", she then rolled her eyes and got into the elevator. I thought to myself, "what a b**ch! That was before I started lurking on LHCF. I always notice healthy heads of hair but now I keep my comments to myself. Anyway, I think I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and what works best for my hair. It's still a work in progress but my hair is so much healthier these days.
Barbie, your hair is beautiful!

I allow myself to compliment ladies here in the forum LOL.

I think the "mixed race" question comes up for 2 reasons. First, because some hair types are quite hard when left in the natural. Secondly, because of marketing of so many "miracle" black hair products. It's obvious we are beating that MYTH to death.
We don't need a miracle, our hair just needs TLC.
I love talking hair, but unfortunately I have never met a person in real life that enjoys, lol. I just hate getting the stink eye. Even family get that glazed over look in their eyes, but I keep on talking to them about it, lol. You can't do stuff like that with people you work with or go to school with. I'm going to start going with the minimal answers.
Barbie, your hair is beautiful!

I allow myself to compliment ladies here in the forum LOL.

I think the "mixed race" question comes up for 2 reasons. First, because some hair types are quite hard when left in the natural. Secondly, because of marketing of so many "miracle" black hair products. It's obvious we are beating that MYTH to death.
We don't need a miracle, our hair just needs TLC.

I agree.....even my hair type (whatever it is) gets quite hard if I just leave it in its natural state and don't put anything on it. I just wish more people would be more open minded and think outside the box when it comes to hair. Black people (somewhere in the world) have been growing long hair for years; I guess most other black just haven't been exposed to it. LOL

Oh, amd I am a little shy when it comes to asking someone what they do to their hair; I have to ease into it b/c I don't know what their initial reaction will be. I did this with a new employee of mine. I had been noticing her beautiful long and thick ponytail, but didn't want to seem like a hair stalker. We started talking about hair one day and exchanged hair stories and the next day she bought quite a few things for me to try from her stash!

It really doesn't bother me and I get asked a lot! People have even stopped me and asked what I put on my sons hair. (I have 3 curly haired boys and people act as though they are shocked when they learn that I only use leave in conditioner for my sons.) Anyway, I typically just answer and keep it moving. Although I've learned that different products work different on different heads, it doesn't bother me to answer because it may very well help someone.
the only reason i dislike having folks ask me what i use is because of the 50-11 types of products i use so i try to narrow it down for them
I don't mind as long as they are sincere and really want to know. but some folks i just tell them it grows out my scalp that way:look:. Really jack em up:lachen:.