Encouraging love story


New Member
My GF and I have been close friends for like 20 years... We have seen each other through soooooooo many males. She was always a "giver," doing so much for friends and guys she was dating. A lot of our gfs took advantage of her, and she recently kicked them out of her life. We are very late 30s now, (like 30-11, 30-12 ... :giggle: )

She moved from Houston to Atlanta following this guy who was going to law school, 13 years ago. Long story short, fool dropped out of law school and made excuses about marrying her (you need to lose weight, you need to go to church, ... basically he is a little 8itch, and the girl in the relationship)

3 years ago she met this young guy at work and they went out twice and she dropped it. He was not serious, whatever. He has been known to have a crush on her ever since. Last year, she finally dropped the old guy after threatening for 8 years, and she and the new guy really got together and are getting married in September!!!

I talked to him today and he is SO in love with her. He says she "saved his life." He is always there for her, emotionally, financially, and physically (sexy!!!) He is SO sweet to her and really deserves her. He is 29, divorced and he seems to really know what a woman needs. Supportive, protective, can drop it like it's hot, tall, muscular, just sexy!!! A little rough around the edges, but he's willing to let her mold him!!! She just lost her job last week and he is stepping up in a way her old man NEVER would, even if he could. She got stopped for a DUI last night and he rushed to her side and is paying whatever needs to be paid.

I just wanted to encourage other ladies. Their story really encouraged me.

Anyone else know about an amazing love story?
Kinda random..but here it goes...

Right after Christmas I was up in Macy's hitting my favorite cosmetic counters, one of which is Clarins...

I frequent this particular store b/c I have a great relationship with the sales clerk there. So whenever I pop by she always shares her personal stuff as well as the cosmetic scoop...:look:

I know of her adventurous twenties, siblings issues, aging woes and the sorry dating life she's experienced since moving here...

This past summer her mom passed and noticed a shift in her. Not just the mourning process either..., after which she took a much needed leave of absence...

Flash forward to Jan 09, and me rolling up to the counter, asking for her..

I was informed that she left me a note...*blink blink*

The two ladies behind the counter both began to talk simultaneously.

They were giddy with delight...:dazed:(I was growing impatient)

The run down...

After the funeral, an old HS flame wrote her a letter telling her how much he still love her... She replied back the typical awww's that nice, and allowed him to fly in to see her....

Weeks later they were married and now she's married living in Hawaii. And blissfully happy, I hear...:love:

He's loaded, too...:giggle:

I still cant believe it...:grin:(I'm over the moon happy for her)
Ok, Curly...I'm still readin' the story...but I had to come in and say....you hurt my feelin's with this... "We are very late 30s now, (like 30-11, 30-12 ... )" :lol:
Kinda random..but here it goes...

Right after Christmas I was up in Macy's hitting my favorite cosmetic counters, one of which is Clarins...

I frequent this particular store b/c I have a great relationship with the sales clerk there. So whenever I pop by she always shares her personal stuff as well as the cosmetic scoop...:look:

I know of her adventurous twenties, siblings issues, aging woes and the sorry dating life she's experienced since moving here...

This past summer her mom passed and noticed a shift in her. Not just the mourning process either..., after which she took a much needed leave of absence...

Flash forward to Jan 09, and me rolling up to the counter, asking for her..

I was informed that she left me a note...*blink blink*

The two ladies behind the counter both began to talk simultaneously.

They were giddy with delight...:dazed:(I was growing impatient)

The run down...

After the funeral, an old HS flame wrote her a letter telling her how much he still love her... She replied back the typical awww's that nice, and allowed him to fly in to see her....

Weeks later they were married and now she's married living in Hawaii. And blissfully happy, I hear...:love:

He's loaded, too...:giggle:

I still cant believe it...:grin:(I'm over the moon happy for her)

OH MY GAHHHH! That story melted me! Good for her! I know you are tickled! Have you called her? I love happily ever afters!
Fluffy Red Thanks for sharing this as being 20-15 I am wondering what God has for me, if anyone. But I know he is out there!!!!!!!! And I sure wouldn't mind him being 29 either!!!!!!
I worded it incorrectly. That's how she said it to me. They stopped her on suspicion. She was not DUI. Passed all field sobriety tests. She was weaving trying to dial her danged phone!!! I scolded her about that.

If she didn't get a DUI, then what does her man need to pay for?

Anywho, I'm glad she ditched the guy dragging his feet.
If she didn't get a DUI, then what does her man need to pay for?

Anywho, I'm glad she ditched the guy dragging his feet.

I don't know what it is called, but she admitted to the cop she was dialing her phone while driving and the cop was following her for a mile and she was weaving.

Not familiar with police interactions. Is that not a citation?
I worded it incorrectly. That's how she said it to me. They stopped her on suspicion. She was not DUI. Passed all field sobriety tests. She was weaving trying to dial her danged phone!!! I scolded her about that.

Glad you cleared that up!:lol:
Awww Op, your story/your friend's story gave me the good shivers.
Like there's hope for all.
Yeah. i love happy endings too...
Kinda random..but here it goes...

Right after Christmas I was up in Macy's hitting my favorite cosmetic counters, one of which is Clarins...

I frequent this particular store b/c I have a great relationship with the sales clerk there. So whenever I pop by she always shares her personal stuff as well as the cosmetic scoop...:look:

I know of her adventurous twenties, siblings issues, aging woes and the sorry dating life she's experienced since moving here...

This past summer her mom passed and noticed a shift in her. Not just the mourning process either..., after which she took a much needed leave of absence...

Flash forward to Jan 09, and me rolling up to the counter, asking for her..

I was informed that she left me a note...*blink blink*

The two ladies behind the counter both began to talk simultaneously.

They were giddy with delight...:dazed:(I was growing impatient)

The run down...

After the funeral, an old HS flame wrote her a letter telling her how much he still love her... She replied back the typical awww's that nice, and allowed him to fly in to see her....

Weeks later they were married and now she's married living in Hawaii. And blissfully happy, I hear...:love:

He's loaded, too...:giggle:

I still cant believe it...:grin:(I'm over the moon happy for her)

This is a great story and you need to stay in touch.....she may need a "gayle" for her new "oprah" lifestyle!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
all the best to her, but I do not like people who drink and drive. that is so ignorant.

She said her friend was swerving while dialing her cellphone, not drinking, the police thought she was drinking because of the swerving. Not that driving, dialing and swerving is okay either:look:.
:lachen: the ladies of LHCF got all distracted from the fairytale when DUI was mentioned.
:rofl: WOMEN OF STANDARDS! :rofl:

I'm glad it wasn't a DUI, OP. And, happy for your girl. :yep: