What was your hair regimen before LHCF

Any box relaxer about 8 weeks or so.
CON old formula every week
Queen helene cholesterol every week
Infusium - stuff was tha bomb in the 80's :look"
Wire mesh rollersets with amber pins

Pink oil lotion or some hair "food" grease that was on sale

If I blowfried it I would then use Infusium in a spray bottle to put the moisture back in cause it felt dry :lachen:

Hair stayed APL because my mother always felt it needed a trim and used just any ole' scissors to do it.

Found LHCF and......:rocker:
during 5 years of being natural I never moisturized. never did a deep condition or pre-poo. I combed through my natural 4a/b hair dry (snap, crackle and pop) :nono:. I fried my hair 2 years ago using my flat iron several days in a row at 400 degrees. Oh, yeah, when I washed I attempted to comb through my thick hair without sectioning. After only 7 weeks of a good regimen my hair is thanking me.
Let's see...
Flatironed my hair once a day it seems.
Washed my hair bi-weekly or even less than that.
Used whatever products were in the "Black folks section."
Wrapped my hair everynight.
Got relaxers every 6 weeks.
Wore my hair down almost every day.

Annnnnnnnd :band: drumroll pleeeeaase, below is what my hair looked like:


LHCF saved my "hair" life. Please believe that!
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I went though phases of bad hair choices...
When I was younger..like middle school I would rarely relax..(maybe every 5 months..or when ever my mama would perm my hair) but I would rarely wash too...probably once every 3 weeks. I had no idea what condish was or moisturizers. All I used was grease..I would use the thick indian hemp grease and brush my hair back into a pony. I never knew what a flat iron or curling iron was...but the blow dryer was my best friend :giggle:

When I got to high school I started going to the salons and thats when I learned what deep conditioning was. I thought it was a "treatment" something that should only be done every once in a while as a special treat to your hair. Same with HOTs...so I only did them when I got a relaxer or when I went to the salon for a wash..:nono: still never met the flat iron at this point. My hair was always between NL and a little past SL.

When I got to college I became somewhat self styled but just because I was broke as a joke. I got my first flat iron as a hand me down from my best friend when she BC'd (before we knew what a BC was..lol) thats when I went crazy with the flat iron but I would deep condish every week..I didn't do HOTs tho..and I relaxed every 6 weeks faithfully cuz someone told me that if you went past 6 weeks your hair would fall out *kanye shrug* All I can say is thank goodness for LHCF. I'm still getting it together..but I'm thankful for the timing. :yep:

ETA: Great post OP!
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Didn't really have to much of a regi. I just wore sew-ins for about 2 months, then I would take them down, wash and condition it then get another sew in. It stayed SL for years of doing this.
I was a KISS girl before LHCF. Pantene shampoo, conditioner, and liquid leave in spray. Neutrogena triple moisture serum, blow dry and flat iron. I washed every third day because my hair seemed 'dry' after 3 days. I flat ironed every day and often wore too tight ponytail elastics. Relaxed about every 4-5 weeks. Took mega doses of biotin. I was in a perpetual cycle of grow, abuse, break, and trim to even up. Never made it to SL, but my hair looked longish because I have a long neck, and I always had swang.
Self relax my whole head whenever I felt like it - it wasn't even effective on my 3A hair because I wasn't doing it right
Shampo and condition 1x per week
Flat iron every day multiple times a day without any heat protectant. I kept my flat iron at my desk in college so I could just run it through my hair while I studied
intersting thread,i ve been in hair boards 10 years but i ve slipped into bad habits on and off .
I used to co wash everyday (made my hair shed) .Use Silicon based serums such as Proclaim gloss.
Never clarify .
Use Sulfate Shampoos 1 /2 a week (my hair was basically always wet)
Use a hair dryer every other day in the winter .
Use products with mineral oil (which wasnt so bad but all that heaviness made my hair fall out)
Touch my hair all the time .
Use Dr Miracles ..did nothing good to my hair.
Wash and DC 2x monthly. Blow dry weekly, and flat or use curling iron 2 to 4x in a week. No protective styles. No daily moisture or vitamins.
color and relax when I felt like it. used all kinds of products, flat ironed when I got the tendency (which was every 3 days). glued in weave was my go to style every 2 weeks.
Shampooed my hair every 2-3 weeks.
Greased my scalp.
Never dc'd.
Flat ironed dirty hair.
Rarely slept with a satin scarf/bonnet.
Combed my hair from root to ends.
Overlapped relaxers.
Never moisturized and sealed.

It's a wonder I still had a head full of hair. LOL. Thank goodness for LHCF.